Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 251   3,612  RFP libpoly2tri  729491  Lightweight triangulation library for simple polygons.  0  nobody
 252   3,612  RFP libmini  724604  the libMini real-time terrain rendering system  0  nobody
 253   3,612  RFP interfacetable-v3t  721969  Nagios / Icinga plugin to monitor network interfaces via SN…  0  nobody
 254   3,612  RFP crfpp  729128  A Simple Implementation of Conditional Random Fields  0  nobody
 255   3,612  RFP snack-sndfile-ext  677385  libsndfile snack plugin  0  nobody
 256   3,612  RFP youtube-cli  724801  command-line client for YouTube'  0  nobody
 257   3,612  RFP libwebsitesnapshot-qt  730128  A library for taking website snapshots.  0  nobody
 258   3,612  RFP golang-urlconnection  728657  Go library to connect to targets given as URLs  0  nobody
 259   3,612  RFP web100-userland  728808  The userland library and utilities for accessing and manipu…  0  nobody
 260   3,612  RFP ruby-pyu-ruby-sasl  720758  Simple Authentication and Security Layer  0  nobody
 261   3,612  RFP python-cornice  725232  provides helpers to build & document Web Services with Pyra…  0  nobody
 262   3,612  RFP expect-lite  729595  easy to use version of expect  0  nobody
 263   3,612  RFP squidanalyzer  723019  Squid proxy native log analyzer and reports generator with …  1  nobody
 264   3,612  RFP cutepaste  725403  Client application for written in Qt  0  nobody
 265   3,612  RFP libjs-jquery-simple-dtpicker  719604  is a simple and  0  nobody
 266   3,612  RFP jsbsim  724061  the JSBSim flight dynamics model  3  nobody
 267   3,612  RFP wiktionarytodict  725487  Translation dictionaries for the dictd server  0  nobody
 268   3,612  RFP ecp  720327  copies files with checksum on the fly"  0  nobody
 269   3,612  RFP valyriatear  700402  open source J-RPG game  0  nobody
 270   3,612  RFP doxia-1.0  720876  1.0 alpha version of Doxia from codehaus  0  nobody
 271   3,612  RFP angularjs-batarang  730587  AngularJS WebInspector Extension for Chrome  0  nobody
 272   3,612  RFP percona-playback  718227  A tool for replaying captured database server load  0  nobody
 273   3,612  RFP kqoauth  722219  Library for OAuth 1.0 implementation  0  nobody
 274   3,612  RFP geronimo-j2ee-deployment-1.1-spec  721609  Geronimo API implementation of the J2EE deployment 1.1 spec  0  nobody
 275   3,612  RFP fonts-gandhi  719605  A sans serif and serif version of  0  nobody
 276   3,612  RFP eatmonkey  719214  Stupid download manager for monkeys and Capuchins!  0  nobody
 277   3,612  RFP jnetmap  721050  Network planner and scanner with nice  15  nobody
 278   3,612  RFP libcatalyst-actionrole-queryparameter…  730785  Dispatch rules using query parameters  0  nobody
 279   3,612  RFP inkscape-plugin-qrcode  728729  Inkscape plugin for generating QR codes  0  nobody
 280   3,612  RFP minetruco  719169  Bluffing trick-taking card game played in Brazil  0  nobody
 281   3,612  RFP fonts-autonym  729859  A font that can render all language autonyms  0  nobody
 282   3,612  RFP django-oauth2-provider  728162  Provide OAuth2 access to django application  0  nobody
 283   3,612  RFP metawarej  725463  Java framework for creating web-based business applications  0  nobody
 284   3,612  RFP libscion  725069  dataflow programming library  0  nobody
 285   3,612  RFP mod-host  722491  LV2 host for jackd with socket and shell control  6  nobody
 286   3,612  RFP cabocha  729126  A Japenese dependency/case structure analysis system  3  nobody
 287   3,612  RFP clang-tags  726332  Indexing tool for C/C++ source code  0  nobody
 288   3,612  RFP puppet-module-puppetlabs-keystone  726748  Puppet module for Openstack keystone  0  nobody
 289   3,612  RFP node-brewer  719881  Asset manager for web applications  0  nobody
 290   3,612  RFP sabre  719352  fighter plane simulator  0  nobody
 291   3,612  RFP puppet-module-puppetlabs-vswitch  720294  Puppet module for vSwitches  0  nobody
 292   3,612  RFP python-iris  730668  Python library for analysing and visualising, meteorologica…  0  nobody
 293   3,608  RFP ht5streamer  724956  Youtube/Dailymotion streamer without need of flashplugin  0  nobody
 294   3,606  RFP selenium  626545  Browser automation  0  nobody
 295   3,602  O metacity-themes  772905  Themes for the Gtk2 metacity window manager  181  nobody
 296   3,597  RFP gpcslots2  770311  text console casino for *nix  0  nobody
 297   3,584  O intltool-debian  774187  Help i18n of RFC822 compliant config files  52,902  nobody
 298   3,569  RFP tabula  757810  Tabula is a tool for liberating data tables locked inside P…  0  nobody
 299   3,568  RFP python-nassl  775333  Python wrapper for OpenSSL  1  nobody
 300   3,568  RFP sslyze  765787  SSL analyser and weakness scanner  29  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!