Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 401   241  RFP bokeh  756017  interactive visualization for web browsers  0  nobody
 402   241  RFP denote  1056181  simple note-taking tool for Emacs  0  nobody
 403   241  RFP external-editor-revived  1031610  Thunderbird MailExtension which allows using external edito…  0  nobody
 404   241  RFP pass2csv  1030023  pass password store export to CSV  0  nobody
 405   241  RFP nginx-unit  1024594  polyglot app server, a reverse proxy, and a static file ser…  0  nobody
 406   241  RFP tusd  1014812  implementation of the tus resumable upload protocol  1  nobody
 407   241  RFP empty-epsilon  854917  a spaceship bridge simulator game  0  nobody
 408   243  RFP php-barrydvh-laravel-debugbar  1017400  PHP Debugbar integration for Laravel  0  nobody
 409   243  RFP php-amphp-http  1011337  Basic HTTP primitives which can be shared by servers and cl…  0  nobody
 410   243  RFP qr-backup  1021089  paper backups of files using QR codes  0  nobody
 411   243  RFP php-laravel-mail-auto-embed  1005322  automatically parses your messages and embeds the images fo…  0  nobody
 412   243  RFP php-amphp-byte-stream  1011283  stream abstraction to make working with non-blocking I/O si…  0  nobody
 413   243  RFP php-javiereguiluz-easyslugger  1020897  fast and easy to use slugger with full UTF-8 support  0  nobody
 414   243  RFP php-kelunik-certificate  1012296  Access certificate details and transform between different …  0  nobody
 415   243  RFP wp-cli  1015300  command-line interface for WordPress  1  nobody
 416   243  RFP php-asm89-stack-cors  1005119  cross-origin resource sharing for http applications  0  nobody
 417   243  RFP php-amphp-hpack  1011334  HTTP/2 HPack implementation  0  nobody
 418   243  RFP php-amphp-http-client  1011274  Asynchronous concurrent HTTP/2 and HTTP/1.1 client built on…  0  nobody
 419   243  RFP php-amphp-parser  1011524  streaming generator parser  0  nobody
 420   243  RFP php-barryvdh-laravel-dompdf  1018036  Laravel wrapper for Dompdf HTML to PDF Converter  0  nobody
 421   243  RFP simplesok  1001508  Simple Sokoban is a (simple) Sokoban game.  5  nobody
 422   243  RFP php-fideloper-proxy  1005342  set trusted proxies for Laravel  0  nobody
 423   243  RFP snipe-it  1005172  Open Source Asset Management System  0  nobody
 424   243  RFP php-amphp-cache  1011326  non-blocking caching library for Amp  0  nobody
 425   243  RFP onlyoffice-desktopeditors  963070  free alternative to MS Office for Linux  743  nobody
 426   246  RFP proton-bridge  959145  Proton Mail Bridge for e-mail clients.  0  nobody
 427   249  RFP cli-docs-tool  1051975  A library containing utilities to generate documentation fo…  0  nobody
 428   250  O mime-construct  862649  construct/send MIME messages from the command line  2,212  nobody
 429   252  RFP harpoon  1055284  CLI tool for open source and threat intelligence  0  nobody
 430   253  RFP haskell-crypton-connection  1056063  simple and easy network connections API  0  nobody
 431   255  RFP img  959046  unprivileged OCI-compatible container image builder  0  nobody
 432   255  RFP liblouvre  1055904  C++ library for building Wayland compositors  0  nobody
 433   257  O sitecopy  1055868  program for managing a WWW site via FTP, SFTP, DAV or HTTP  107  nobody
 434   258  O sqlcipher  961598  Command line interface for SQLCipher  2,407  nobody
 435   258  RFP qt-heif-image-plugin  1055790  Qt Plugin for HEIF Images  20  nobody
 436   259  RFA fonts-montserrat  1055744  Font inspired by old urban posters and signs  64  nobody
 437   259  RFA junitparser  1055743  Merges JUnit/xUnit Result XML files  25  nobody
 438   261  RFP lustre  1053214  distributed parallel, scalabe, high-performance, high-avail…  2  nobody
 439   261  RFA pytest-dependency  1055620  Manages dependencies of pytest test cases  12  nobody
 440   261  RFP system76-ectool  1055615  System76 Open Source Embedded Controller tool  0  nobody
 441   264  O fbpanel  1055423  lightweight X11 desktop panel  116  nobody
 442   265  RFP gcc-xtensa  868895  toolchain for xtensa  45  nobody
 443   265  RFA python-onewire  1055360  Wrapper for OWFS C-API  14  nobody
 444   265  RFA python-junit-xml  1055359  creates JUnit XML test result docs  26  nobody
 445   265  RFA spyne  1055358  Python library for writing and calling web services  8  nobody
 446   265  RFA xmodem  1055357  xmodem file transfer protocol python library  26  nobody
 447   265  O db5.3  1055356  Berkeley v5.3 Database  248,835  nobody
 448   265  O mujs  1055354  Lightweight JavaScript interpreter  25,733  nobody
 449   265  RFP anura  1055343  2D game engine  0  nobody
 450   265  O db-defaults  1055344  Default Berkeley Database Libraries  12,719  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!