Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 151   1,331  O xcolorsel  660512  display colors and names in X  602  nobody
 152   5,379  O xchain  554285  A strategy game for 2-4 players  80  nobody
 153   4,431  O xcb  675764  Pigeon holes for your cut and paste selections  693  nobody
 154   788  O xcalib  1012134  Tiny monitor calibration loader for Xorg  487  nobody
 155   3,631  O xbuffy  757599  monitor mailboxes and/or newsgroups  555  nobody
 156   2,524  O xball  873559  Simulate bouncing balls in a window  163  nobody
 157   3,820  O xautomation  738476  Control X from the command line, and find things on the scr…  671  nobody
 158   2,312  RFP xattrvi  849154  easily view and edit extended filesystem attributes in user…  0  nobody
 159   4,516  O xarclock  664099  reversed xclock  39  nobody
 160   2,249  RFP xamarin-android  900406  Provides open-source bindings of the Android SDK for use wi…  0  nobody
 161   76  O x52pro  1070975  MFD and LED library for Saitek x52pro joysticks  19  nobody
 162   1,964  O x4d-icons  924372  X4D Icon set for various online document types  27  nobody
 163   1,148  RFP x2gohtmlclient  989461  html client for x2goserver  1  nobody
 164   973  RFP wxmathplot  1000683  library to add 2D scientific plot functionality to wxWidgets  0  nobody
 165   2,211  RFP wxif  903228  View the EXIF/IPTC/XMP data for images.  0  nobody
 166   827  O wxedid  1009980  Graphical editor for monitor resolution and timing data (ED…  68  nobody
 167   2,739  RFP wxcam  725708  A webcam application  0  nobody
 168   4,246  O wvstreams  488006  C++ network libraries for rapid application development  2,867  nobody
 169   2,630  RFP wview  659620  Weather station daemon  7  nobody
 170   2,176  O wvdial  901879  intelligent Point-to-Point Protocol dialer  938  nobody
 171   3,070  O wv  816327  Programs for accessing Microsoft Word documents  3,999  nobody
 172   631  RFP wsmancli  754505  Opensource Implementation of WS-Management - Command line u…  6  nobody
 173   1,279  O wsl  980960  Wsman Shell Command Line "whistle"  36  nobody
 174   3,653  RFP wsgiproxy  691518  HTTP proxying tools for WSGI apps  0  nobody
 175   1,417  RFP writefreely  969627  Federated blogging engine  0  nobody
 176   4,062  O wraplinux  704331  Utility to wrap a Linux kernel and initrd into an ELF or NB…  6  nobody
 177   229  RFA wput  1021349  tiny wget-like ftp-client for uploading files  356  nobody
 178   243  RFP wp-cli  1015300  command-line interface for WordPress  1  nobody
 179   1,474  RFP wp2git  964999  download and import Wikipedia page history to a git reposit…  0  nobody
 180   3,055  RFP worldvista-ehr  541245  WorldVistA EHR is a repackage and extended version of VistA…  0  nobody
 181   1,485  RFA wordpress-shibboleth  796960  Shibboleth plugin for WordPress  13  nobody
 182   311  O wondershaper  848571  Easy to use traffic shaping script  414  nobody
 183   2,674  RFP wolfssl-jni  744082  Java interface for wolfSSL  0  nobody
 184   1,824  O wnn7egg  933391  EGG Input Method with Wnn7 for Emacsen  3  nobody
 185   4,043  O wnn6-sdk  714685  network-extensible Kana-to-Kanji conversion system  988  nobody
 186   2,760  RFP wmi-client  593261  useful package for those interacting with windows machine  22  nobody
 187   2,670  RFP wmfs  678815  Window Manager From Scratch  0  nobody
 188   382  RFP wl-screenrec  1040786  High performance wlroots screen recording, featuring hardwa…  0  nobody
 189   473  RFP wlclock  1034204  A digital analog clock for Wayland desktops  0  nobody
 190   2,110  RFP wklingon  911172  Klingon dictionary words for /usr/share/dict  0  nobody
 191   3,176  O wizznic  805267  Implementation of the arcade classic Puzznic  248  nobody
 192   527  RFP wiringx  781491  Modular GPIO interface  0  nobody
 193   186  RFP wireviz  1061328  Easily document cables and wiring harnesses.  0  nobody
 194   1,489  O wireless-tools  963896  Tools for manipulating Linux Wireless Extensions  126,149  nobody
 195   475  RFP wire-desktop  977849  open source secure messenger / collaboration tool  92  nobody
 196   2,800  RFP winexe  629100  execute a command on Windows  82  nobody
 197   2,696  RFA windows-el  714799  window manager for GNU Emacs  30  nobody
 198   1,294  RFP windonesian  979685  Indonesian dictionary words for /usr/share/dict  0  nobody
 199   2,318  O wily  871241  A work-alike of the Acme programming environment for Plan 9  474  nobody
 200   1,441  RFP wildfly  752018  a JEE application server  6  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!