Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 4601   3,423  RFP logcat-color  719556  a colorful alternative to "adb logcat"  0  nobody
 4602   3,423  RFP postgresql-madlib  729883  MADlib is an open-source library for scalable in-database a…  0  nobody
 4603   3,423  RFP dnt  610875  DccNiTghtmare (aka DNT) is a project to make a Free (as in …  0  nobody
 4604   3,423  RFP confctl  684200  Utility to access C-like configuration files from shell scr…  0  nobody
 4605   3,423  RFP dive  726779  A tool to start processes employing some advanced Linux fea…  201  nobody
 4606   3,423  RFP apt-wishlist  720123  Utility that allows users to request their sysadmin to inst…  0  nobody
 4607   3,423  RFP mark2  721686  minecraft server wrapper  0  nobody
 4608   3,423  RFP python-blit  724892  Simple pixel-composition library  0  nobody
 4609   3,423  RFP eiffelstudio  724715  The EiffelStudio IDE and tools for the Eiffel language.  0  nobody
 4610   3,423  RFP file-uploader  719793  file upload library for webpages  0  nobody
 4611   3,423  RFP taglist-maven-plugin  721129  Maven Plugin generates a report on various tags in code  0  nobody
 4612   3,423  RFP maven-archetype  721982  Maven project templating toolkit  0  nobody
 4613   3,423  RFP rateit  721807  Tool for performing MUSHRA tests  0  nobody
 4614   3,423  RFP pykolab  725108  Kolab Groupware Server  14  nobody
 4615   3,423  RFP libjs-jquery-layout  719783  jquery page layout manager  0  nobody
 4616   3,423  RFP jspecview  721525  viewer for spectral data in the JCAMP-DX format  0  nobody
 4617   3,423  RFP python-nfc  771593  Python module to read/write NFC tags or communicate with an…  0  nobody
 4618   3,425  O renattach  771489  Rename attachments on the fly  13  nobody
 4619   3,429  RFP android-studio  747614  An integrated development environment for Android  9  nobody
 4620   3,432  O disc-cover  770260  produces covers for audio CDs  67  nobody
 4621   3,435  O mgdiff  770236  xdiff clone  441  nobody
 4622   3,436  RFP libdata-spreadpagination-perl  728513  page numbering and spread pagination  0  nobody
 4623   3,437  RFP libtranslit  729856  Transliteration library with  0  nobody
 4624   3,439  RFP nancy  738674  lightweight framework for building HTTP based services in C#  0  nobody
 4625   3,439  RFP omnisharp-server  738649  HTTP server allowing C# editor plugins to be written in any…  0  nobody
 4626   3,439  RFP ruby-albacore  738676  suite of Rake tasks for building C# projects  0  nobody
 4627   3,446  RFP relaunch-notifier  767716  Notification system for running applications that need to b…  0  nobody
 4628   3,446  O ticker  768528  configurable text scroller  115  nobody
 4629   3,447  O mpdtoys  768518  small command line tools and toys for MPD  62  nobody
 4630   3,457  RFP gccgo-go  765841  Go tool for use with gccgo  57  nobody
 4631   3,459  RFP clj-postal  766906  internet email library for Clojure  0  nobody
 4632   3,459  RFP http-kit  766894  minimalist, efficient, Ring-compatible HTTP client/server f…  0  nobody
 4633   3,462  RFP adbfuse  729259  fuse layer for ADB  0  nobody
 4634   3,465  RFA radeontool  766075  utility to control ATI Radeon backlight functions on laptops  2,008  nobody
 4635   3,470  RFP bitcointrader  759014  Bitcoin trading application  0  nobody
 4636   3,471  O fstrcmp  765334  fuzzy comparison of strings  2,673  nobody
 4637   3,473  RFP debsources  764940  index and publish Debian source code on the Web  0  nobody
 4638   3,491  RFP libonion  744119  lightweight and easy to use HTTP server library  0  nobody
 4639   3,492  O id3ren  762538  id3 tagger and renamer  579  nobody
 4640   3,492  O bluemon  762537  Activate or deactivate programs based on Bluetooth link qua…  344  nobody
 4641   3,493  O meanwhile  762509  open implementation of the Lotus Sametime Community Client …  20,166  nobody
 4642   3,498  RFP logsurfer  670875  Monitoring system logs in real-time  0  nobody
 4643   3,507  O diffmon  741093  Tool for reporting changes in system configuration  33  nobody
 4644   3,512  RFP libas-tlf  691919  Text Layout Framework  0  nobody
 4645   3,512  RFP flex-sdk  592007  Framework for building and maintaining expressive web appli…  0  nobody
 4646   3,517  O jgraph  759731  Jim Plank's program for producing PostScript graphs  115  nobody
 4647   3,521  RFP wallch  751914  A powerful cross-desktop wallpaper changer  1  nobody
 4648   3,523  O libantlr3c  688541  ANTLR v3 parser generator C runtime [development files]  1,471  nobody
 4649   3,528  O xbuffy  757599  monitor mailboxes and/or newsgroups  441  nobody
 4650   3,530  O devilspie  644202  find windows and perform actions on them  184  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!