Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 351   3,253  RFP spark-hilite  713928  SPARK programming language toolset (Ada 2012-style)  0  nobody
 352   3,252  RFP virtualgl  673426  Toolkit for displaying OpenGL applications to thin clients  203  nobody
 353   3,239  RFP oh-my-zsh  695990  framework for managing your zsh configuration  2  nobody
 354   3,238  RFP ksig  714207  KSig is a graphical tool for keeping track of many differen…  27  nobody
 355   3,236  RFP caldavzap  698769  CalDAV web client with a powerful event/todo editor  0  nobody
 356   3,236  RFP aspell-lang  536075  dictionary creation tools for aspell  0  nobody
 357   3,233  RFP qfs  648288  Quantcast Distributed Filesystem  0  nobody
 358   3,233  RFP krokus  782911  program for printing photos  0  nobody
 359   3,226  RFP vim-automaticlatexplugin  739066  editing, building and viewing LaTeX files in vim  0  nobody
 360   3,221  O latex-mk  790477  tool for managing LaTeX projects  132  nobody
 361   3,221  O visual-regexp  790479  Interactively debug regular expressions  97  nobody
 362   3,212  RFP libiconv-dev  791716  library to convert character encoding  0  nobody
 363   3,201  O partimage  610028  disk cloning/backup utility  1,307  nobody
 364   3,200  O xdemorse  554899  GTK+ Morse Code Decoding Software  133  nobody
 365   3,199  RFP pagemap  717075  analyze and print the physical memory layout of a Linux pro…  1  nobody
 366   3,198  RFP riemann  765398  event stream processor  2  nobody
 367   3,191  RFP logstash  664841  tool for managing events and logs  359  nobody
 368   3,177  RFP varnisnncsa-vhost  608395  Wrapper around 'varnishncsa' tool to save varnish logs with…  0  nobody
 369   3,177  RFP elf-statifier  579661  compiles C programs into a single static executable  0  nobody
 370   3,173  RFP projectlibre  548399  Project management solution  206  nobody
 371   3,173  RFP tuxemon  795174  Open source turn-based RPG  0  nobody
 372   3,171  RFP vim-easymotion  769061  simple and efficient motions in vim  0  nobody
 373   3,169  RFP openphoto  667539  A photo application that lets you store your photos on Drop…  0  nobody
 374   3,168  RFP gnome-pdf-tool  796085  GUI tool to edit PDF metadata  0  nobody
 375   3,162  RFP dropwizard  768103  A Java library for building production-ready RESTful web se…  0  nobody
 376   3,160  RFP libuncommons-maths-java  796643  Random number generators, probability distributions, combin…  3  nobody
 377   3,147  RFP hackpad  796505  Web-based realtime wiki  0  nobody
 378   3,139  RFP bomi  799381  GUI multimedia player based on mpv  0  nobody
 379   3,138  RFP python-cylp  795619  Python interface to COIN-OR linear and mixed-integer progra…  0  nobody
 380   3,137  RFP ympd  767134  Standalone MPD web GUI  0  nobody
 381   3,137  RFP entityx  772414  A fast, type-safe C++ Entity Component System  0  nobody
 382   3,137  RFP pnfft  761202  Parallel NFFT software library based on MPI  0  nobody
 383   3,137  RFP nufft  768936  Library implementing the Non-Uniform Fast  0  nobody
 384   3,136  RFP reaction  694645  first person shooter (ioquake3)  4  nobody
 385   3,135  RFP erlang-esasl  722508  Erlang SASL library needed for GSSAPI support in ejabberd.  0  nobody
 386   3,132  RFP polysh  609057  remote shell multiplexor  0  nobody
 387   3,131  O xflip  800325  programs to mirror-image or melt your display  76  nobody
 388   3,129  O dadadodo  800519  Exterminates all rational thought  96  nobody
 389   3,128  RFP pelican-themes  759179  Themes for Pelican  0  nobody
 390   3,121  RFP node-canvas  761827  a Cairo backed Canvas implementation for NodeJS  0  nobody
 391   3,121  RFP curl-loader  503308  application load simulator  0  nobody
 392   3,120  RFP php-text-wiki-tiki  746292  Tiki parser and renderer for Text_Wiki  0  nobody
 393   3,120  RFP php-text-wiki-creole  746290  Creole parser and renderer for Text_Wiki  0  nobody
 394   3,120  RFP fuse-google-drive  714973  A fuse filesystem wrapper for Google Drive.  0  nobody
 395   3,120  RFP python-django-cms  516183  hierarchical Django content management system app  0  nobody
 396   3,115  RFP gwt  798856  Google Web Toolkit  1  nobody
 397   3,115  RFP libjs-reveal  799215  HTML Presentation Framework  1  nobody
 398   3,115  RFP oqplus  799828  GPL content for Quake engines  0  nobody
 399   3,110  RFP ruby-bond  698744  easy custom autocompletion for arguments, methods and beyond  2  nobody
 400   3,109  O dbtoepub  802360  DocBook XML to .epub converter  139  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!