Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 151   165  RFP octopus  602111  Real-space TDDFT-based electronic-structure code  2  nobody
 152   165  RFP exciting  602097  All-electron full-potential electronic-structure code  0  nobody
 153   166  RFP pandas-datareader  851525  remote data access for pandas  0  nobody
 154   168  RFP golang-github-maxmind-geoipupdate-v6  1077634  golang GeoIP update client and library  0  nobody
 155   168  RFP liquidshell  1077593  liquidshell is an alternative to plasmashell  0  nobody
 156   169  RFP webext-passff  1077361  firefox extension for the pass password manager  0  nobody
 157   172  O bucklespring  1077193  Nostalgia bucklespring keyboard sound  281  nobody
 158   172  RFP fonts-iosevka  973995  Slender typeface for code, from code  24  nobody
 159   172  RFP freshrss  1032767  self-hosted RSS feed aggregator  0  nobody
 160   173  RFP powershell  834756  scripting language interpreter built on .NET  914  nobody
 161   175  RFP diffsitter  1076805  AST-aware difftool  0  nobody
 162   176  O madwimax  1076743  user-space driver for mWiMAX equipment based on Samsung CMC…  10  nobody
 163   179  RFP matrix-conduit  1007940  lightweight homeserver for the Matrix protocol  13  nobody
 164   179  RFP minio  859207  Cloud storage server compatible with Amazon S3  154  nobody
 165   179  RFP codium  959941  Code editing. Redefined.  2,101  nobody
 166   181  RFH lintian  1012289  Debian package checker  25,673  nobody
 167   182  RFP cis-tools  1072579  CIS file tools from pcmcia-cs  0  nobody
 168   183  O nss-updatedb  1076403  Cache name service directories in DB format  144  nobody
 169   183  O wf-shell  1076394  GTK-based panel and background client for Wayfire  21  nobody
 170   183  O wf-config  1076393  Wayfire-specific library for managing config files  248  nobody
 171   183  O wcm  1076392  Wayfire Config Manager  8  nobody
 172   183  O wayfire  1076391  3D Wayland compositor  473  nobody
 173   183  O wayfire-shadows  1076390  Window Shadows Plugin for Wayfire  11  nobody
 174   184  RFP alephone  119911  marathon engine for related data games  0  nobody
 175   184  O kasumi  1076354  Simple dictionary utility for Anthy  2,000  nobody
 176   184  RFP cinecred  1076341  Cinecred produces credit sequences for film, TV and animati…  2  nobody
 177   184  RFP pingpath  1076330  ping wrapper to display path, stats, graphs, and 3d plots  1  nobody
 178   185  RFP libciteproc-java  841020  A Citation Style Language (CSL) processor for Java  0  nobody
 179   185  RFP libpgjdbcng-java  841011  A new JDBC driver for PostgreSQL aimed at supporting the ad…  0  nobody
 180   185  RFP liblatex2unicode-java  858809  translate latex markup to human readable unicode  0  nobody
 181   185  RFA autogen  1010062  automated text file generator  47,534  nobody
 182   185  RFP zed  1076165  High-performance multiplayer code editor  89  nobody
 183   187  RFP waveterm  1076167  AI-native terminal built for seamless workflows  27  nobody
 184   187  RFP liba2i  1076091  String-to-numeric library  0  nobody
 185   188  O sphinx-panels  1065029  documentation for the sphinx-panels Python library  32  nobody
 186   188  O python-static3  986941  Really simple WSGI way to serve static content (Python 3)  8  nobody
 187   188  O tkcvs  1076093  Graphical front-end to CVS and Subversion  308  nobody
 188   191  RFP rlogout  1075899  rust/gtk4 based wlogout  0  nobody
 189   191  RFP neovim-gtk  1055427  Rust-based GTK frontend for Neovim  0  nobody
 190   191  RFP skim  956078  fuzzy finder in Rust  1  nobody
 191   194  RFP helm-kubernetes  910799  Kubernetes Package Manager  0  nobody
 192   196  O aiodns  1074759  Asynchronous DNS resolver library for Python 3  2,484  nobody
 193   196  O pycares  1074758  Python interface for c-ares (common documentation)  2,513  nobody
 194   198  O nim  1074512  Nim programming language - compiler  221  nobody
 195   199  RFP canokey-qemu  1074069  virtual canokey to the guest OS  0  nobody
 196   200  RFP nvidia-mofed  1074466  MVidia MLNX OFED software for Infiniband  0  nobody
 197   200  O libextractor  1070308  extracts meta-data from files  3,986  nobody
 198   201  RFP visit  395573  interactive parallel visualization and graphical analysis t…  0  nobody
 199   201  RFP uwsm  1074367  Universal Wayland Session Manager  0  nobody
 200   202  RFP kaleido  1074333  Static image export for web-based visualization libraries w…  0  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!