Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 551   540  O mazeofgalious  661454  The Maze of Galious  175  nobody
 552   543  O cvsutils  1043088  CVS utilities for use in working directories  174  nobody
 553   1,425  O lmbench  985233  Utilities to benchmark UNIX systems  174  nobody
 554   2,945  O gkdebconf  852526  Helper to reconfigure packages with Debconf  173  nobody
 555   3,099  O crafty-books-medtosmall  835319  Medium-to-small size opening books for crafty chess engine  173  nobody
 556   1,234  O lua-md5  995515  MD5 library for the Lua language  172  nobody
 557   3,080  O tvtime  728576  television display application  172  nobody
 558   2,699  O sntop  877100  A curses-based utility that polls hosts to determine connec…  171  nobody
 559   2,043  RFA cairo-ocaml  932166  OCaml bindings for Cairo  170  nobody
 560   3,201  O naspro-core  814897  NASPRO core library  168  nobody
 561   1,494  RFA speaklater  980143  lazy string useful for translations for Python 3  168  nobody
 562   1,039  O ruby-curses  1009727  curses binding for Ruby  167  nobody
 563   3,040  O aspell-uz  841695  The Uzbek dictionary for GNU Aspell  167  nobody
 564   898  O gst123  1019047  GStreamer based command line media player  167  nobody
 565   774  O keras  1027938  deep learning framework running on Theano or TensorFlow  166  nobody
 566   1,247  RFP google-drive-ocamlfuse  784986  FUSE filesystem over Google Drive  166  nobody
 567   622  O lpctools  1037150  interface to NXP LPC Microcontrollers ISP serial interface  166  nobody
 568   832  O jamulus  1023670  real-time collaborative music session client and server  165  nobody
 569   366  O python-pmw  1064138  Pmw -- Python MegaWidgets  164  nobody
 570   558  O libranlip  1043379  generates random variates with multivariate Lipschitz densi…  164  nobody
 571   2,843  RFP heroku  862012  Client library and CLI to deploy apps on Heroku  164  nobody
 572   3,136  O rdiff-backup-fs  831722  Fuse filesystem for accessing rdiff-backup archives  164  nobody
 573   2,620  RFA jts  884537  JTS Topology Suite  163  nobody
 574   2,729  O xball  873559  Simulate bouncing balls in a window  163  nobody
 575   1,645  O mailnag  968540  extensible mail notification daemon  163  nobody
 576   2,188  O glogic  922888  graphical logic circuit simulator  162  nobody
 577   2,773  O devilspie2  868555  Lua-based window matching utility  162  nobody
 578   2,280  O multistrap  914282  multiple repository bootstrap based on apt  162  nobody
 579   3,201  O aj-snapshot  814501  make snapshots of JACK connections  162  nobody
 580   3,201  O naspro-bridge-it  814898  LV2 bridging helper library  162  nobody
 581   560  O liblip  1043202  reliable interpolation of multivariate scattered data  160  nobody
 582   1,511  O pylint-plugin-utils  978594  Utilities and helpers for writing Pylint plugins (Python 3)  160  nobody
 583   542  O impose+  1050471  Postscript utilities for two-up printing, bbox, etc.  159  nobody
 584   551  O parchive  1049911  Use PAR files to reconstruct missing parts of multi-part ar…  159  nobody
 585   169  RFP osquery  803502  operating system instrumentation framework  158  nobody
 586   317  O clamassassin  1068489  email virus filter wrapper for ClamAV  158  nobody
 587   3,340  RFP aften  681730  ATSC A/52 (AC3 audio) encoder  156  nobody
 588   1,051  O gtk-vector-screenshot  1008874  takes screenshots of applications as PDF or SVG files  156  nobody
 589   2,366  O libpam-afs-session  907361  PAM module to set up a PAG and obtain AFS tokens  154  nobody
 590   3,175  O splitvt  826854  run two programs in a split screen  154  nobody
 591   213  RFP minio  859207  Cloud storage server compatible with Amazon S3  154  nobody
 592   933  O tetrinetx  928533  game server for Tetrinet  153  nobody
 593   1,234  O lua-coxpcall  995504  Protected function calls across coroutines for Lua  152  nobody
 594   4,233  O spellutils  717189  Utilities to spell-check selectively  151  nobody
 595   4,591  O lomoco  669614  Logitech Mouse Control for USB mice  151  nobody
 596   980  O redland-bindings  1012730  Perl language bindings for the Redland RDF library  150  nobody
 597   290  O gnunet  1070305  secure peer-to-peer networking  150  nobody
 598   674  O libexplain  765335  utility to explain system call errors  150  nobody
 599   2,018  O cfingerd  934415  configurable finger daemon  150  nobody
 600   1,989  O libapache2-mod-bw  900132  bandwidth limiting module for apache2  149  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!