Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 501   3,174  O gxmessage  826915  xmessage clone based on GTK+  212  nobody
 502   2,477  O mcu8051ide  851064  Graphical Integrated Development Environment for 8051  210  nobody
 503   1,097  RFA vim-lastplace  926966  Vim script to reopen files at your last edit position  210  nobody
 504   5,009  O changetrack  628924  automatic log book, recording what files were changed  209  nobody
 505   674  O gkermit  1034447  file transfer program  208  nobody
 506   3,473  RFP projectlibre  548399  Project management solution  206  nobody
 507   3,002  O zthreads  846286  Object-oriented synchronization library for C++  204  nobody
 508   3,731  RFP dive  726779  A tool to start processes employing some advanced Linux fea…  204  nobody
 509   1,511  O libmrss  934018  C library for parsing, writing and  204  nobody
 510   3,551  RFP virtualgl  673426  Toolkit for displaying OpenGL applications to thin clients  203  nobody
 511   491  RFP graphmonkey  311951  a GTK#-based graphic calculator  202  nobody
 512   2,456  O libcgicc  900344  C++ class library for writing CGI applications (documentati…  202  nobody
 513   900  O tss2  998437  IBM's TCG Software Stack (TSS) for TPM 2.0  201  nobody
 514   967  O emscripten  1013374  LLVM-to-JavaScript Compiler  201  nobody
 515   4,642  O sysprofile  675784  Modularized system wide shell configuration mechanism  200  nobody
 516   640  O grub-splashimages  1036339  collection of GRUB splashimages  200  nobody
 517   551  O  1049913  Australian English Thesaurus for  199  nobody
 518   3,201  O m2vrequantiser  815334  MPEG-2 streams requantization  197  nobody
 519   3,111  O zfs-fuse  834130  ZFS on FUSE  197  nobody
 520   3,945  O obexfs  745789  mount filesystem of ObexFTP capable devices  197  nobody
 521   733  O gammastep  1009978  Adjust display hue to outside lighting conditions  196  nobody
 522   181  O profile-sync-daemon  1033794  Symlink and sync browser profile directories into RAM  196  nobody
 523   4,947  O gpstrans  636411  communicate with a Garmin Global Positioning System receiver  196  nobody
 524   304  RFH singularity-container  1068578  container platform focused on supporting "Mobility of Compu…  195  nobody
 525   1,386  RFP browsh  903961  Fully interactive, realtime, and modern text-based browser  195  nobody
 526   3,055  O dvbtune  839969  Simple tuning application for DVB cards  194  nobody
 527   2,912  O fbpager  845985  a pager application for the Fluxbox window manager  194  nobody
 528   584  RFA flask-paranoid  980141  simple user session protection  193  nobody
 529   1,051  O unicode-screensaver  1008880  screensaver displaying unicode characters  192  nobody
 530   1,695  O blobandconquer  963909  3D platform shooting game  192  nobody
 531   1,846  O libkdtree++  813246  C++ template container implementation of kd-tree sorting  192  nobody
 532   1,386  RFP infamous-plugins  987979  Infamous Plugins is a collection of open-source LV2 plugins  192  nobody
 533   551  O linklint  1049928  A fast link checker and website maintenance tool  189  nobody
 534   359  O gwakeonlan  1064594  wakes up your machines using Wake on LAN  188  nobody
 535   2,735  RFP pfring  793098  PF_RING is a high-speed packet capture, filtering and analy…  188  nobody
 536   3,321  O gfxboot  756089  tool to test and create graphical boot logos  186  nobody
 537   354  O gsmlib  1065092  GSM mobile phone access applications  186  nobody
 538   3,838  O devilspie  644202  find windows and perform actions on them  184  nobody
 539   1,491  O pidgin-privacy-please  833979  plugin for enhanced privacy in pidgin  183  nobody
 540   3,340  O v86d  809062  daemon to run x86 code in an emulated environment  182  nobody
 541   3,720  O metacity-themes  772905  Themes for the Gtk2 metacity window manager  181  nobody
 542   3,665  RFA pdfresurrect  777099  tool for extracting/scrubbing versioning data from PDF docu…  181  nobody
 543   3,099  O tourney-manager  835316  perl interface to run chess engine tournaments  180  nobody
 544   2,188  O fldiff  922895  graphical diff program  180  nobody
 545   198  RFP cockpit-navigator  1072479  Web based file browser for cockpit to navigate filesystem  179  nobody
 546   2,268  O aspell-br  915447  Breton dictionary for GNU Aspell  179  nobody
 547   440  RFP bottom  1057332  system monitoring widgets  177  nobody
 548   1,952  O python-ebooklib  942371  Python 3 E-book library for handling EPUB2/EPUB3/Kindle for…  177  nobody
 549   2,665  O cronolog  782432  Logfile rotator for web servers  176  nobody
 550   2,286  O videotrans  913796  DVD authoring utilities  176  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!