Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 151   2,837  RFP vpnautoconnect  620821  Automatically reconnect VPNs created by NetworkManager  0  nobody
 152   838  RFP dwarf  611498  little and powerful object file manipulation tool  0  nobody
 153   3,074  RFP libjs-validation  622257  jQuery plugin for clientside form validation  0  nobody
 154   3,292  RFP pd-iem-bin-ambi  603178  binaural spatial audio for Pure Data using Ambisonics  0  nobody
 155   3,823  RFP ruby-debug  624278  Faster implementation of the standard debug.rb  0  nobody
 156   146  RFP celt051  603699  The CELT codec v0.5.1  0  nobody
 157   3,182  RFP eclipse-plugin-avr  619631  tools for developing C programs for the ATMEL AVR series of…  0  nobody
 158   2,948  RFP panda3d  597172  Panda3D is a game engine, a framework for 3D rendering and …  0  nobody
 159   3,077  RFP gpgstats  592335  GPGstats calculates statistics on the keys in your key-ring.  0  nobody
 160   3,318  RFP netdot  605079  network documentation tool  0  nobody
 161   2,118  RFP dylandotnet  626078  This is the dylan.NET compiler.  0  nobody
 162   165  RFP exciting  602097  All-electron full-potential electronic-structure code  0  nobody
 163   3,056  RFP python-wikitools  594130  A mediawiki interface API  0  nobody
 164   2,906  RFP leechcraft  607440  modular "Internet client" application  0  nobody
 165   2,866  RFP ditaa-addons  634852  EPS and JavaDoc support for ditaa  0  nobody
 166   1,955  RFP elpa-nagios-mode  600963  An Emacs mode for Nagios configuration files  0  nobody
 167   3,361  RFP philologic  612381  text analysis tool for digital corpora  0  nobody
 168   2,980  RFP reiser4-modules  597639  reiser4-modules as out-of-tree building package  0  nobody
 169   2,870  RFP vanityhash  606927  Utility to search for partial hash matches  0  nobody
 170   3,697  RFP dnt  610875  DccNiTghtmare (aka DNT) is a project to make a Free (as in …  0  nobody
 171   3,322  RFP tei  618579  XML schema of the Text Encoding Initiative  0  nobody
 172   3,055  RFP rockbox  440111  open source jukebox firmware and utilities  0  nobody
 173   3,823  RFP aspsms-t  645103  aspsms-t is an open source /*GPL*/ jabber2sms transport wri…  0  nobody
 174   3,022  RFP dcache-srmclient  639085  SRM protocol clients  0  nobody
 175   3,071  RFP liquidwar6  644239  Multiplayer wargame  0  nobody
 176   3,043  RFP zramswap-enabler  648249  Start/Stop swapping to zram  0  nobody
 177   699  RFP boot-repair-common  637074  libraries for OS-uninstaller and Boot-repair  0  nobody
 178   2,798  RFP libjs-videojs  657065  JavaScript and CSS library for HTML5 video  0  nobody
 179   2,870  RFP reviewboard  653113  web-based code review tool  0  nobody
 180   2,967  RFP v3c  652423  C/C++/sh/make/automake/Debian utility toolkit  0  nobody
 181   2,912  RFP ruby-juicer  641973  CSS and JavaScript packaging tool  0  nobody
 182   2,931  RFP vim-pyclewn  655235  Pyclewn allows using vim as a front end to a debugger. Curr…  0  nobody
 183   1,621  RFP libagar  636317  a portable GUI toolkit  0  nobody
 184   2,422  RFP simple-build-tool  639910  for scala and java  0  nobody
 185   2,878  RFP xfce4-netspeed-plugin  648236  traffic monitor plugin for the Xfce4 panel  0  nobody
 186   3,229  RFP libqsi  656203  Quantum Scientific Imaging Library  0  nobody
 187   534  RFP p2pool-in  657712  Peer-to-peer Bitcoin mining pool  0  nobody
 188   3,632  RFP pyneod  534160  pyneo mobile stack: daemon suite  0  nobody
 189   699  RFP clean-ubiquity-common  637075  common libraries for Boot-repair, OS-Uninstaller and Clean-…  0  nobody
 190   2,868  RFP rpg  652718  Readable Password Generator  0  nobody
 191   1,621  RFP qt-solutions  641812  libqtsingleapplication0: support for starting applications …  0  nobody
 192   2,829  RFP cocot  638838  Character code converter on tty  0  nobody
 193   1,335  RFP gst-debug-viewer  641131  GStreamer Debug Viewer  0  nobody
 194   2,875  RFP filebench  655222  file system and storage benchmark with flexible workload sp…  0  nobody
 195   2,897  RFP olena  657974  C++ Image Processing Platform  0  nobody
 196   1,138  RFP minivmac  656728  a miniature early Macintosh emulator  0  nobody
 197   2,936  RFP cellprofiler  647995  quantitatively measure phenotypes  0  nobody
 198   2,071  RFP friendica  651944  PHP/MySQL based decentral social network platform  0  nobody
 199   2,931  RFP transcriberag  655057  TranscriberAG is designed for assisting the manual annotati…  0  nobody
 200   2,348  RFP docbook-xsl2  642150  stylesheets for processing DocBook XML to various output fo…  0  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!