Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 2801   2,498  RFP linknx  549043  KNX automation platform  0  nobody
 2802   2,842  RFP dypgen  586758  a GLR parser and lexer generator for OCaml  0  nobody
 2803   3,203  RFP worldvista-ehr  541245  WorldVistA EHR is a repackage and extended version of VistA…  0  nobody
 2804   1,254  RFP joyce  624251  Amstrad PCW Emulator  0  nobody
 2805   3,553  RFP kpassgen  610911  password generator written in Qt  0  nobody
 2806   2,886  RFP trac-ldapplugin  618371  LDAP support with group management in Trac  0  nobody
 2807   3,342  RFP tellduscenter  618493  Graphical program to control NEXA and other RF remote recei…  0  nobody
 2808   683  RFP speed-dreams  599884  Open source motorsport simulation  0  nobody
 2809   3,051  RFP pytomtom  598629  TomTom GPS manager  0  nobody
 2810   2,863  RFP odt2braille  630156  Export and emboss Braille documents using Libreoffice  0  nobody
 2811   3,374  RFP polysh  609057  remote shell multiplexor  0  nobody
 2812   676  RFP bitcoinj  629008  A Java implementation of a Bitcoin client-only node  0  nobody
 2813   2,798  RFP xul-ext-pencil  628285  GUI prototyping and diagram tool  0  nobody
 2814   3,050  RFP morelia  633411  client-facing scripting language for Behaviour-Driven Devel…  0  nobody
 2815   2,885  RFP funcdesigner  631206  Python module for rapid prototyping of functions with AD  0  nobody
 2816   2,912  RFP eeglab  605739  toolbox for processing and visualization of electrophysiolo…  0  nobody
 2817   3,419  RFP varnisnncsa-vhost  608395  Wrapper around 'varnishncsa' tool to save varnish logs with…  0  nobody
 2818   3,000  RFP phplist  612288  multi-list email campaign manager  0  nobody
 2819   2,917  RFP airoscript-ng  626489  User interface for aircrack-ng  0  nobody
 2820   2,856  RFP percona-server-core-5.5  609883  Percona dropin alt server  0  nobody
 2821   2,829  RFP python-django-page-cms  627787  Simple yet powerful django-based CMS  0  nobody
 2822   2,885  RFP nicofox  632478  Iceweasel/Firefox extension to extend Nico Nico Douga funct…  0  nobody
 2823   3,283  RFP hawk  634344  HA Web Konsole  0  nobody
 2824   763  RFP c501checkers  595090  A checker game  0  nobody
 2825   2,920  RFP xul-ext-sqlite-manager  617762  manage SQLite databases  0  nobody
 2826   3,584  RFP fullcalendar  606901  jQuery plugin providing a full-sized, drag & drop calendar  0  nobody
 2827   2,811  RFP simon  596511  speech recognition  0  nobody
 2828   2,862  RFP dwarftherapist  620272  Helper tool for Dwarf Fortress game  0  nobody
 2829   3,668  RFP selenium  626545  Browser automation  0  nobody
 2830   676  RFP python-ncrypt  614051  python wrapper for OpenSSL  0  nobody
 2831   3,343  RFP bool2cnf  616651  tool for converting a boolean formula into CNF  0  nobody
 2832   1,476  RFP cnagios  606449  terminal interface for viewing nagios host  0  nobody
 2833   75  RFP yii  597899  Yii is a high-performance PHP framework best for developing…  0  nobody
 2834   3,117  RFP unity  609278  Interface for Ubuntu Desktop Edition  0  nobody
 2835   2,839  RFP font-ttf-scripts-perl  614917  TTF font support scripts for Perl  0  nobody
 2836   2,813  RFP vpnautoconnect  620821  Automatically reconnect VPNs created by NetworkManager  0  nobody
 2837   814  RFP dwarf  611498  little and powerful object file manipulation tool  0  nobody
 2838   3,050  RFP libjs-validation  622257  jQuery plugin for clientside form validation  0  nobody
 2839   3,268  RFP pd-iem-bin-ambi  603178  binaural spatial audio for Pure Data using Ambisonics  0  nobody
 2840   3,800  RFP ruby-debug  624278  Faster implementation of the standard debug.rb  0  nobody
 2841   122  RFP celt051  603699  The CELT codec v0.5.1  0  nobody
 2842   3,159  RFP eclipse-plugin-avr  619631  tools for developing C programs for the ATMEL AVR series of…  0  nobody
 2843   2,925  RFP panda3d  597172  Panda3D is a game engine, a framework for 3D rendering and …  0  nobody
 2844   3,053  RFP gpgstats  592335  GPGstats calculates statistics on the keys in your key-ring.  0  nobody
 2845   3,294  RFP netdot  605079  network documentation tool  0  nobody
 2846   2,095  RFP dylandotnet  626078  This is the dylan.NET compiler.  0  nobody
 2847   141  RFP exciting  602097  All-electron full-potential electronic-structure code  0  nobody
 2848   3,032  RFP python-wikitools  594130  A mediawiki interface API  0  nobody
 2849   2,882  RFP leechcraft  607440  modular "Internet client" application  0  nobody
 2850   2,842  RFP ditaa-addons  634852  EPS and JavaDoc support for ditaa  0  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!