Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 4501   3,237  RFP caldavzap  698769  CalDAV web client with a powerful event/todo editor  0  nobody
 4502   3,239  RFP ksig  714207  KSig is a graphical tool for keeping track of many differen…  27  nobody
 4503   3,241  RFP oh-my-zsh  695990  framework for managing your zsh configuration  2  nobody
 4504   3,253  RFP virtualgl  673426  Toolkit for displaying OpenGL applications to thin clients  203  nobody
 4505   3,254  RFP spark-hilite  713928  SPARK programming language toolset (Ada 2012-style)  0  nobody
 4506   3,255  RFP vim-go  786932  Golang support for Vim  0  nobody
 4507   3,262  O guessnet  786398  Guess which LAN a network device is connected to  66  nobody
 4508   3,263  O fwanalog  785776  firewall log-file report generator (using analog)  22  nobody
 4509   3,265  RFP djbfft  477806  extremely fast library for floating-point convolution  0  nobody
 4510   3,265  RFP drwright  651504  monitors your typing and forces you to periodically take ty…  0  nobody
 4511   3,275  RFP guitarexerciser  660469  A program to help guitarists develop their skills  0  nobody
 4512   3,279  RFP xmlvalidate  704253  Quick and flexible XML validator  0  nobody
 4513   3,281  RFA ocaml-inotify  784037  OCaml bindings for the inotify API  12  nobody
 4514   3,281  RFA ocamlgsl  784036  GNU scientific library for OCaml  774  nobody
 4515   3,281  RFA ocamlify  784035  include files in OCaml code  8  nobody
 4516   3,281  RFA ocamlmod  784034  generate OCaml modules from source files  6  nobody
 4517   3,281  RFA xstr  784032  OCaml library for frequent string operations  65  nobody
 4518   3,284  RFP honeytrap  440226  low-interaction network honeypot  0  nobody
 4519   3,294  O xmlrpc-c  773435  lightweight RPC library based on XML and HTTP [C++ developm…  4,150  nobody
 4520   3,311  RFP jdownloader  562217  download manager for one-click hosting sites  1  nobody
 4521   3,312  RFP kpassgen  610911  password generator written in Qt  0  nobody
 4522   3,313  RFP solid3d  500616  Software library for collision detection of geometric objec…  0  nobody
 4523   3,314  RFP python-wiringx  781492  Python binding for wiringX  0  nobody
 4524   3,326  RFP zotero-dataserver  709925  dataserver for the zotero client  0  nobody
 4525   3,328  O foiltex  780549  collection of LaTeX files for making foils and slides  491  nobody
 4526   3,332  RFP envoy  758651  A ssh/gpg-agent wrapper leveraging cgroups and systemd/sock…  1  nobody
 4527   3,338  RFP fudgit  516627  A double-precision multi-purpose fitting program  0  nobody
 4528   3,343  RFP fullcalendar  606901  jQuery plugin providing a full-sized, drag & drop calendar  0  nobody
 4529   3,343  RFP libjs-viewer  727530  display ODF and PDF into web applications  0  nobody
 4530   3,347  RFP streql  764443  Constant-time string comparison  0  nobody
 4531   3,347  RFP bitcoin-explorer  779071  Bitcoin Command Line Tool  0  nobody
 4532   3,348  RFP yacreader  755731  Yet another comic reader  43  nobody
 4533   3,360  RFP dzip  749946  Quake demo compression program  0  nobody
 4534   3,360  RFP indicator-multiload  709804  A port of the gnome multiload panel applet to appindicators…  3  nobody
 4535   3,364  O e2ps  773952  Convert plain text into PostScript  56  nobody
 4536   3,364  O html2ps  759016  HTML to PostScript converter  766  nobody
 4537   3,366  RFP snf-image-creator  777213  OS image creation tool  2  nobody
 4538   3,367  RFA pdfresurrect  777099  tool for extracting/scrubbing versioning data from PDF docu…  181  nobody
 4539   3,368  RFP pyneod  534160  pyneo mobile stack: daemon suite  0  nobody
 4540   3,368  RFP python-pyneo  534162  pyneo mobile stack: basis libraries  0  nobody
 4541   3,382  RFP pageres  775859  Capture screenshots of websites in various resolutions on t…  0  nobody
 4542   3,384  RFP mitk  773857  The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit  0  nobody
 4543   3,387  RFH nn  470187  Heavy-duty USENET news reader (curses-based client)  64  nobody
 4544   3,387  RFP python-sst  672238  browser-based web test framework for Python  0  nobody
 4545   3,389  RFP sslyze  765787  SSL analyser and weakness scanner  29  nobody
 4546   3,389  RFP python-nassl  775333  Python wrapper for OpenSSL  1  nobody
 4547   3,389  RFP tabula  757810  Tabula is a tool for liberating data tables locked inside P…  0  nobody
 4548   3,404  O intltool-debian  774187  Help i18n of RFC822 compliant config files  52,796  nobody
 4549   3,418  RFP gpcslots2  770311  text console casino for *nix  0  nobody
 4550   3,422  O metacity-themes  772905  Themes for the Gtk2 metacity window manager  181  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!