Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 4801   4,165  O ddtc  710154  Deal with ddts mails  8  nobody
 4802   4,165  O acheck-rules  710152  Basic rules for acheck  33  nobody
 4803   4,203  O spamprobe  705824  Bayesian spam filter  577  nobody
 4804   4,204  O pppconfig  705769  A text menu based utility for configuring ppp  326  nobody
 4805   4,215  O ispell-lt  704968  ispell dictionary for Lithuanian (LT)  1,131  nobody
 4806   4,262  O dds2tar  701029  Tools for using DDS features of DAT drives with GNU tar  28  nobody
 4807   4,270  O ale  700405  synthetic capture engine and renderer  58  nobody
 4808   4,334  O wvstreams  488006  C++ network libraries for rapid application development  2,867  nobody
 4809   4,346  O xzoom  694609  magnify part of X display, with real-time updates  295  nobody
 4810   4,376  O adplay  691817  console-based OPL2 audio player  39  nobody
 4811   4,395  O lockout  690140  A self-imposed discipline and productivity enforcer  6  nobody
 4812   4,412  O cldump  688535  Clarion database files extractor  4  nobody
 4813   4,413  O tkdesk  688443  Tk/tcl based X11 Desktop/File manager  137  nobody
 4814   4,473  O lomoco  669614  Logitech Mouse Control for USB mice  151  nobody
 4815   4,487  O prover9-manual  681044  documentation for Prover9 and associated programs  17  nobody
 4816   4,503  O elfrc  678874  convert arbitrary files into elf objects  22  nobody
 4817   4,503  O esekeyd  678864  multimedia keyboard daemon for Linux  12  nobody
 4818   4,504  RFH openvanilla-modules  678401  libraries of openvanilla input method  58  nobody
 4819   4,511  O tdfsb  677783  3D filesystem browser  99  nobody
 4820   4,511  O iroffer  677771  IRC file distribution bot  5  nobody
 4821   4,515  O envstore  657333  save and restore environment variables  15  nobody
 4822   4,515  O proxsmtp  661880  multi purpose SMTP Proxy  6  nobody
 4823   4,515  O gramofile  660220  Transfer sound from gramophone records to CD  66  nobody
 4824   4,519  O xcb  675764  Pigeon holes for your cut and paste selections  693  nobody
 4825   4,524  O sysprofile  675784  Modularized system wide shell configuration mechanism  200  nobody
 4826   4,530  O devil  674868  Cross-platform image loading and manipulation toolkit  1,705  nobody
 4827   4,536  O weplab  673977  tool designed to break WEP keys  407  nobody
 4828   4,536  O stymulator  673964  Curses based player and converter for the YM chiptune format  46  nobody
 4829   4,536  O leds-alix  673960  Source for the LEDs driver of PCEngines ALIX 2/3 boards  10  nobody
 4830   4,556  O mpc123  671206  Command-line Musepack audio player  40  nobody
 4831   4,600  O glhack  607323  Fullscreen SDL/OpenGL version of NetHack  105  nobody
 4832   4,604  O xarclock  664099  reversed xclock  39  nobody
 4833   4,610  RFH libapache2-mod-python  516501  Python-embedding module for Apache 2  2,324  nobody
 4834   4,626  RFA knews  140577  Graphical threaded news reader  35  nobody
 4835   4,654  O canna  519388  Japanese input system (server and dictionary)  1,237  nobody
 4836   4,670  O gnomint  655257  x509 Certification Authority management tool for GNOME  114  nobody
 4837   4,670  O gtkam  655253  application for retrieving media from digital cameras  1,348  nobody
 4838   4,678  O cal3d  653951  Skeletal based 3d character animation library - API documen…  42  nobody
 4839   4,711  O ferret  618938  CASE tool for data model editing  28  nobody
 4840   4,830  O gpstrans  636411  communicate with a Garmin Global Positioning System receiver  196  nobody
 4841   4,830  O autoproject  636407  create a skeleton source package for a new program  230  nobody
 4842   4,830  O autoclass  636406  automatic classification or clustering  107  nobody
 4843   4,833  RFA pxp  636021  OCaml library that implements an XML-1.0 validating parser  99  nobody
 4844   4,847  O pasmo  634068  An easy to use Z80 cross-assembler  32  nobody
 4845   4,861  O upse  632414  unix playstation sound emulator  24  nobody
 4846   4,862  O pidgin-audacious  632411  pidgin integration with Audacious  74  nobody
 4847   4,886  O photopc  629606  Interface to digital still cameras  90  nobody
 4848   4,886  O nitpic  629605  simulator for the Microchip PIC16C84 microcontroller  30  nobody
 4849   4,891  O buddy  628923  Binary Decision Diagram library  56  nobody
 4850   4,891  O changetrack  628924  automatic log book, recording what files were changed  209  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!