Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 2951   2,819  RFP libre-jigsaw  660433  A jigsaw puzzle game  0  nobody
 2952   704  RFP bsod  676285  curses Blue Screen of Death Simulator.  0  nobody
 2953   2,370  RFP d0-blind-id  668347  library for user identification using RSA blind signatures  0  nobody
 2954   3,571  RFP python-sst  672238  browser-based web test framework for Python  0  nobody
 2955   2,905  RFP intel-opencl-sdk  672868  Intel(R) OpenCL SDK  0  nobody
 2956   2,854  RFP maxwell  662736  entropy-gathering daemon  0  nobody
 2957   3,225  RFP strap-base  675202  Code-base for Strap - A GUI for aligning proteins by sequen…  0  nobody
 2958   772  RFP jshint  673724  static analysis tool for JavaScript code  0  nobody
 2959   2,803  RFP arduide  692356  Qt-based IDE for Arduino development  0  nobody
 2960   3,704  RFP libas-tlf  691919  Text Layout Framework  0  nobody
 2961   3,744  RFP libgetoptionkit-php  696183  Commandline options parser for PHP 5.3.  0  nobody
 2962   2,832  RFP mwlib  687305  MediaWiki render server for use with the Collection extensi…  0  nobody
 2963   2,717  RFP python-django-schedule  691645  calendaring app for Django  0  nobody
 2964   2,932  RFP libcredis  689546  Credis is a client library in plain C for communicating wit…  0  nobody
 2965   2,777  RFP audioseg  688827  audio segmentation toolkit  0  nobody
 2966   2,776  RFP previous  686278  previous: NeXTcube/NeXTstation emulator  0  nobody
 2967   3,744  RFP python-kmod  696403  Python bindings for kmod/libkmod  0  nobody
 2968   3,616  RFP confctl  684200  Utility to access C-like configuration files from shell scr…  0  nobody
 2969   885  RFP gwt-maven-plugin  683642  maven plugin to compile Google Web Toolkit applications  0  nobody
 2970   2,830  RFP gsi-openssh  687517  secure shell client and server with GSI authentication  0  nobody
 2971   2,787  RFP python-wherigo  686339  python module for creating a wherigo player  0  nobody
 2972   3,744  RFP lzma-sdk-4j  694456  LZMA SDK for Java  0  nobody
 2973   2,774  RFP netradiant-q3map2  693637  a quake 3 map compiler  0  nobody
 2974   2,261  RFP python-django-mezzanine  687490  CMS built using the Django framework  0  nobody
 2975   2,262  RFP python-django-grappelli-safe  687081  admin interface enhancement for Django  0  nobody
 2976   3,744  RFP fsniper  694936  daemon to run scripts based on changes in files monitored b…  0  nobody
 2977   2,804  RFP dualword  695255  foreign language vocabulary trainer  0  nobody
 2978   2,801  RFP openlase  694064  Laser show software for soundcard operation. Can open, mani…  0  nobody
 2979   2,775  RFP djabberd  690742  Distributed Jabber server  0  nobody
 2980   1,360  RFP qenet  691467  Qt classes for interfacing with the ENet  0  nobody
 2981   2,166  RFP fpm  688896  Effing Package Management  0  nobody
 2982   2,866  RFP ruby-ci-reporter  694707  CI::Reporter is an add-on to Test::Unit, RSpec and Cucumber…  0  nobody
 2983   2,756  RFP cream-pim  682505  Personal Information Manager for the Cream Desktop Environm…  0  nobody
 2984   3,744  RFP cows-and-bulls  682398  Words-based version of the cows and bulls game  0  nobody
 2985   2,094  RFP trinity-desktop  684475  Trinity Desktop Environment (TDE)  0  nobody
 2986   3,744  RFP wsgiproxy  691518  HTTP proxying tools for WSGI apps  0  nobody
 2987   3,742  RFP ruby-cloudfiles  691387  Rackspace Cloud Files API - Ruby interface  0  nobody
 2988   2,764  RFP python-cef  691516  Python module for emitting CEF logs  0  nobody
 2989   3,744  RFP libcouchbase  691903  Couchbase protocol library  0  nobody
 2990   1,593  RFP szg  691383  Fast command line calculator  0  nobody
 2991   2,262  RFP python-django-filebrowser-safe  687118  asset manager for Django  0  nobody
 2992   2,802  RFP gimp-qmlexporter  692860  GIMP plugin to export layers and Text as QT-Quick (QML)  0  nobody
 2993   2,775  RFP dhrystone  693342  a popular benchmark for CPU/compiler performance measurement  0  nobody
 2994   2,783  RFP youtube-upload  695567  upload videos to YouTube from the command-line  0  nobody
 2995   2,828  RFP openrtm-aist-python  695258  A component-based robotics middleware  0  nobody
 2996   2,730  RFP emacs-ipython-notebook  695278  IPython notebooks in Emacs  0  nobody
 2997   439  RFP firetable  686790  An iptables firewall management script, written in PHP  0  nobody
 2998   2,764  RFP librcf-cpp  692563  Remote Call Framework (RCF) is a portable IPC/RPC middlewar…  0  nobody
 2999   3,225  RFP pyskein  682044  Python extension implementing the Skein  0  nobody
 3000   2,532  RFP sigrok-util  681881  sigrok related utilities  0  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!