Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 4651   2,770  O b43-fwcutter  751205  utility for extracting Broadcom 43xx  3,916  nobody
 4652   2,787  RFP b43-asm  513973  assembler and disassembler for Broadcom BCM43xx firmware  0  nobody
 4653   3,184  RFP b2sum  734112  BLAKE2 family of hash functions -- command-line tool  0  nobody
 4654   103  RFP axosyslog  1072543  cloud-native, syslog-ng compatible logging agent  0  nobody
 4655   1,126  RFP axolotl  992211  Signal Private Messenger unofficial client  2  nobody
 4656   2,787  RFP awslogs  802927  AWS CloudWatch logs for Humans  0  nobody
 4657   1,292  RFP awlsim  815196  S7 compatible soft-PLC  0  nobody
 4658   4,956  O awffull  581365  web server log analysis program  357  nobody
 4659   395  O awardeco  1049930  Decompress flashfiles equipped with an AWARD BIOS  16  nobody
 4660   2,845  RFP avt  723828  Aviation Tools  0  nobody
 4661   1,092  O avr-evtd  994655  AVR watchdog daemon for Linkstation/Kuroboxes  13  nobody
 4662   3,185  RFP avant-window-navigator  730676  MacOS X like panel for GNOME  5  nobody
 4663   2,951  RFP autosubmit  784438  Manage weather and climate experiments on supercomputers  0  nobody
 4664   2,107  RFP auto-resize-image  849332  Resizer for inline and attachment images (thunderbird)  0  nobody
 4665   1,708  O autopsy  832370  graphical interface to SleuthKit  341  nobody
 4666   4,792  O autoproject  636407  create a skeleton source package for a new program  230  nobody
 4667   2,742  RFH autopkgtest  846328  automatic as-installed testing for Debian packages  1,261  nobody
 4668   133  RFP automx2  963872  Email client configuration made easy (replaces automx)  0  nobody
 4669   2,822  RFP autoglade  495967  automagic application generation using Glade  0  nobody
 4670   63  RFA autogen  1010062  automated text file generator  47,534  nobody
 4671   2,209  RFP autoforwardportergit  863354  Tool for automatically merging local changes with new distr…  0  nobody
 4672   424  O autofdo  1041473  AutoFDO Profile Toolchain  16  nobody
 4673   42  O auto-dictionary-mode  1077885  automatic dictionary switcher for Emacs spell checking  56  nobody
 4674   2,870  O autodia  843364  generates UML diagrams from perl or C++ code  123  nobody
 4675   348  RFP auto-cpufreq  1053294  Automatic CPU speed & power optimizer  2  nobody
 4676   401  O autoconf2.13  977321  automatic configure script builder (obsolete version)  685  nobody
 4677   4,792  O autoclass  636406  automatic classification or clustering  107  nobody
 4678   281  O autobahn-cpp  1004235  WAMP in C++ for Boost/Asio  7  nobody
 4679   361  RFP authenticator  1016082  Generate Two-Factor Codes  0  nobody
 4680   486  RFP authentication-milter  1036235  A Perl implementation of email authentication standards rol…  0  nobody
 4681   577  RFP audiveris  547671  Optical Music Recognition module  2  nobody
 4682   2,737  RFP audioseg  688827  audio segmentation toolkit  0  nobody
 4683   3,184  RFP audela  744236  Astro-imaging software  0  nobody
 4684   1,595  RFP audacity-manual  959704  This is the user manual for Audacity audio editor  0  nobody
 4685   3,184  RFP ats2-mode  746026  Emacs major mode to edit ATS2 source code  0  nobody
 4686   1,313  RFP atomtopubsub  887799  parse Atom feeds and send them to XMPP PubSub nodes  0  nobody
 4687   1,583  RFP atomsk  878152  A tool for manipulating and converting atomic data files  12  nobody
 4688   2,117  RFP atomic  862765  Atomic Run Tool for installing/running/managing container i…  73  nobody
 4689   244  RFP atom  747824  hackable editor  1,278  nobody
 4690   1,783  RFP asynk  709161  Contacts synchronization for Google Contacts, BBDB and Outl…  0  nobody
 4691   3,691  RFP async-unix  718239  Async library for OCaml asynchronous programming (unix)  0  nobody
 4692   3,691  RFP async-extra  718240  Async library for OCaml asynchronous programming (extra)  0  nobody
 4693   3,691  RFP async-core  718238  Async library for OCaml asynchronous programming (core)  0  nobody
 4694   3,691  RFP async  718237  a library for OCaml asynchronous programming  0  nobody
 4695   992  RFP asusctl  1002702  A control daemon, CLI tools, and a collection of crates for…  4  nobody
 4696   3,045  O asterisk-prompt-es-co  823902  Colombian Spanish voice prompts for Asterisk  6  nobody
 4697   2,645  RFP asset-collector  814543  collect information about the used hardware/software  0  nobody
 4698   2,878  RFP aspy.yaml  793656  extensions to pyyaml  0  nobody
 4699   3,701  RFP aspsms-t  645103  aspsms-t is an open source /*GPL*/ jabber2sms transport wri…  0  nobody
 4700   580  O aspic  1031216  Line art generator  26  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!