Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 201   317  RFP ghidra  923851  software reverse engineering framework  23  nobody
 202   2,888  RFP drive  790933  Google Drive tool  22  nobody
 203   1,236  RFP ferdi  991855  All your messaging services in one place  22  nobody
 204   459  RFP 2mandvd  690593  Video DVD creator  22  nobody
 205   2,341  RFP gsignond  831747  gSSO daemon and default plugins  21  nobody
 206   1,135  RFP dvc  932377  Version Control System for Machine Learning  21  nobody
 207   552  RFP lunarg-vulkan-layers  890009  Extra vulkan development layers  21  nobody
 208   3,057  RFP kodi-visualization-projectm  833763  ProjectM visualizer for Kodi  21  nobody
 209   1,733  RFP joplin  931306  open source note-taking app with sync  20  nobody
 210   406  RFP qt-heif-image-plugin  1055790  Qt Plugin for HEIF Images  20  nobody
 211   463  RFP itd  1051959  daemon to control watches running InfiniTime (such as PineT…  20  nobody
 212   875  RFP dog  1016361  command-line DNS client with colorful output and support fo…  20  nobody
 213   2,076  RFP jadx  927170  Android Dex decompiler  20  nobody
 214   2,097  RFP m64py  678947  Mupen64Plus 2.0 GUI frontend written in python  20  nobody
 215   2,698  RFP ajenti  792019  multilingual web-based server administration panel  19  nobody
 216   1,611  RFP lunarg-via  890476  LunarG Vulkan Installation Analyzer  19  nobody
 217   2,417  RFP yakyak  831765  Desktop client for Google Hangouts  19  nobody
 218   2,974  RFP runit-init  766090  a UNIX init scheme with service supervision  19  nobody
 219   459  RFP innernet  1052189  Wireguard-based private network  19  nobody
 220   343  RFP opentoonz  848268  2D animation software  19  nobody
 221   1,912  RFP unit  941243  NGINX Unit  19  nobody
 222   2,248  RFP libvirt-snmp  911894  control and monitor the libvirt virtualization management t…  18  nobody
 223   682  RFP seclists  991826  SecLists is a collection of multiple  18  nobody
 224   856  RFP jless  1017575  command-line JSON viewer  17  nobody
 225   813  RFP element-web  866502  web-based matrix client  17  nobody
 226   813  RFP czkawka  1006181  remove unnecessary files from your computer  17  nobody
 227   1,015  RFP dbeaver  680987  universal database tool  17  nobody
 228   2,886  RFP thunar-shares-plugin  672539  samba usershare support for thunar filemanager (XFCE)  17  nobody
 229   2,178  RFP matomo  448532  web analytics platform  16  nobody
 230   843  RFP bubblemail  955188  An extensible mail notification service  16  nobody
 231   1,220  RFP whitesur-gtk-theme  992440  None  15  nobody
 232   623  RFP rtlsdr-scanner  1034074  radio frequency scanning GUI using the OsmoSDR rtl-sdr libr…  15  nobody
 233   564  RFP bashdb  1036974  bash debugger  15  nobody
 234   3,672  RFP jnetmap  721050  Network planner and scanner with nice  15  nobody
 235   251  RFP python-meliae  1021937  a library meant to help people understand how their memory …  15  nobody
 236   855  RFP snappymail  1017641  Simple, modern, lightweight & fast web-based email client  15  nobody
 237   3,107  RFP xmind  520954  Mind mapping and brainstorming  14  nobody
 238   600  RFP otter-browser  948674  Fast and configurable web browser inspired by Opera 12  14  nobody
 239   2,365  RFP wifiphisher  858612  Automated phishing attacks against Wi-Fi networks  14  nobody
 240   1,159  RFP klogg  993936  Really fast log explorer based on glogg project  14  nobody
 241   3,673  RFP pykolab  725108  Kolab Groupware Server  14  nobody
 242   3,282  RFP cherokee  648256  Very fast, flexible and easy to  14  nobody
 243   881  RFP tut  1015960  A TUI for Mastodon with vim inspired keys  13  nobody
 244   155  RFP matrix-conduit  1007940  lightweight homeserver for the Matrix protocol  13  nobody
 245   282  RFP php-sqlsrv  900572  Microsoft Drivers for PHP for SQL Server  13  nobody
 246   1,278  RFP activitywatch  990173  automated and extensible privacy-focused time tracker  13  nobody
 247   1,317  RFP vimpager  988510  pager using vim and less.vim  13  nobody
 248   178  RFP mathwar  815428  flash card game designed to teach simple maths  13  nobody
 249   3,282  RFP pantheon-files  750823  The file manager of the Pantheon desktop  13  nobody
 250   612  RFP rmilter  813711  None  13  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!