Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 4701   1,922  RFP vroom  919241  Functional testing tool for VIM  0  nobody
 4702   1,913  RFP libopenpmd-api  920276  API for scientific I/O with openPMD  0  nobody
 4703   1,918  RFP opensiv3d  919689  OpenSiv3D is a C++17 framework for games and interactive me…  0  nobody
 4704   1,910  RFP httpauthenticationoverxmpp  920518  provide an HTTP authentication over XMPP  0  nobody
 4705   1,201  RFP warewulf  919494  systems management suite for Linux  0  nobody
 4706   1,495  RFP elpa-git-gutter-fringe  920383  provide git diff alongside opened files in Emacs  0  nobody
 4707   340  RFP vexcl  920150  VexCL is a C++ vector expression template library for OpenC…  0  nobody
 4708   1,900  RFP python-srht-scm  921407  Shared support code for source control services  0  nobody
 4709   234  RFP sozu  921989  a fast, reliable, hot reconfigurable HTTP reverse proxy  0  nobody
 4710   550  RFP cwtch  922887  Privacy Preserving Infrastructure for Asynchronous, Decentr…  0  nobody
 4711   1,892  RFP libjs-chart  921564  simple yet flexible JavaScript charting  0  nobody
 4712   1,898  RFP webext-decentraleyes  921673  web extension for local emulation of Content Delivery Netwo…  0  nobody
 4713   1,898  RFP node-stream-spec  921582  executable specification for stream  0  nobody
 4714   326  RFP golang-github-ammario-ipisp  922629  Golang IP to ISP library utilizing team cymru's IP to ASN s…  0  nobody
 4715   1,879  RFP network-manager-libreswan  923332  Libreswan VPN client plugin for NetworkManager  0  nobody
 4716   1,857  RFP py-spy  924149  sampling profiler for Python programs  0  nobody
 4717   1,898  RFP libtimidity  921597  MIDI to WAVE converter library  0  nobody
 4718   1,842  RFP loccount  922810  Count SLOC (source lines of code) in a source tree.  0  nobody
 4719   1,863  RFP node-os-timesync  923616  nodejs package to check whether NTP time sync is enabled in…  0  nobody
 4720   1,893  RFP node-php-date-formatter  922151  datetime formatting and manipulation library using PHP date…  0  nobody
 4721   1,893  RFP node-rework  922159  Plugin framework for CSS preprocessing in Node.js  0  nobody
 4722   1,836  RFP node-gulp-spawn-mocha  922716  a plugin for gulp which runs Mocha tests in a separate proc…  0  nobody
 4723   1,883  RFP node-eslump  922941  Fuzz testing JavaScript parsers and suchlike programs.  0  nobody
 4724   1,685  RFP lufi  923237  Let's Upload that FIle — File sharing software  0  nobody
 4725   466  RFP social-app-webpy  922292 component of the python-social-auth ecosystem  0  nobody
 4726   186  RFP node-karma-firefox-launcher  922419  A Karma plugin. Launcher for Firefox/Chrome  0  nobody
 4727   466  RFP social-examples  922294  collection of examples implementations of the python-social…  0  nobody
 4728   1,331  RFP magiclantern  923766  Canon EOS camera deluxe features by firmware add on  0  nobody
 4729   269  RFP isce2  923140  Interferometric SAR Scientific Computing Environment  0  nobody
 4730   1,430  RFP node-rifraf  925181  A simple requestAnimationFrame wrapper/polyfill with added …  0  nobody
 4731   1,855  O libica  924370  hardware cryptography support for IBM System z hardware  0  nobody
 4732   1,854  RFP node-watchify  925366  watch mode for browserify builds  0  nobody
 4733   1,872  RFP node-runas  923767  Run command synchronously  0  nobody
 4734   1,846  RFP node-underscore-deep-extend  924951  A deepExtend implementation for underscore, lodash and frie…  0  nobody
 4735   326  RFP dt  922628  DNS tool - display information about your domain  0  nobody
 4736   1,515  RFP transporter  922811  GUI magic-wormhole client that makes file transfer between …  0  nobody
 4737   1,860  RFP webext-uppity  924766  toolbar button to "go up" on the web  0  nobody
 4738   1,898  RFP python-srht-meta  921604 core account services  0  nobody
 4739   1,898  RFP node-gulp-prompt  921659  For gulp to utilize the Inquirer.js prompt Library  0  nobody
 4740   1,160  RFP node-eslint-plugin-react  923630  React specific linting rules for ESLint  0  nobody
 4741   1,845  RFP node-evacuated-pathwatcher  926142  path watcher nodejs module  0  nobody
 4742   655  RFP qsmtp  929339  drop-in replacement for qmail SMTP programs  0  nobody
 4743   1,846  RFP security-checker  926105  A security checker for your composer.lock  0  nobody
 4744   1,579  RFP habdec  926391  RTTY Decoder for SDR and HAB  0  nobody
 4745   1,783  RFP geomyidae  929883  gopher server for Linux/BSD  0  nobody
 4746   550  RFP python-txjsonrpc  926034  code for creating Twisted JSON-RPC servers and clients  0  nobody
 4747   1,836  RFP evacuated-property-accessors  926759  A mixin for declaring property accessors  0  nobody
 4748   1,819  RFP liclipse  928063  Lightweight editors, theming and usability improvements for…  0  nobody
 4749   1,248  RFP memtestcl  927212  OpenCL memory tester for GPUs  0  nobody
 4750   1,848  RFP node-evacuated-wide-align  925949  Wide-character aware text alignment function  0  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!