Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 4551   2,205  O glogic  922888  graphical logic circuit simulator  162  nobody
 4552   1,569  O tnef  975033  Tool to unpack MIME application/ms-tnef attachments  1,805  nobody
 4553   1,419  O ukopp  987092  Full and incremental backup to disk or disk-like device  49  nobody
 4554   1,627  RFH spamassassin  676314  Perl-based spam filter using text analysis  17,969  nobody
 4555   4,813  O cal3d  653951  Skeletal based 3d character animation library - API documen…  42  nobody
 4556   3,049  O stfl  800753  structured terminal forms language/library  757  nobody
 4557   4,805  O gtkam  655253  application for retrieving media from digital cameras  1,348  nobody
 4558   879  RFA xskat  933098  3-player card game "Skat"  273  nobody
 4559   3,218  O naspro-bridge-it  814898  LV2 bridging helper library  162  nobody
 4560   1,427  O xml-core  660687  XML infrastructure and XML catalog file support  147,334  nobody
 4561   1,554  O xcolorsel  660512  display colors and names in X  602  nobody
 4562   2,224  O xml2  876203  Convert between XML, HTML, CSV and a line-oriented format  1,198  nobody
 4563   4,043  O xautomation  738476  Control X from the command line, and find things on the scr…  692  nobody
 4564   1,644  O libquvi  969549  library for parsing video download links (runtime libraries)  465  nobody
 4565   1,251  O lua-rings  995520  Lua state creation and control library for the Lua language  66  nobody
 4566   973  RFA python-can  1014518  Controller Area Network (CAN) interface module - Python mod…  63  nobody
 4567   981  O linux-ftpd-ssl  1014047  BSD-derived ftpd with SSL patches  107  nobody
 4568   924  O granite  1018149  extension of GTK3 libraries  4,172  nobody
 4569   1,251  O lua-cgi  995503  CGI library for the Lua language  47  nobody
 4570   1,663  O tolua++  968537  Tool to integrate C/C++ code with Lua - development files  38  nobody
 4571   176  O ddcci-driver-linux  1076575  DDC/CI driver  125  nobody
 4572   1,982  O tstools  941602  set of tools for reporting on and manipulating MPEG data  105  nobody
 4573   3,152  O python-ofxhome  828736 financial institution lookup REST client  43  nobody
 4574   371  O sphinxtesters  1065043  utilities for testing Sphinx extensions - Python 3  26  nobody
 4575   179  RFP harper  1081142  grammar checker for developers  0  nobody
 4576   156  RFH multipath-tools  1083104  maintain multipath block device access  8,944  nobody
 4577   2,325  RFP k6  858353  A modern load testing tool, using Go and JavaScript  92  nobody
 4578   364  O google-android-m2repository-installer  1065612  Google Android support m2 repository  20  nobody
 4579   394  O pdfkit  1063348  None  85  nobody
 4580   141  RFP weii  1081190  read Wii balance board as a weight scale  1  nobody
 4581   182  O aggressive-indent-mode  1080520  Emacs minor mode that reindents code after every change  37  nobody
 4582   239  O tkcvs  1076093  Graphical front-end to CVS and Subversion  308  nobody
 4583   2,921  RFP hunspell-gu  702223  Gujarati dictionary for hunspell  496  nobody
 4584   230  RFP codium  959941  Code editing. Redefined.  2,101  nobody
 4585   2,516  RFP insomnia  895800  Intuitive REST API client  592  nobody
 4586   409  RFP wayprompt  1060053  multi-purpose (password-)prompt tool for Wayland  0  nobody
 4587   373  RFP monobit  1062438  tools for working with monochrome bitmap fonts  1  nobody
 4588   370  RFP freenginx  1063916  a fork of nginx maintained by Maxim Dounin and the developm…  0  nobody
 4589   173  RFA rust-bcrypt  1081721  Easily hash and verify passwords using bcrypt  1  nobody
 4590   173  RFA rust-bcrypt-pbkdf  1081722  password-based key derivation function  1  nobody
 4591   362  O aml  1065737  Andri's Main Loop library  491  nobody
 4592   421  O django-organizations  1060406  Django groups and multi-user account management module  13  nobody
 4593   1,422  O python-gphoto2  986940  Python interface to libgphoto2 (Python 3)  318  nobody
 4594   425  RFP dippi  1060166  Calculate display info like DPI and aspect ratio  1  nobody
 4595   1,417  O dkopp  987089  Full and incremental backup to DVD  24  nobody
 4596   298  O codfis  1070966  tool to generate Italian fiscal codes (codice fiscale)  9  nobody
 4597   399  RFP redshift-gui  1059069  Redshift GUI without geolocation built-in, put your color t…  0  nobody
 4598   393  RFP webmin  820659  web-based system configuration tool for Unix-like  6,396  nobody
 4599   362  O neatvnc  1065738  Fast and neat VNC server library  481  nobody
 4600   340  O cciss-vol-status  1068132  HP SmartArray RAID Volume Status Checker  253  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!