Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 351   196  RFA python-canmatrix  1014519  Handle CAN (Controller Area Network) database formats  51  nobody
 352   197  O leave  1050473  Reminds you when you have to leave  65  nobody
 353   197  RFH cron  984736  new maintainer need  361,501  nobody
 354   197  O django-impersonate  1060463  Django module for superusers to impersonate accounts  12  nobody
 355   197  RFP gpu-basis-universal  1038205  Basis Universal GPU Texture Codec  0  nobody
 356   197  RFP ppsspp  697821  portable PSP emulator  2  nobody
 357   198  O django-organizations  1060406  Django groups and multi-user account management module  13  nobody
 358   198  RFA colorhug-client  953091  Tools for the Hughski Colorimeter  88  nobody
 359   199  RFP gephi  650636  The Open Graph Viz Platform  1  nobody
 360   199  RFP nusolve  1016959  Geodetic VLBI data analysis software  1  nobody
 361   199  RFP carla  798490  audio plugin host supporting LADSPA, DSSI,LV2, VST2/3 and A…  254  nobody
 362   199  RFP mlv-app  923303  Magic Lantern Video processing  1  nobody
 363   199  RFP publii  1037456  Static CMS for privacy-focused, SEO-optimized websites  33  nobody
 364   200  RFP plots  1060245  graph plotting app for GNOME  2  nobody
 365   202  RFP dippi  1060166  Calculate display info like DPI and aspect ratio  1  nobody
 366   209  RFP oh-my-bash  1059732  framework to extend bash shell functionality  0  nobody
 367   209  RFP fragments  1059727  GNOME BitTorrent client  1  nobody
 368   210  RFP ironbar  1059637  wlroots/sway bar  0  nobody
 369   210  RFP webext-snowflake  1059599  web extension to provide a snowflake proxy  0  nobody
 370   211  RFP webext-tab-stash  1059598  web extension for stashing tabs  0  nobody
 371   211  RFP joshuto  1059578  ranger-like filemanager  0  nobody
 372   211  RFP vim-graphical-preview  1059569  preview images inside (n)vim  0  nobody
 373   213  RFP python-face-recognition-models  894246  Trained models for the python-face-recognition library  0  nobody
 374   213  RFP python-face-recognition  858327  Recognize and manipulate faces from Python  0  nobody
 375   214  RFP gruvbox-gtk-theme  1059433  GTK+ gruvbox theme  0  nobody
 376   217  RFP signald  980286  A daemon that facilitates communication via Signal Private …  33  nobody
 377   220  RFP anyenv  874030  development environment setup tools for various languages  0  nobody
 378   220  RFP flashprog  1059043  Identify, read, write, erase, and verify BIOS/ROM/flash chi…  0  nobody
 379   221  O speedcrunch  1058962  High precision calculator  976  nobody
 380   221  RFP citra  870143  Citra is an open-source emulator for the Nintendo 3DS capab…  2  nobody
 381   227  RFH softether-vpn  1030780  multiprotocol VPN program  287  nobody
 382   228  RFA wput  1021349  tiny wget-like ftp-client for uploading files  356  nobody
 383   229  RFP vim-vimwiki  1057958  a personal wiki for vim  2  nobody
 384   229  RFP slidge-style-parser  1057868  a parsing library for Slidge  0  nobody
 385   230  RFA cvsweb  660684  CGI interface to your CVS repository  77  nobody
 386   230  RFP slidge-dev-helpers  1057869  various tools to help slidge-based XMPP gateway development  0  nobody
 387   230  RFP mullvad-client  840160  client for VPN service Mullvad  0  nobody
 388   231  O autobahn-cpp  1004235  WAMP in C++ for Boost/Asio  7  nobody
 389   231  RFP rkbin  1050968  Pre-built Rockchip bootloader firmware binaries (for embedd…  0  nobody
 390   233  RFP pass-secret-service  1053477  dbus-service to serve secret-service api with pass backend  0  nobody
 391   234  RFP bottom  1057332  system monitoring widgets  177  nobody
 392   234  RFP rustic  1051541  fast, encrypted, and deduplicated backups powered by Rust  0  nobody
 393   234  RFP slips  1057475  Behavioral Machine Learning-Based Intrusion Prevention Syst…  0  nobody
 394   235  O lifelines  1057380  text-based genealogy software  98  nobody
 395   235  O doctest  1057378  Light and feature-rich C++ testing framework  72  nobody
 396   236  RFP kdbg  1055797  graphical debugger interface  47  nobody
 397   237  RFP consent-o-matic  1057261  browser extension to automatically fill out cookie popups  0  nobody
 398   237  RFP django-extensions  1057258  collection of custom extensions for the Django Framework  0  nobody
 399   240  RFA ikiwiki-hosting  1057088  multiple ikiwiki website/blog management  15  nobody
 400   240  RFP popsicle  1007982  A Linux utility for flashing multiple USB  2  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!