Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 301   2,227  RFP dde-launcher  871977  Launcher module for Deepin Desktop Environment  8  nobody
 302   1,903  RFP nextcloud  835086  self-hosted cloud services  8  nobody
 303   479  RFP ponysay  971600  Pony variant of cowsay.  8  nobody
 304   1,491  RFP grab  973974  simple but very fast grep  8  nobody
 305   3,282  RFP ipad-charge  743798  Utility to make iPad charge with the  8  nobody
 306   3,242  RFP openbugs  751570  BUGS for Bayesian MCMC analysis.  8  nobody
 307   3,798  RFP esteidpkcs11loader  702166  Loads pkcs#11 module for web authentication with smart cards  8  nobody
 308   1,853  RFP hardened-malloc  945455  hardened memory allocator  8  nobody
 309   571  RFP archivebox  924040  open source self-hosted web archive  8  nobody
 310   2,170  RFP usbcryptformat  919010  usbcryptformat is a graphical program to encrypt USB devices  8  nobody
 311   1,507  RFP par2-tbb  535860  concurrent (multithreaded) version of par2cmdline  7  nobody
 312   2,227  RFP deepin-draw  871976  Deepin Draw for Deepin Desktop Environment  7  nobody
 313   2,415  RFP node-babel-messages  854168  Collection of debug messages used by Babel.  7  nobody
 314   2,941  RFP influxdb-relay  840675  a basic high availability layer for InfluxDB  7  nobody
 315   949  RFP raylib  1011133  simple videogame library  7  nobody
 316   2,079  RFP cropgui  815524  GUI frontend for lossless cropping (and rotating) of JPEG i…  7  nobody
 317   2,957  RFP pantheon-greeter  750824  Pantheon Login Screen  7  nobody
 318   2,371  RFP vinca  865582  Reverse VNC for remote support  7  nobody
 319   1,637  RFP radeon-profile  960582  an application to read current clocks of ATi Radeon cards  7  nobody
 320   2,718  RFP koha  702134  Koha Integrated Library System  7  nobody
 321   1,473  RFP waterfox  885405  graphical web browser based on Firefox  7  nobody
 322   2,778  RFP wview  659620  Weather station daemon  7  nobody
 323   2,888  RFP libjs-extjs4  619642  cross-browser JavaScript library, version 4  6  nobody
 324   2,214  RFP deepin-clone  873045  Disk and partition backup/restore tool  6  nobody
 325   2,861  RFP i-nex  738266  an application that gathers information for hardware compon…  6  nobody
 326   2,884  RFP nfsen  472666  Netflow Sensor  6  nobody
 327   2,967  RFP openxcom  794470  Open-source clone of the original X-Com game  6  nobody
 328   2,909  RFP commandbox  792018  CFML REPL, CLI, Package Manager, and Embedded Server  6  nobody
 329   2,808  RFP python-bond  809542  transparent remote/recursive evaluation between Python and …  6  nobody
 330   3,377  RFP reaction  694645  first person shooter (ioquake3)  6  nobody
 331   1,588  RFP wildfly  752018  a JEE application server  6  nobody
 332   3,282  RFP dooble  727146  WebKit based light browser  6  nobody
 333   2,498  RFP kiwiirc  646776  Web based IRC client  6  nobody
 334   778  RFP wsmancli  754505  Opensource Implementation of WS-Management - Command line u…  6  nobody
 335   674  RFP razercommander  952855  GTK control center for managing Razer peripherals  6  nobody
 336   1,693  RFP pharo  959529  dynamic reflective pure object-oriented language supporting…  6  nobody
 337   3,672  RFP mod-host  722491  LV2 host for jackd with socket and shell control  6  nobody
 338   2,812  RFP jampal  690274  mp3 song library management system and player  6  nobody
 339   2,234  RFP oxipng  913285  Parallel lossless PNG compression optimizer  6  nobody
 340   1,787  RFP multipass  950202  Lightweight virtual machine manager  6  nobody
 341   1,100  RFP web-greeter  641768  Modern, visually appealing login  6  nobody
 342   3,030  RFP cgrates  787476  Real-time Charging System for Telecom & ISP environments  5  nobody
 343   2,371  RFP editorconfig-geany  890252  editorconfig plugin for geany  5  nobody
 344   282  RFP php-pdo-sqlsrv  900568  PHP PECL extension for Microsoft Drivers for PHP for SQL Se…  5  nobody
 345   82  RFP python3-http-ece  1083020  Encryped Content-Encoding for HTTP  5  nobody
 346   479  RFP freight  843120  easy-to-understand shell script to handle APT repositories  5  nobody
 347   341  RFP electron  842420  Build cross platform desktop apps with JavaScript, HTML, an…  5  nobody
 348   1,053  RFP mattermost-server  823556  self-hosted team communication service  5  nobody
 349   390  RFP simplesok  1001508  Simple Sokoban is a (simple) Sokoban game.  5  nobody
 350   457  RFP swayfx  1052391  sway, but with eye candy  5  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!