Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 4251   956  O lua-soap  995521  SOAP library for the Lua language  16  nobody
 4252   1,206  O renrot  980958  Rename and rotate files according to EXIF tags  121  nobody
 4253   956  O lua-doc  995509  Documentation generation library for the Lua language  112  nobody
 4254   1,205  O libloki  981053  C++ library of generic design patterns  50  nobody
 4255   1,205  O gwhois  981050  generic Whois Client / Server  142  nobody
 4256   956  O lua-zip  995528  zip library for the Lua language  96  nobody
 4257   956  O lua-svn  995523  Subversion library for the Lua language  40  nobody
 4258   66  O python-langdetect  1065741  Python library for language-detection  553  nobody
 4259   1,197  O hunt  981676  Advanced packet sniffer and connection intrusion  43  nobody
 4260   956  O lua-leg  995510  Lua 5.1 grammar, with parsing and manipulation facilities  71  nobody
 4261   1,739  O mailto  934424  WWW Forms to Mail Gateway  18  nobody
 4262   964  O tcmu  994997  None  19  nobody
 4263   1,124  O apt-venv  987087  apt virtual environment  36  nobody
 4264   1,048  O ploticus  990612  script driven business graphics package  123  nobody
 4265   789  O emacs-openwith  1007863  seamlessly open files in external programs with Emacs  32  nobody
 4266   956  O lua-curl  995507  libcURL bindings for the Lua language  134  nobody
 4267   956  O lua-copas  995501  Copas is a dispatcher of concurrent TCP/IP requests  23  nobody
 4268   1,147  O lmbench  985233  Utilities to benchmark UNIX systems  173  nobody
 4269   956  O lua-orbit  995516  MVC web framework for Lua  13  nobody
 4270   987  O argagg  993447  Argument Aggregator - Simple C++11 command line argument pa…  16  nobody
 4271   1,895  O docbook5-xml  802377  standard XML documentation system for software and systems  310  nobody
 4272   1,148  O git-remote-hg  985817  bidirectional bridge between Git and Mercurial  56  nobody
 4273   956  O lua-lpty  995511  PTY library for the Lua language  42  nobody
 4274   159  O autobahn-cpp  1004235  WAMP in C++ for Boost/Asio  7  nobody
 4275   842  O esnacc  1004270  ASN.1 to C or C++ or IDL compiler  33  nobody
 4276   1,206  O microdc2  980954  command-line based Direct Connect client  10  nobody
 4277   1,170  O tup  983797  fast build system  27  nobody
 4278   1,197  O abicheck  981674  binary compatibility checking tool  44  nobody
 4279   1,406  O pwrkap  964585  Energy use monitor and Power Cap enforcement tools - Core  5  nobody
 4280   702  O rasqal  1012728  Rasqal RDF query library development libraries and headers  106,932  nobody
 4281   715  O libpgf  1012131  Progressive Graphics File (PGF) library  32  nobody
 4282   3,242  O visual-regexp  790479  Interactively debug regular expressions  98  nobody
 4283   702  O redland  1012729  Redland RDF library development libraries and headers  107,347  nobody
 4284   715  O biabam  1012132  bash attachment mailer  108  nobody
 4285   707  O emacs-pod-mode  1012473  Emacs major mode for editing .pod files  1,908  nobody
 4286   715  O xcalib  1012134  Tiny monitor calibration loader for Xorg  487  nobody
 4287   1,403  O kytos-utils  964896  command line utilities to use with Kytos  0  nobody
 4288   689  O emscripten  1013374  LLVM-to-JavaScript Compiler  177  nobody
 4289   620  O buzztrax  1019046  Modular music composer  137  nobody
 4290   663  O unhtml  1015847  Remove the markup tags from an HTML file  140  nobody
 4291   279  O emacs-pg-el  1017880  Emacs Lisp interface for PostgreSQL  39  nobody
 4292   696  O highwayhash  1013208  Fast strong hash functions: SipHash/HighwayHash  31  nobody
 4293   667  O gcc-riscv64-unknown-elf  1015208  GCC compiler for embedded RISC-V chips  262  nobody
 4294   663  O xsol  1015849  Solitaire game for the X Window system  255  nobody
 4295   503  O coco-cpp  1027187  Coco/R Compiler Generator (C++ Version)  11  nobody
 4296   620  O xwrited  1019015  display write and wall messages as desktop notifications  22  nobody
 4297   61  O nsync  1013210  C library that exports various synchronization primitives  32  nobody
 4298   688  O sigscheme  1013900  Scheme Interpreter to be embedded  1,670  nobody
 4299   275  O loadwatch  1047904  Run a program using only idle cycles  22  nobody
 4300   279  O libranlip  1043379  generates random variates with multivariate Lipschitz densi…  164  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!