Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 4451   358  O plptools  1064669  Access EPOC device (Psion PDA) over a serial link  14  nobody
 4452   357  RFP elixir-earmark  795501  Markdown to HTML conversion library  0  nobody
 4453   357  RFP node-gulp-if  884842  Gulp extension for controlling the flow of vinyl objects.  0  nobody
 4454   356  O lightyears  1064871  single player real-time strategy game with steampunk sci-fi  81  nobody
 4455   356  O libuser  1064872  user and group account administration library - utilities  11,384  nobody
 4456   356  O osdlyrics  1064873  Show synchronized lyrics with various media players  54  nobody
 4457   356  RFP monobit  1062438  tools for working with monochrome bitmap fonts  1  nobody
 4458   356  O libinklevel  1064910  check the ink level of a local printer  371  nobody
 4459   356  O xdiskusage  1064911  Displays a graphic of your disk usage with du  324  nobody
 4460   356  O nixnote2  1064912  Open Source Evernote client  122  nobody
 4461   356  O zssh  1064916  interactive file transfers over ssh  338  nobody
 4462   356  RFP elixir-evacuated-phoenix  1023300  Peace of mind from prototype to production (evacuated from …  0  nobody
 4463   355  RFP turtle  1064941  Turtle provides dialogs for version control operations and …  0  nobody
 4464   355  O pyvirtualdisplay  888217  python wrapper for Xvfb, Xephyr and Xvnc  74  nobody
 4465   355  O ima-evm-utils  1064994  Linux IMA Extended Verification Module signing tools  44  nobody
 4466   354  O sphinxcontrib-log-cabinet  1065030  Organize changelog directives in Sphinx docs  22  nobody
 4467   354  O sphinxtesters  1065043  utilities for testing Sphinx extensions - Python 3  26  nobody
 4468   354  RFP rocm-all  1001712  AMD Radeon Open Compute (ROCm) - A  0  nobody
 4469   354  O gsmlib  1065092  GSM mobile phone access applications  186  nobody
 4470   354  O singleapplication  1065093  Replacement of QtSingleApplication for Qt5  11  nobody
 4471   354  O pdm-pep517  1065095  Yet another PEP 517 backend for PDM projects  56  nobody
 4472   354  O libident  1065098  simple RFC1413 client library - runtime  1,423  nobody
 4473   354  RFP lemonade-gtk  1065103  follow discussions on lemmy  0  nobody
 4474   353  RFP freenginx  1063916  a fork of nginx maintained by Maxim Dounin and the developm…  0  nobody
 4475   353  O commonmark  1065151  Python parser for the CommonMark Markdown spec  691  nobody
 4476   352  RFP signal-cli  926807  A command-line and D-BUS interface for Signal Messenger  0  nobody
 4477   351  RFP niri  1065355  Scrollable-tiling Wayland compositor  0  nobody
 4478   351  O kupfer  1065381  fast and lightweight desktop summoner/launcher  147  nobody
 4479   351  O xf86-input-wacom  1065383  X.Org X server -- Wacom input driver  113,872  nobody
 4480   348  RFP libsdl2-pango  1065533  pango extension for sdl2  0  nobody
 4481   347  O google-android-m2repository-installer  1065612  Google Android support m2 repository  20  nobody
 4482   346  O qtdbusextended  1065645  Extended DBus interface for Qt  94  nobody
 4483   346  RFP libreqos  1065656  QoS management system for ISP and other network operators  0  nobody
 4484   345  O abr2gbr  1065693  Converts PhotoShop brushes to GIMP  85  nobody
 4485   345  O kyotocabinet  1065694  Straightforward implementation of DBM  16,886  nobody
 4486   345  RFP bisq  772886  The P2P exchange network  119  nobody
 4487   345  O utfcpp  1065736  UTF8-CPP: UTF-8 with C++  776  nobody
 4488   345  O aml  1065737  Andri's Main Loop library  491  nobody
 4489   345  O neatvnc  1065738  Fast and neat VNC server library  481  nobody
 4490   345  O python-langdetect  1065741  Python library for language-detection  587  nobody
 4491   345  O modest  1065744  pure C HTML renderer  2  nobody
 4492   345  RFP streamrip  1065755  A scriptable music downloader for Qobuz, Tidal, SoundCloud,…  0  nobody
 4493   344  O python-jieba  1065809  Jieba Chinese text segmenter  12  nobody
 4494   344  O papirus-icon-theme  1065811  Papirus open source icon theme for Linux  7,803  nobody
 4495   344  RFP paperless-ngx  986227  scan, index and archive all your physical documents  0  nobody
 4496   343  O elementary-icon-theme  1066013  Original set of vector icons for elementary OS  303  nobody
 4497   343  RFP java-digital  1066050  A digital logic designer and circuit simulator  0  nobody
 4498   342  RFP gtk-theme-qogir  1065090  Qogir GTK  0  nobody
 4499   341  RFA rust-colorsys  1066123  Module for color conversion and mutation - Rust source code  2  nobody
 4500   341  RFA rust-enum-iterator  1066124  Tools to iterate over the variants of a field-less enum - R…  4  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!