Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 4651   2,787  RFP i-nex  738266  an application that gathers information for hardware compon…  6  nobody
 4652   503  RFP freeswitch  389591  Modular Media Switching Software Library and Soft-Switch Ap…  290  nobody
 4653   3,514  RFP yacreader  755731  Yet another comic reader  48  nobody
 4654   2,173  RFP crosstool-ng  695545  tool to build toolchains  3  nobody
 4655   1,229  RFP ganttproject  436792  Gantt chart based project  253  nobody
 4656   37  RFP osquery  803502  operating system instrumentation framework  157  nobody
 4657   267  RFP atom  747824  hackable editor  1,278  nobody
 4658   2,738  RFP divxenc  544051  shell script to encode DVDs to FMP4/DivX  30  nobody
 4659   3,341  RFP projectlibre  548399  Project management solution  206  nobody
 4660   2,979  RFP php-pam  746219  PAM integration  705  nobody
 4661   796  RFP 3proxy  718219  tiny free proxy server  27  nobody
 4662   2,291  RFP wifiphisher  858612  Automated phishing attacks against Wi-Fi networks  14  nobody
 4663   2,729  RFP puppetdb-termini  826551  Enable a Puppet master to connect to PuppetDB  29  nobody
 4664   2,419  RFP xed  830598  GTK Text editor for the XApps project  43  nobody
 4665   53  RFP metasploit-framework  323420  framework platform to find, exploit, and validate vulnerabi…  292  nobody
 4666   2,385  RFP mattermost-desktop  831861  Mattermost Desktop application  454  nobody
 4667   42  RFP python-oletools  939464  Python tools to analyze MS OLE2 files  1  nobody
 4668   400  RFP conan  845463  dependency manager for C/C++/golang  36  nobody
 4669   2,624  RFP ajenti  792019  multilingual web-based server administration panel  19  nobody
 4670   384  RFP gpxsee  884253  GPS log file viewer and analyzer that supports GPX, TCX, KM…  117  nobody
 4671   1,647  O kiki  955984  tool for python regular expression testing  24  nobody
 4672   56  RFP ags  844078  Please add 'ags' (adventure game studio) to Debian games  11  nobody
 4673   2,313  RFP gns3-gui  766167  GNS3 graphical interface for the GNS3 server  30  nobody
 4674   1,115  RFP google-drive-ocamlfuse  784986  FUSE filesystem over Google Drive  166  nobody
 4675   2,410  RFP ruby-therubyracer  892013  Embed the V8 Javascript Interpreter into Ruby  2  nobody
 4676   3,208  RFP gns3-server  766166  GNS3 server to asynchronously manage emulators  32  nobody
 4677   3,599  RFP jnetmap  721050  Network planner and scanner with nice  15  nobody
 4678   538  RFP rmilter  813711  None  13  nobody
 4679   2,387  RFP jwm-menu  848417  a menu generator for JWM  2  nobody
 4680   2,457  RFP inspec  887397  compliance checking tool  12  nobody
 4681   970  RFP psftools  874548  PSF font tools  5  nobody
 4682   2,749  RFP zcash  842388  an implementation of the "Zerocash" protocol  36  nobody
 4683   526  RFP trivy  929458  A Simple and Comprehensive Vulnerability Scanner for Contai…  107  nobody
 4684   2,140  RFP atomic  862765  Atomic Run Tool for installing/running/managing container i…  73  nobody
 4685   2,075  O eeshow  905828  Schematics renderer and viewer for KiCad  9  nobody
 4686   2,656  RFP stratagus  810304  Stratagus is a free cross-platform real-time strategy gamin…  9  nobody
 4687   1,740  RFP openra  947401  engine remake for Command & Conquer  24  nobody
 4688   1,606  RFP lantern  828932  A popular Internet censorship circumvention tool  38  nobody
 4689   2,120  RFP oomox  865621  Graphical application for generating different  127  nobody
 4690   2,711  RFP heroku  862012  Client library and CLI to deploy apps on Heroku  164  nobody
 4691   2,843  RFP weewx  846483  open source software for weather stations  122  nobody
 4692   1,895  RFP openhab2  933090  home automation software  49  nobody
 4693   2,075  RFP amdvlk  916552  AMD Open Source Driver For Vulkan  25  nobody
 4694   513  RFP diff-so-fancy  931427  make your diffs human readable  8  nobody
 4695   977  RFP duplicati  969188  user-friendly remote, encrypted, incremental backups; capab…  308  nobody
 4696   1,610  RFP trilium  960429  hierarchical note taking application that uses Zettelkasten…  47  nobody
 4697   1,419  RFP xsuspender  975103  Automatically suspend inactive X11 applications.  4  nobody
 4698   1,862  RFP megacmd  939318  a command line client for  265  nobody
 4699   2,529  RFP firebird-emu  880826  Third-party emulator of the ARM-based TI-Nspire calculators  13  nobody
 4700   2,354  RFP zaproxy  897142  Testing tool for finding vulnerabilities in web applications  25  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!