Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 4451   241  RFP falco  842306  Sysdig Falco is a behavioral activity monitor designed to d…  13  nobody
 4452   240  RFP node-sass  998024  The reference implementation of Sass, written in Dart  0  nobody
 4453   240  RFP prometheus-script-exporter  1061119  Prometheus exporter to execute scripts and collect metrics …  0  nobody
 4454   240  RFP forgejo  1058932  a self-hosted lightweight software forge  8  nobody
 4455   240  RFP gitea  935834  A painless self-hosted Git service  54  nobody
 4456   239  RFP spitbol  1061167  SPITBOL is an extremely high performance implementation of …  0  nobody
 4457   236  RFP typst  1060888  A new markup-based typesetting system that is powerful and …  0  nobody
 4458   236  RFP wireviz  1061328  Easily document cables and wiring harnesses.  0  nobody
 4459   236  RFH qiskit-terra  1008625  None  6  nobody
 4460   236  RFP wayprompt  1060053  multi-purpose (password-)prompt tool for Wayland  0  nobody
 4461   234  O django-maintenancemode  1061447  None  16  nobody
 4462   234  RFP jellyfin-web  1061461  jellyfin media server web ui  1,483  nobody
 4463   234  RFP funkwhale  1061467  federated audio sharing platform  0  nobody
 4464   232  RFP sbctl  1030845  Secure Boot Manager  1  nobody
 4465   231  RFP jami-greenscreen-plugin  1061637  a greenscrenn plugin for jami  0  nobody
 4466   230  RFP k9s  1053428  Kubernetes CLI To Manage Your Clusters In Style!  121  nobody
 4467   227  RFP clipcat  1062136  Clipcat is a clipboard manager which supports X11 and Wayla…  2  nobody
 4468   226  RFP naps2  1062070  not another pdf scanner  96  nobody
 4469   226  RFP redshift-gui  1059069  Redshift GUI without geolocation built-in, put your color t…  0  nobody
 4470   226  O libcoap3  1062655  C-Implementation of CoAP - libraries API version 3  24  nobody
 4471   224  O lcm  965945  Lightweight Communications and Marshalling  14  nobody
 4472   223  O django-wkhtmltopdf  1063033  None  19  nobody
 4473   222  O python-sparkpost  1063171  None  7  nobody
 4474   222  RFP pydevtool  1062827  CLI dev tools powered by pydoit  0  nobody
 4475   222  RFP tn5250j  826643  A 5250 terminal emulator for the AS/400  0  nobody
 4476   221  RFP  1063335  Python bindings for Chafa  0  nobody
 4477   221  O pdfkit  1063348  None  85  nobody
 4478   220  RFP webmin  820659  web-based system configuration tool for Unix-like  6,396  nobody
 4479   219  RFP ghidra  923851  software reverse engineering framework  23  nobody
 4480   218  O sysconftool  1063574  development tool to install and update configuration files  30  nobody
 4481   218  O virtualenv-clone  1063576  script for cloning a non-relocatable virtualenv (Python3)  2,062  nobody
 4482   217  O unionfs-fuse  1063679  Fuse implementation of unionfs  302  nobody
 4483   216  RFP jujutsu  1061772  Git-compatible VCS that is both simple and powerful  0  nobody
 4484   214  O xsecurelock  1063868  X11 screen lock utility with the primary goal of security  120  nobody
 4485   210  O python-pmw  1064138  Pmw -- Python MegaWidgets  164  nobody
 4486   210  RFP whisper.cpp  1064101  automatic speech recognition  2  nobody
 4487   209  RFP wayneko  1064205  wayland port of neko  0  nobody
 4488   205  RFP composefs  1064457  file system for mounting container images  0  nobody
 4489   205  RFP xsqlite  1064466  forensic analysis of SQLite database files  0  nobody
 4490   204  RFP ior  1064508  parallel storage IO benchmark  0  nobody
 4491   203  O gwakeonlan  1064594  wakes up your machines using Wake on LAN  183  nobody
 4492   203  O ink-generator  1064595  Inkscape extension to automatically generate files from a t…  253  nobody
 4493   203  RFP openmodelica  1064630  Modelica-based modeling and simulation environment  108  nobody
 4494   202  RFP retdec  886718  retargetable machine-code decompiler  0  nobody
 4495   202  O plptools  1064669  Access EPOC device (Psion PDA) over a serial link  14  nobody
 4496   202  RFP elixir-earmark  795501  Markdown to HTML conversion library  0  nobody
 4497   202  RFP node-gulp-if  884842  Gulp extension for controlling the flow of vinyl objects.  0  nobody
 4498   201  O lightyears  1064871  single player real-time strategy game with steampunk sci-fi  78  nobody
 4499   201  O libuser  1064872  user and group account administration library - utilities  11,384  nobody
 4500   201  O osdlyrics  1064873  Show synchronized lyrics with various media players  48  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!