Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 501   3,857  RFP deefuzzer  717960  an easy and instant media streaming tool  0  nobody
 502   2,888  RFP multi2sim  711476  CPU-GPU Simulator for Heterogeneous Computing  0  nobody
 503   3,340  RFP vanitygen  718860  bitcoin vanity address generator  0  nobody
 504   3,857  RFP su2  715509  Software for PDE based analysis and optimization  0  nobody
 505   3,340  RFP mwlib.rl  719347  A library for creating pdf from MediaWiki  0  nobody
 506   4,654  O leds-alix  673960  Source for the LEDs driver of PCEngines ALIX 2/3 boards  10  nobody
 507   1,938  RFP asynk  709161  Contacts synchronization for Google Contacts, BBDB and Outl…  0  nobody
 508   2,520  RFP libjs-gzip  712215  a pure JavaScript implementation of the GZIP file format  0  nobody
 509   3,857  RFP django-colorful  715006  database and form RGB color fields for Django  0  nobody
 510   3,857  RFP edeploy  717664  new way to provision/update systems  0  nobody
 511   2,872  RFP isabelle  494491  Generic theorem proving environment  0  nobody
 512   1,522  RFP php-phpdocumentor  206536  phpDocumentor provides automatic documenting of php api  0  nobody
 513   3,340  RFP finalterm  714028  Modern terminal emulator  0  nobody
 514   2,884  RFP kzorp  713052  KZorp is kernel space helper for application level gateways…  0  nobody
 515   3,731  RFP percona-playback  718227  A tool for replaying captured database server load  0  nobody
 516   3,847  RFP ruby-sys-admin  718607  Unified, cross platform replacement for the Ruby "etc" libr…  0  nobody
 517   3,847  RFP clojurehelper  718775  Helper scripts for packaging Clojure programs  0  nobody
 518   644  RFP python-affinity  717384  control process CPU affinity  0  nobody
 519   2,193  RFP fedora-liveusb-creator  718301  Cross-platform tool for installing live operating systems o…  0  nobody
 520   3,847  RFP async-core  718238  Async library for OCaml asynchronous programming (core)  0  nobody
 521   3,731  RFP libjs-jquery-layout  719783  jquery page layout manager  0  nobody
 522   3,727  RFP ht5streamer  724956  Youtube/Dailymotion streamer without need of flashplugin  0  nobody
 523   3,340  RFP adk2tool  726060  Android accessory development kit tools  0  nobody
 524   3,731  RFP kqoauth  722219  Library for OAuth 1.0 implementation  0  nobody
 525   3,731  RFP jspecview  721525  viewer for spectral data in the JCAMP-DX format  0  nobody
 526   3,731  RFP apt-wishlist  720123  Utility that allows users to request their sysadmin to inst…  0  nobody
 527   3,731  RFP libjs-jquery-simple-dtpicker  719604  is a simple and  0  nobody
 528   3,731  RFP mark2  721686  minecraft server wrapper  0  nobody
 529   3,731  RFP node-brewer  719881  Asset manager for web applications  0  nobody
 530   518  RFP 2mandvd  690593  Video DVD creator  22  nobody
 531   3,731  RFP varnish-agent-dashboard  721942  Simple realtime dashboard for Varnish Cache  0  nobody
 532   2,946  RFP sticky-notes  723088  free open-source pastebin application  0  nobody
 533   3,731  RFP eiffelstudio  724715  The EiffelStudio IDE and tools for the Eiffel language.  0  nobody
 534   2,719  RFP cloudy  725891  Simulations of non-equilibrium plasmas and  0  nobody
 535   3,000  RFP avt  723828  Aviation Tools  0  nobody
 536   294  RFP tarix  725712  Indexing utility for tar archives  0  nobody
 537   2,852  RFP innotop  660164  monitor MySQL in real time  2  nobody
 538   2,516  RFP foreman  663101  puppet dashboard and node classifier  28  nobody
 539   1,725  RFP libnu-htmlparser-java  723028  HTML5 parsing algorithm in Java  0  nobody
 540   878  RFP dotdee  719691  convert a flat file to a file  0  nobody
 541   770  RFP libervia-web  725761  web frontend for Libervia  0  nobody
 542   3,731  RFP logcat-color  719556  a colorful alternative to "adb logcat"  0  nobody
 543   3,731  RFP file-uploader  719793  file upload library for webpages  0  nobody
 544   3,731  RFP taglist-maven-plugin  721129  Maven Plugin generates a report on various tags in code  0  nobody
 545   3,731  RFP cutepaste  725403  Client application for written in Qt  0  nobody
 546   3,731  RFP maven-archetype  721982  Maven project templating toolkit  0  nobody
 547   2,945  RFP python-xcaplib  682711  XCAP libs used by SylkServer  2  nobody
 548   2,520  RFP  726486  a stream server that does most of what  0  nobody
 549   3,731  RFP geronimo-j2ee-deployment-1.1-spec  721609  Geronimo API implementation of the J2EE deployment 1.1 spec  0  nobody
 550   595  RFP airsonic-advance  458829  a web based media stream server  0  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!