Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 4401   3,134  RFP thinkpad-scripts  731035  Rotation scripts for ThinkPad  1  nobody
 4402   3,134  RFP bquery  737546  simple cli tool to quickly parse html streams with a jQuery…  0  nobody
 4403   3,134  RFP shinken-mod-ip-tag  760224  Shinken ip-tag module  0  nobody
 4404   3,134  RFP nagiosql  473624  Web based administration tool for Nagios  0  nobody
 4405   3,134  RFP sems  740788  SIP Express Media Server, very fast and flexible SIP media …  4  nobody
 4406   3,135  RFP mwlib.ext  719346  External dependencies needed by the mwlib library  0  nobody
 4407   3,135  RFP avant-window-navigator  730676  MacOS X like panel for GNOME  5  nobody
 4408   3,135  RFP libdesktop-agnostic  730677  Desktop-agnostic library for GLib-based projects  0  nobody
 4409   3,135  RFP timelib  719343  A short wrapper around PHP's internal DateTime ext  0  nobody
 4410   3,135  RFP mwlib.rl  719347  A library for creating pdf from MediaWiki  0  nobody
 4411   3,135  RFP python-debiancontributors  732991  Manage submissions to  3  nobody
 4412   3,135  RFP qserve  719341  A job queue server  0  nobody
 4413   3,135  RFP libjs-leaflet-awesome-markers  724893  plugin for Leaflet to make awesome markers  0  nobody
 4414   3,135  RFP travatar  732718  tree based machine translation toolkit  0  nobody
 4415   3,135  RFP readseq2  732990  readseq2 is a rewrite of readseq converter  0  nobody
 4416   3,135  RFP python-eveapi  727688  EVE Online API access  0  nobody
 4417   3,135  RFP radosgw-agent  731526  Synchronize data and users between radosgw clusters  0  nobody
 4418   3,135  RFP gadgetron  732361  an open source framework for medical image reconstruction  0  nobody
 4419   3,135  RFP braingl  711956  exploring and visualizing anatomical and functional connect…  0  nobody
 4420   3,135  RFP adk2tool  726060  Android accessory development kit tools  0  nobody
 4421   3,135  RFP sqlite3dbm  719345  A sqlite-backed dict conforming to the dbm interface  0  nobody
 4422   3,135  O v86d  809062  daemon to run x86 code in an emulated environment  182  nobody
 4423   3,135  RFP haskell-gitlib-libgit2  807968  Libgit2 backend for gitlib (haskell)  0  nobody
 4424   3,146  RFP netdot  605079  network documentation tool  0  nobody
 4425   3,147  RFP packetbeat  806484  real-time network packet analyzer and logger  57  nobody
 4426   3,150  RFP tei  618579  XML schema of the Text Encoding Initiative  0  nobody
 4427   3,152  RFP freesurfer  628183  analysis and visualization of functional brain imaging data  2  nobody
 4428   3,155  RFP rox-xdg-menu  749565  generates menus for window managers from .desktop files  0  nobody
 4429   3,161  O netrik  770237  text mode WWW browser with vi like keybindings  216  nobody
 4430   3,168  RFP freedict-eng-ara  505511  Dict package for English-Arabic Freedict dictionary  0  nobody
 4431   3,168  RFP freedict-ara-eng  505424  Dict package for Arabic-English Freedict dictionary  0  nobody
 4432   3,168  O ap-utils  703278  Access Point SNMP Utils for Linux  65  nobody
 4433   3,171  RFP jarifa  557757  System for grid computing on organizational resources, usin…  0  nobody
 4434   3,171  RFP node-moment-timezone  802262  parse and display moments in any timezone  6  nobody
 4435   3,171  RFP  802258  ColReorder for DataTables  0  nobody
 4436   3,171  RFP  802257  FixedColumns for DataTables  0  nobody
 4437   3,171  RFP  802254  DataTables for jQuery  0  nobody
 4438   3,171  RFP libjs-ngstorage  802247  localStorage and sessionStorage done right for AngularJS  0  nobody
 4439   3,171  RFP libjs-blueimp-load-image  802244  load images from file, blob or URL  0  nobody
 4440   3,171  RFP libjs-blueimp-canvas-to-blob  802243  polyfill for canvas.toBlob method  0  nobody
 4441   3,171  RFP libjs-scrollin  802240  do something great when an element enters the viewport  0  nobody
 4442   3,171  RFP iruby  802239  Ruby kernel for Jupyter/IPython Notebook  0  nobody
 4443   3,171  RFP libjs-angular-ui-bootstrap  802238  Bootstrap components written in pure AngularJS  0  nobody
 4444   3,171  RFP libjs-p5  802209  javascript graphics library inspired by Processing  0  nobody
 4445   3,171  RFP libcxf2-java  801996  open source services framework  0  nobody
 4446   3,171  RFP libcometd2-java  801995  scalable comet (server push) implementation for the web  0  nobody
 4447   3,172  RFP pfft  761201  Parallel FFT software library based on MPI  0  nobody
 4448   3,173  RFP yaf  794350  a network packet flowmeter tool with ipfix support  0  nobody
 4449   3,173  RFP selector  660470  selector is a real-time pattern matcher for console  0  nobody
 4450   3,173  RFP tyrutils  803880  quake 1 or 2 mod utils for building quake levels and quake …  0  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!