Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 3001   1,753  RFP libanltao  684704  Toolkit for Advanced Optimization (TAO)  0  nobody
 3002   2,804  RFP xprofile  685454  a profile manager for different driver configurations  0  nobody
 3003   2,893  RFP leaflet-tilejson  694134  leaflet-tilejson adds support for the TileJSON specificatio…  0  nobody
 3004   3,225  RFP debugger-ruby-core-source  691522  Provide Ruby core source files for C extensions that need t…  0  nobody
 3005   981  RFP unvanquished  694703  a multi-player team-based alien vs  0  nobody
 3006   3,744  RFP toped  692561  Toped is a cross-platform IC layout editor  0  nobody
 3007   3,225  RFP msnake  685539  A snake game in the terminal  0  nobody
 3008   3,225  RFP php-wp-cli  692353  Command line interface for WordPress  0  nobody
 3009   3,742  RFP begin  699113  an output modifier  0  nobody
 3010   2,764  RFP cw-driver  704997  Driver and utilities for the Catweasel versatile floppy dis…  0  nobody
 3011   2,996  RFP jubatus  704100  jubatus: Distributed Online Machine Learning Framework  0  nobody
 3012   3,742  RFP lua-lunamark  700756  General markup format converter using lpeg  0  nobody
 3013   3,225  RFP sdb-pancake  704059  simple and fast key/value database  0  nobody
 3014   3,742  RFP ruby-georuby  702165  Ruby data holder for OGC Simple Features  0  nobody
 3015   2,893  RFP numbers  704214  database of interesting numbers and a tool to compare again…  0  nobody
 3016   2,831  RFP chinese-checkers  705212  Multiplayer implementation of the chinese checkers game  0  nobody
 3017   3,742  RFP ad2openldap  698825  Replication tool to populate OpenLDAP with objects from AD  0  nobody
 3018   2,784  RFP rockmongo  702961  MongoDB web administration tool  0  nobody
 3019   2,392  RFP dnsgraph  701222  trace and graph all resolution paths for DNS names  0  nobody
 3020   2,941  RFP desktop-base-oldies  704105  packages containing theming from past releases’ desktop-bas…  0  nobody
 3021   3,742  RFP vmodsynth  702149  a modular software synthesizer  0  nobody
 3022   2,807  RFP ccons  702247  Interactive Console for the C Programming Language  0  nobody
 3023   3,742  RFP ruby-escper  702246  Collection of tools that make printing of plain text and im…  0  nobody
 3024   3,462  RFP xmlvalidate  704253  Quick and flexible XML validator  0  nobody
 3025   2,453  RFP zuul  705844  zuul - a project gating system  0  nobody
 3026   2,996  RFP libcmime  704909  libcmime is a lightweight mime library, written in C  0  nobody
 3027   1,935  RFP apr-json  699496  JSON serializer / deserializer for use with Apache Portable…  0  nobody
 3028   3,742  RFP crosslibs  702365  A cross-platform library designed to simplify C++ developme…  0  nobody
 3029   3,742  RFP retask  703636  Simple task queues using Redis  0  nobody
 3030   3,742  RFP pyftgl  701966  python bindings for the ftgl opengl font rendering library  0  nobody
 3031   3,742  RFP python-shove  701126  python module for object storage to be accessed in a dictio…  0  nobody
 3032   3,742  RFP yetris  706077  customizable Tetris(tm) on the console  0  nobody
 3033   14  RFP brogue  698843  Roguelike game by Brian Walker  0  nobody
 3034   3,742  RFP libcatalyst-controller-soap-perl  702584  Catalyst SOAP Controller  0  nobody
 3035   2,387  RFP patchwork  703226  a console or web based patch tracking system  0  nobody
 3036   3,742  RFP richbool  703981  An advanced portable C++ library of over 80 boolean-like ma…  0  nobody
 3037   3,224  RFP psymon  706481  A cross-platform, task and performance monitor.  0  nobody
 3038   3,742  RFP fabtools  702298  tools for writing awesome Fabric files  0  nobody
 3039   3,742  RFP taginfo  707015  convenience wrapper for taglib  0  nobody
 3040   2,775  RFP gdb-heap  699175  gdb extension to debug dynamic memory allocation problems  0  nobody
 3041   3,058  RFP python-django-chimere  699579  collaborative and thematic maps application for Django  0  nobody
 3042   15  RFP untrunc  702476  simple tool to recover truncated mp4, mov, 3gp files  0  nobody
 3043   2,741  RFP fsthost  703115  A linux VST host using winelib, fork of FreeST  0  nobody
 3044   3,225  RFP hogan.js  704448  compiler for the Mustache templating language  0  nobody
 3045   2,951  RFP carddavmate  698767  CardDAV web client  0  nobody
 3046   3,421  RFP caldavzap  698769  CalDAV web client with a powerful event/todo editor  0  nobody
 3047   3,046  RFP tipcutils  699826  TIPC utilities  0  nobody
 3048   3,742  RFP ibus-bogo  703760  A Vietnamese input engine for IBus.  0  nobody
 3049   2,827  RFP logic-analyzer-rpi  703962  Use your Raspberry Pi as a logic analyzer  0  nobody
 3050   3,742  RFP lacaml  707039  Linear Algebra for OCaml  0  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!