Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 201   82  RFP automx2  963872  Email client configuration made easy (replaces automx)  0  nobody
 202   2,692  RFH autopkgtest  846328  automatic as-installed testing for Debian packages  1,261  nobody
 203   4,742  O autoproject  636407  create a skeleton source package for a new program  230  nobody
 204   1,658  O autopsy  832370  graphical interface to SleuthKit  341  nobody
 205   2,057  RFP auto-resize-image  849332  Resizer for inline and attachment images (thunderbird)  0  nobody
 206   2,901  RFP autosubmit  784438  Manage weather and climate experiments on supercomputers  0  nobody
 207   3,135  RFP avant-window-navigator  730676  MacOS X like panel for GNOME  5  nobody
 208   1,041  O avr-evtd  994655  AVR watchdog daemon for Linkstation/Kuroboxes  13  nobody
 209   2,794  RFP avt  723828  Aviation Tools  0  nobody
 210   345  O awardeco  1049930  Decompress flashfiles equipped with an AWARD BIOS  15  nobody
 211   4,906  O awffull  581365  web server log analysis program  343  nobody
 212   1,242  RFP awlsim  815196  S7 compatible soft-PLC  0  nobody
 213   2,737  RFP awslogs  802927  AWS CloudWatch logs for Humans  0  nobody
 214   1,076  RFP axolotl  992211  Signal Private Messenger unofficial client  2  nobody
 215   53  RFP axosyslog  1072543  cloud-native, syslog-ng compatible logging agent  0  nobody
 216   3,134  RFP b2sum  734112  BLAKE2 family of hash functions -- command-line tool  0  nobody
 217   2,737  RFP b43-asm  513973  assembler and disassembler for Broadcom BCM43xx firmware  0  nobody
 218   2,720  O b43-fwcutter  751205  utility for extracting Broadcom 43xx  3,916  nobody
 219   389  RFP backdown  1040213  a file deduplicator  0  nobody
 220   671  RFP backdrop  914257  A full-featured content management system  0  nobody
 221   684  RFP backlightctl  1019537  Lightweight monitor backlight control utility  0  nobody
 222   2,859  RFP baculum  780155  Baculum WebGUI tool for Bacula Community program  0  nobody
 223   2,636  RFP baka-mplayer  813591  A libmpv based media player  1  nobody
 224   1,164  RFP bakefile  496832  cross-platform, cross-compiler native makefiles  0  nobody
 225   595  RFH balsa  642906  An e-mail client for GNOME  1,243  nobody
 226   1,408  RFP bandwhich  949575  Terminal bandwidth utilization tool  3  nobody
 227   2,503  O bandwidthd  876073  Tracks usage of TCP/IP and builds html files with graphs  118  nobody
 228   2,789  RFP bangsh  797970  framework for easy shell scripting  0  nobody
 229   304  O barcode  1052977  Utility for barcode generation  1,192  nobody
 230   3,651  RFP base91  706078  base91 encoder/decoder  0  nobody
 231   1,533  RFP basenji  838224  A cross-platform media indexing/search tool  1  nobody
 232   416  RFP bashdb  1036974  bash debugger  15  nobody
 233   749  RFP bash-it  1014363  collection of community Bash commands and scripts for Bash  0  nobody
 234   736  RFP battop  1015798  interactive batteries viewer  0  nobody
 235   2,762  RFP bauble-installer  799535  bauble is a botanic collection manager  0  nobody
 236   602  RFP bazel-java-tools  969346  Bazel Tools for Java  0  nobody
 237   97  RFP bbcp  1069342  Parallel SSH transfer  0  nobody
 238   1,209  O bbe  920055  sed-like editor for binary files  91  nobody
 239   2,864  O bbmail  832561  Mail notifier for Blackbox/Fluxbox  20  nobody
 240   2,864  O bbtime  837114  Time tool for the blackbox/fluxbox window managers  31  nobody
 241   2,340  RFP bccontrib  754198  Skein hash, Threefish encryption and  0  nobody
 242   3,134  RFP bdreader  759212  An e-comics reader  0  nobody
 243   2,902  RFP bdsync  724344  bdsync is a fast block device synchronizing tool  0  nobody
 244   867  RFP beaker-notebook  795980  Data Scientist Notebook  0  nobody
 245   2,446  RFP beanstool  834020  Dependency free beanstalkd admin tool  0  nobody
 246   1,862  RFP beautify-bash  867869  Beautifier for Bash shell scripts written in Python  0  nobody
 247   527  RFP beaver  728999  lightweight log shipper to logstash  1  nobody
 248   3,651  RFP begin  699113  an output modifier  0  nobody
 249   1,035  RFP behave-html-formatter  995060  HTML formatter for Behave  0  nobody
 250   2,860  RFP beluga  795246  Functional programming language designed for formal reasoni…  0  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!