Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 101   145  RFP rust-gst-plugin-fallbackswitch  1079319  fallback switch gstreamer plugin  0  nobody
 102   146  O png23d  1079265  Converts PNG images into three dimensional representations.  90  nobody
 103   146  O ekeyd  1079263  Simtec Electronics UDEKEY01 Entropy Key Daemon  296  nobody
 104   146  RFP lightpad  1079219  A plugin for XFCE DE that shows a grid menu applications li…  3  nobody
 105   146  O mu-editor  1079233  simple editor for beginner Python programmers  853  nobody
 106   146  O python-uflash  1079232  module and utility for flashing the BBC micro:bit  854  nobody
 107   146  O python-guizero  1079231  module to allow quick and easy GUI creation  853  nobody
 108   146  O python-nudatus  1079230  module to remove comments from Python 3 scripts  851  nobody
 109   146  O yotta  1079226  build tool for C/C++ projects using modular components  7  nobody
 110   146  O python-hgapi  1079225  module providing a pure-Python API to Mercurial (Python 3)  8  nobody
 111   146  O valinor  1079224  generate IDE project files to debug ELF files  4  nobody
 112   146  O python-project-generator  1079223  project generators for various embedded tools (IDE)  17  nobody
 113   146  O python-project-generator-definitions  1079222  collection of target/MCU definitions for progen  17  nobody
 114   146  O mbed-test-wrapper  1079221  utility to wrap the mbed test loader for use by yotta targe…  5  nobody
 115   146  O python-mbed-host-tests  1079220  module and utilities to flash, reset and test Mbed Enabled …  9  nobody
 116   146  O python-mbed-ls  1079218  module listing mbed-enabled devices connected to host (Pyth…  9  nobody
 117   146  RFP celt051  603699  The CELT codec v0.5.1  0  nobody
 118   146  O buildtorrent  920088  command line torrent creation program  51  nobody
 119   147  RFP lablgtk3-extras  966595  modules for OCaml/LablGtk3 apps  0  nobody
 120   147  O profile-sync-daemon  1033794  Symlink and sync browser profile directories into RAM  196  nobody
 121   148  O gkrellm-xkb  1079084  Keyboard layout indicator plugin for GKrellM  79  nobody
 122   148  O gkrellm-thinkbat  1079081  ThinkPad laptops battery status indicator for GKrellM  96  nobody
 123   148  RFP labwc-tweaks-gtk  1078948  None  0  nobody
 124   148  RFP hyprland-per-window-layout  1079069  Daemon providing per-window keyboard layout for Hyprland  0  nobody
 125   149  O librepfunc  1072194  set of C++ classes and utilities for building multimedia to…  107  nobody
 126   150  RFP pinta  1077275  Pinta is a free, open source program for drawing and image …  416  nobody
 127   152  RFP metasploit-framework  323420  framework platform to find, exploit, and validate vulnerabi…  292  nobody
 128   153  RFP framework-system  1078710  Rust libraries and tools to interact with the Framework Com…  0  nobody
 129   153  RFP hawkmoth  996357  minimalistic Sphinx C Domain autodoc directive extension  0  nobody
 130   153  O pysimplesoap  1065223  simple and lightweight SOAP Library (Python 3)  201,220  nobody
 131   154  RFP ccl  609047  Clozure CL  2  nobody
 132   154  RFP ags  844078  Please add 'ags' (adventure game studio) to Debian games  11  nobody
 133   155  RFP ntfy  1078571  Send push notifications to your phone or desktop using PUT/…  65  nobody
 134   156  O pagure  1073117  git-centered forge using pygit2  27  nobody
 135   156  RFP spoofdpi  1078511  simple and fast anti-censorship tool  0  nobody
 136   157  RFP docker-buildx  989917  docker CLI plugin for BuildKit  4  nobody
 137   158  RFP quill  1078353  Asynchronous Low Latency C++ Logging Library  0  nobody
 138   159  RFP python-pyhanko  1062808  Sign and stamp PDF files  0  nobody
 139   160  RFP gmat  841433  spacecraft mission analysis, design and simulation  0  nobody
 140   160  RFA colorhug-client  953091  Tools for the Hughski Colorimeter  91  nobody
 141   163  RFH xloadimage  919265  Graphics file viewer under X11  1,174  nobody
 142   164  O apache-mode-el  1077887  Emacs major mode for editing Apache configuration files  1,950  nobody
 143   164  O auto-dictionary-mode  1077885  automatic dictionary switcher for Emacs spell checking  64  nobody
 144   164  O irony-mode  1077884  Emacs C/C++ minor mode powered by libclang  104  nobody
 145   164  O csv-mode  1077880  Emacs major mode for editing comma, char, and tab separated…  1,977  nobody
 146   164  O puppet-mode  1077879  Emacs major mode for Puppet manifests  33  nobody
 147   164  O writegood-mode  1077878  Emacs minor mode that provides hints for common English wri…  46  nobody
 148   164  O php-elisp  1077877  PHP Mode for GNU Emacs  402  nobody
 149   165  RFP cockpit-filesharing  1072481  A plugin for Cockpit to manage Samba and NFS shares  0  nobody
 150   165  RFP cockpit-navigator  1072479  Web based file browser for cockpit to navigate filesystem  179  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!