Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 4351   1,189  O extra-xdg-menus  981051  Extra menu categories for applications under GNOME and KDE  5,464  nobody
 4352   711  O distorm3  951161  powerful disassembler library for x86/AMD64 binary streams  125  nobody
 4353   1,181  O abicheck  981674  binary compatibility checking tool  44  nobody
 4354   1,441  O emacs-jedi  960922  Python auto-completion for Emacs  97  nobody
 4355   939  O lua-doc  995509  Documentation generation library for the Lua language  108  nobody
 4356   773  O emacs-openwith  1007863  seamlessly open files in external programs with Emacs  30  nobody
 4357   939  O lua-svn  995523  Subversion library for the Lua language  39  nobody
 4358   939  O lua-lpty  995511  PTY library for the Lua language  41  nobody
 4359   699  O libpgf  1012131  Progressive Graphics File (PGF) library  32  nobody
 4360   691  O emacs-pod-mode  1012473  Emacs major mode for editing .pod files  1,893  nobody
 4361   651  O gcc-riscv64-unknown-elf  1015208  GCC compiler for embedded RISC-V chips  260  nobody
 4362   672  O emscripten  1013374  LLVM-to-JavaScript Compiler  175  nobody
 4363   699  O biabam  1012132  bash attachment mailer  108  nobody
 4364   699  O xcalib  1012134  Tiny monitor calibration loader for Xorg  487  nobody
 4365   603  O buzztrax  1019046  Modular music composer  137  nobody
 4366   262  O emacs-pg-el  1017880  Emacs Lisp interface for PostgreSQL  34  nobody
 4367   680  O highwayhash  1013208  Fast strong hash functions: SipHash/HighwayHash  31  nobody
 4368   672  O sigscheme  1013900  Scheme Interpreter to be embedded  1,670  nobody
 4369   646  O xsol  1015849  Solitaire game for the X Window system  254  nobody
 4370   603  O xwrited  1019015  display write and wall messages as desktop notifications  22  nobody
 4371   44  O nsync  1013210  C library that exports various synchronization primitives  32  nobody
 4372   487  O coco-cpp  1027187  Coco/R Compiler Generator (C++ Version)  11  nobody
 4373   686  O rasqal  1012728  Rasqal RDF query library development libraries and headers  106,844  nobody
 4374   686  O redland  1012729  Redland RDF library development libraries and headers  107,257  nobody
 4375   259  O loadwatch  1047904  Run a program using only idle cycles  22  nobody
 4376   263  O libranlip  1043379  generates random variates with multivariate Lipschitz densi…  164  nobody
 4377   344  O coco-java  1036427  Coco/R Compiler Generator (Java Version)  9  nobody
 4378   3,114  O docbook-xsl-saxon  802373  Java extensions for use with DocBook XML stylesheets (Saxon)  106  nobody
 4379   1,174  O kopano-webapp-plugins-files  976709  Kopano WebApp plugin for managing attachments  0  nobody
 4380   646  O unhtml  1015847  Remove the markup tags from an HTML file  140  nobody
 4381   516  O fsmark  1025050  benchmark for simulating synchronous write workloads  30  nobody
 4382   314  O zlmdb  1038667  Object-relational in-memory database layer based on LMDB  6  nobody
 4383   207  O yatex  1053456  Yet Another TeX mode for Emacs  76  nobody
 4384   53  O flameshot  1065588  Powerful yet simple-to-use screenshot software  3,802  nobody
 4385   207  O emacs-calfw  1053453  calendar framework for Emacs  126  nobody
 4386   209  O plsense  1053388  Omni Completion Tool for Perl  18  nobody
 4387   209  O libclass-std-storable-perl  1053385  Support for creating serializable "inside-out" classes  36  nobody
 4388   3,205  O xdemorse  554899  GTK+ Morse Code Decoding Software  133  nobody
 4389   1,460  O gdome2  698981  DOM level2 library for accessing XML files  1,158  nobody
 4390   379  O simulavr  739228  Atmel AVR simulator  104  nobody
 4391   3,727  O icon  738875  Interpreter for Icon, a high-level programming language  303  nobody
 4392   3,587  O altermime  753566  utility used to alter mime-encoded mailpacks  1,837  nobody
 4393   103  O kytos-sphinx-theme  964900  Theme used by kytos with sphinx -- Python  17  nobody
 4394   4,169  O xzoom  694609  magnify part of X display, with real-time updates  295  nobody
 4395   2,472  O libkarma  869290  Rio Karma access library [development files]  231  nobody
 4396   2,854  O uudeview  829684  Smart multi-file multi-part decoder (command line)  2,491  nobody
 4397   1,491  O python-svg.path  816512  SVG path objects and parser for Python  128  nobody
 4398   79  O sysconftool  1063574  development tool to install and update configuration files  30  nobody
 4399   2,852  O gaim-themes  830285  Smiley themes collection for pidgin  283  nobody
 4400   2,700  O tcm  847248  Toolkit for Conceptual Modeling (TCM)  83  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!