Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 4201   1,843  RFP hadoop  793644  Apache Hadoop distributed processing framework  13  nobody
 4202   305  RFP minio  859207  Cloud storage server compatible with Amazon S3  137  nobody
 4203   1,255  RFP eduvpn-client  975043  VPN client for educational networks  74  nobody
 4204   212  RFP gcstar  1024613  Desktop application to manage of various types of collectio…  41  nobody
 4205   924  RFP helmfile  924413  Helmfile is a declarative spec for deploying helm charts  4  nobody
 4206   345  RFP openrgb  1002856  Control RGB devices  378  nobody
 4207   1,872  RFP krew  924412  krew is the package manager for kubectl plugins.  3  nobody
 4208   314  RFP shadowsocks-rust  1036804  a rust port of shadowsocks  4  nobody
 4209   788  RFP tlpui  1006598  GTK user interface for laptop power management  11  nobody
 4210   607  RFP procs  1018258  modern replacement for ps  2  nobody
 4211   45  RFA rust-enum-iterator-derive  1066125  Procedural macro to iterate over the variants of a field-le…  4  nobody
 4212   120  RFP vim-graphical-preview  1059569  preview images inside (n)vim  0  nobody
 4213   120  RFP joshuto  1059578  ranger-like filemanager  0  nobody
 4214   1,964  O codelite  852312  Powerful and lightweight IDE  2,112  nobody
 4215   3,043  RFP google-cloud-sdk  759578  easily create and manage resources on Google Cloud  475  nobody
 4216   667  RFP slack-desktop  1001208  Slack GUI client  2,580  nobody
 4217   202  RFP signal-desktop  842943  standalone JS desktop client for Signal Messenger  4,910  nobody
 4218   871  RFP waydroid  1001278  Run a full Android system on Wayland using a container  533  nobody
 4219   2,389  O qtscrob  878222  audioscrobbler submitter for portable media players  52  nobody
 4220   416  RFP rpi-imager  1019701  Raspberry Pi Imaging Utility  2,540  nobody
 4221   187  RFP rustdesk  1038942  remote control software, allowing maintenance of computers …  1,068  nobody
 4222   2,438  RFP pfring  793098  PF_RING is a high-speed packet capture, filtering and analy…  188  nobody
 4223   1,215  O cmph  934019  C Minimal Perfect Hashing Library development files  64  nobody
 4224   210  O lebiniou-data  1053232  datafiles for Le Biniou  135  nobody
 4225   222  RFA golang-github-benbjohnson-tmpl  940342  None  12  nobody
 4226   5,139  O perl-byacc  576170  The Berkeley LALR parser generator, Perl version  35  nobody
 4227   2,402  O sntop  877100  A curses-based utility that polls hosts to determine connec…  170  nobody
 4228   1,287  RFH swi-prolog  896458  ISO/Edinburgh-style Prolog interpreter  8,188  nobody
 4229   772  O lua5.1  996252  Simple, extensible, embeddable programming language  39,721  nobody
 4230   1,172  O kst  700412  A KDE application used for displaying scientific data  337  nobody
 4231   1,785  O regionset  930141  view and modify the region code of DVD drives  632  nobody
 4232   678  O farmhash  1013209  FarmHash, a family of hash functions  111  nobody
 4233   77  O virtualenv-clone  1063576  script for cloning a non-relocatable virtualenv (Python3)  1,982  nobody
 4234   32  O python-isoweek  1067706  Python module to provide the class Week (Python 3)  22  nobody
 4235   10  O dfc  1069116  display file system usage using graph and colors  504  nobody
 4236   81  O python-sparkpost  1063171  None  7  nobody
 4237   4,351  O devil  674868  Cross-platform image loading and manipulation toolkit  1,496  nobody
 4238   3,044  O v86d  809062  daemon to run x86 code in an emulated environment  182  nobody
 4239   57  O sphinx-gallery  1065028  extension that builds an HTML gallery of examples from Pyth…  73  nobody
 4240   19  RFA graide  1068587  IDE for Graphite GDL font description development  8  nobody
 4241   57  O m2crypto  1065037  Python wrapper for the OpenSSL library (docs)  779  nobody
 4242   20  O sachesi  1068516  BlackBerry 10 device utility  9  nobody
 4243   48  O python-jieba  1065809  Jieba Chinese text segmenter  12  nobody
 4244   35  O tkrzw-python  1067519  set of implementations of DBM - python binding  6  nobody
 4245   45  RFA rust-colorsys  1066123  Module for color conversion and mutation - Rust source code  2  nobody
 4246   57  O sphinx-copybutton  1065027  sphinx extension to add a "copy" button to code blocks (doc…  391  nobody
 4247   45  RFA rust-enum-unitary  1066126  Trait and macro for unitary enums - Rust source code  2  nobody
 4248   48  O utfcpp  1065736  UTF8-CPP: UTF-8 with C++  649  nobody
 4249   20  O qimgv  1068524  Qt5 image viewer with optional video support  159  nobody
 4250   73  O xsecurelock  1063868  X11 screen lock utility with the primary goal of security  118  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!