Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 4551   3,481  RFP fudgit  516627  A double-precision multi-purpose fitting program  0  nobody
 4552   3,486  RFP fullcalendar  606901  jQuery plugin providing a full-sized, drag & drop calendar  0  nobody
 4553   3,486  RFP libjs-viewer  727530  display ODF and PDF into web applications  0  nobody
 4554   3,489  RFP streql  764443  Constant-time string comparison  0  nobody
 4555   3,490  RFP bitcoin-explorer  779071  Bitcoin Command Line Tool  0  nobody
 4556   3,491  RFP yacreader  755731  Yet another comic reader  44  nobody
 4557   3,502  RFP dzip  749946  Quake demo compression program  0  nobody
 4558   3,503  RFP indicator-multiload  709804  A port of the gnome multiload panel applet to appindicators…  3  nobody
 4559   3,507  O e2ps  773952  Convert plain text into PostScript  56  nobody
 4560   3,507  O html2ps  759016  HTML to PostScript converter  766  nobody
 4561   3,508  RFP snf-image-creator  777213  OS image creation tool  2  nobody
 4562   3,510  RFA pdfresurrect  777099  tool for extracting/scrubbing versioning data from PDF docu…  181  nobody
 4563   3,510  RFP pyneod  534160  pyneo mobile stack: daemon suite  0  nobody
 4564   3,510  RFP python-pyneo  534162  pyneo mobile stack: basis libraries  0  nobody
 4565   3,524  RFP pageres  775859  Capture screenshots of websites in various resolutions on t…  0  nobody
 4566   3,526  RFP mitk  773857  The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit  0  nobody
 4567   3,530  RFH nn  470187  Heavy-duty USENET news reader (curses-based client)  64  nobody
 4568   3,530  RFP python-sst  672238  browser-based web test framework for Python  0  nobody
 4569   3,531  RFP sslyze  765787  SSL analyser and weakness scanner  29  nobody
 4570   3,531  RFP python-nassl  775333  Python wrapper for OpenSSL  1  nobody
 4571   3,532  RFP tabula  757810  Tabula is a tool for liberating data tables locked inside P…  0  nobody
 4572   3,547  O intltool-debian  774187  Help i18n of RFC822 compliant config files  52,902  nobody
 4573   3,560  RFP gpcslots2  770311  text console casino for *nix  0  nobody
 4574   3,565  O metacity-themes  772905  Themes for the Gtk2 metacity window manager  181  nobody
 4575   3,569  RFP selenium  626545  Browser automation  0  nobody
 4576   3,571  RFP ht5streamer  724956  Youtube/Dailymotion streamer without need of flashplugin  0  nobody
 4577   3,575  RFP python-iris  730668  Python library for analysing and visualising, meteorologica…  0  nobody
 4578   3,575  RFP puppet-module-puppetlabs-vswitch  720294  Puppet module for vSwitches  0  nobody
 4579   3,575  RFP sabre  719352  fighter plane simulator  0  nobody
 4580   3,575  RFP node-brewer  719881  Asset manager for web applications  0  nobody
 4581   3,575  RFP puppet-module-puppetlabs-keystone  726748  Puppet module for Openstack keystone  0  nobody
 4582   3,575  RFP clang-tags  726332  Indexing tool for C/C++ source code  0  nobody
 4583   3,575  RFP cabocha  729126  A Japenese dependency/case structure analysis system  3  nobody
 4584   3,575  RFP mod-host  722491  LV2 host for jackd with socket and shell control  6  nobody
 4585   3,575  RFP libscion  725069  dataflow programming library  0  nobody
 4586   3,575  RFP metawarej  725463  Java framework for creating web-based business applications  0  nobody
 4587   3,575  RFP django-oauth2-provider  728162  Provide OAuth2 access to django application  0  nobody
 4588   3,575  RFP fonts-autonym  729859  A font that can render all language autonyms  0  nobody
 4589   3,575  RFP minetruco  719169  Bluffing trick-taking card game played in Brazil  0  nobody
 4590   3,575  RFP inkscape-plugin-qrcode  728729  Inkscape plugin for generating QR codes  0  nobody
 4591   3,575  RFP libcatalyst-actionrole-queryparameter…  730785  Dispatch rules using query parameters  0  nobody
 4592   3,575  RFP jnetmap  721050  Network planner and scanner with nice  15  nobody
 4593   3,575  RFP eatmonkey  719214  Stupid download manager for monkeys and Capuchins!  0  nobody
 4594   3,575  RFP fonts-gandhi  719605  A sans serif and serif version of  0  nobody
 4595   3,575  RFP geronimo-j2ee-deployment-1.1-spec  721609  Geronimo API implementation of the J2EE deployment 1.1 spec  0  nobody
 4596   3,575  RFP kqoauth  722219  Library for OAuth 1.0 implementation  0  nobody
 4597   3,575  RFP percona-playback  718227  A tool for replaying captured database server load  0  nobody
 4598   3,575  RFP angularjs-batarang  730587  AngularJS WebInspector Extension for Chrome  0  nobody
 4599   3,575  RFP doxia-1.0  720876  1.0 alpha version of Doxia from codehaus  0  nobody
 4600   3,575  RFP valyriatear  700402  open source J-RPG game  0  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!