Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 2651   128  RFP shikane  1073813  dynamic Wayland output configuration tool focusing on accur…  0  nobody
 2652   94  RFP diffsitter  1076805  AST-aware difftool  0  nobody
 2653   127  RFP onceover  1073935  Testing tools for Puppet controlrepos  0  nobody
 2654   277  RFP wireviz  1061328  Easily document cables and wiring harnesses.  0  nobody
 2655   118  RFP canokey-qemu  1074069  virtual canokey to the guest OS  0  nobody
 2656   275  RFP funkwhale  1061467  federated audio sharing platform  0  nobody
 2657   233  RFP libsdl2-pango  1065533  pango extension for sdl2  0  nobody
 2658   221  RFP cotp  1066826  command line totp/hotp authenticator  0  nobody
 2659   121  RFP labwc-menu-generator  1074295  None  0  nobody
 2660   121  RFP pyarrow  1074317  Apache Arrow Python bindings  0  nobody
 2661   272  RFP jami-greenscreen-plugin  1061637  a greenscrenn plugin for jami  0  nobody
 2662   213  RFP anew  1063591  Tool for adding new lines to files, skipping duplicates (pr…  0  nobody
 2663   121  RFP kaleido  1074333  Static image export for web-based visualization libraries w…  0  nobody
 2664   120  RFP uwsm  1074367  Universal Wayland Session Manager  0  nobody
 2665   257  RFP jujutsu  1061772  Git-compatible VCS that is both simple and powerful  0  nobody
 2666   55  RFP svg2gcode  1080191  produces g-code machining operations from paths in SVG file  0  nobody
 2667   250  RFP wayneko  1064205  wayland port of neko  0  nobody
 2668   118  RFP nvidia-mofed  1074466  MVidia MLNX OFED software for Infiniband  0  nobody
 2669   220  RFP contour-terminal  1067135  modern virtual terminal emulator  0  nobody
 2670   213  RFP librust-parse-display-dev  1067743  Rust library that provides derive macro Display and FromStr  0  nobody
 2671   204  RFP ai-sdc  1068386  A collection of tools and resources for managing the statis…  0  nobody
 2672   110  RFP rlogout  1075899  rust/gtk4 based wlogout  0  nobody
 2673   204  RFP python-chainstream  1068376  a subclass of io.RawIOBase, to chain I/O streams together i…  0  nobody
 2674   203  RFP aerospike-database  1068456  Distributed, scalable NoSQL database that supports both str…  0  nobody
 2675   200  RFP golang-freecumextremist-themusicgod1-…  1019524  bridge between net/context and http.Handler  0  nobody
 2676   200  RFP eww  1056072  A widget system written in Rust  0  nobody
 2677   9  RFP mount-zip  1068638  FUSE file system for ZIP archives (read-only)  0  nobody
 2678   59  RFP python-pycddl  1068692  Deserialize CBOR and/or do CDDL schema validation  0  nobody
 2679   194  RFP python-sphinxcontrib.django  1061436  Sphinx extension which improves the documentation of Django…  0  nobody
 2680   196  RFP rust-topgrade  1068886  all-in-one upgrade tool which doesn't try reinventing the w…  0  nobody
 2681   194  RFP python-pytest-fail-slow  1010168  pytest plugin for making tests fail that take too long to r…  0  nobody
 2682   194  RFP python-surt  1022923  transform Universal Resource Identifiers into an easily-sor…  0  nobody
 2683   194  RFP python-playwright  1023837  Playwright is a Python library to automate Chromium, Firefo…  0  nobody
 2684   194  RFP python-aiologger  1032475  Asynchronous non-blocking logging for python and asyncio  0  nobody
 2685   106  RFP liba2i  1076091  String-to-numeric library  0  nobody
 2686   190  RFP shellprof  1069241  Shell script profiler in Python  0  nobody
 2687   192  RFP tenacity  1069124  easy-to-use, privacy-friendly, multi-track audio editor and…  0  nobody
 2688   188  RFP bbcp  1069342  Parallel SSH transfer  0  nobody
 2689   186  RFP qft  1069670  Resilient P2P UDP file transfer  0  nobody
 2690   168  RFP rapidgzip  1069602  Parallelized decompression of gzip (Python)  0  nobody
 2691   184  RFP cars-sports-racing  1069699  Cars Sports Racing Speed Dreams fork  0  nobody
 2692   38  RFP nginx-push-stream-module  1080314  A pure stream http push technology for Nginx setup  0  nobody
 2693   39  RFP aptkit  1081742  Transaction based package management service  0  nobody
 2694   41  RFP captain  1081743  Collection of APT tools  0  nobody
 2695   35  RFP phosh-osk-data  1082417  OSK completion data for phosh  0  nobody
 2696   40  RFP vlang  1081840  Simple, fast, safe, compiled language for developing mainta…  0  nobody
 2697   20  RFP cepces  1083260  Enroll machine certificates through Active Directory Certif…  0  nobody
 2698   25  RFP python3-firebase-messaging  1082958  Library to subscribe to GCM/FCM and receive notifications w…  0  nobody
 2699   20  RFP sigstore-python  1084157  sigstore is a Python tool for generating and verifying Sigs…  0  nobody
 2700   18  RFP libqt5xdg  1084511  Build tools for the LXQt desktop environment (QT5-based)  0  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!