Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 1651   2,258  ITP brahma  881517  Tower of Brahma (Tower of Hanoi) game for console  0  Nandakumar Edamana
 1652   2,567  ITP nekojishi  881466  Interactive visual novel with furries and Taiwanese cultures  0  Yao Wei (魏銘廷)
 1653   2,574  ITP node-bin-version  880932  Get the version of a binary in semver format  0  Ross Gammon
 1654   2,064  ITP yamljs.js  882090  JavaScript YAML 1.2 Parser & Encoder  0  Andreas Moog
 1655   646  ITP node-aws-sdk  887374  the official AWS SDK for JavaScript, available for browsers…  0  Manas kashyap
 1656   2,494  ITP node-react-dev-utils  886215  Webpack utilities used by Create React App  0  Pirate Praveen
 1657   2,503  ITP node-rmrf  887006  no-BS synchronous rm -rf for node.js.  0  Stuart Reinhild
 1658   41  ITP node-svgo  887376  tool for optimizing SVG vector graphics files  0  Pirate Praveen
 1659   2,519  ITP node-byline  885862  byline is a simple module providing a LineStream.  0  Manas kashyap
 1660   2,504  ITP elpa-alect-themes  887111  Configurable color themes for GNU Emacs 24  0  Thomas Cordeu
 1661   1,902  ITP getmyancestors  885997  downloads GEDCOM data from FamilySearch  0  Hans-Christoph Steiner
 1662   2,301  ITP node-humanize-ms  884297  transform humanize time to ms  0  Pirate Praveen
 1663   2,538  ITP libvdwxc  884103  Library of van der Waals density functionals  0  Graham Inggs
 1664   2,504  ITP node-npm-registry-client  887121  It handles all the caching and HTTP calls.  0  Manas kashyap
 1665   2,540  ITP journalwatch  883887  Simple log monitoring utility for the systemd journal  0  Ralf Jung
 1666   2,471  ITP frontaccounting  884952  web-based double entry accounting and ERP program  0  Janusz Dobrowolski
 1667   1,520  ITP kwant  886418  Python package for numerical quantum transport calculations  0  Christoph Groth
 1668   2,513  ITP node-react-error-overlay  886234  overlay for displaying stack frames  0  Pirate Praveen
 1669   443  ITP node-normalize-url  886873  Normalize a URL - Node.js module  0  Paolo Greppi
 1670   2,386  ITP node-es-to-primitive  887133  ECMAScript “ToPrimitive” algorithm. Provides ES5 and ES6 ve…  0  Pirate Praveen
 1671   2,515  ITP workalendar  886223  Worldwide holidays and working days helper and toolkit  0  Vincent Bernat
 1672   2,533  ITP dokuwiki-plugin-graphviz  884494  Create directed and non-directed graph images  0  Maarten Horden
 1673   2,514  ITP filter-other-days  886310  filter logfiles for today's date in an Artificial Ignorance…  0  AJ Jordan
 1674   2,519  ITP node-into-stream  885844  Convert a buffer/string/array/object/ iterable/promise into…  0  Manas kashyap
 1675   2,417  ITP node-raphael  885874  JavaScript library to work with vector graphics  0  Pirate Praveen
 1676   2,534  ITP dokuwiki-plugin-wrap  884461  Provides the ability to wrap wiki text inside containers  0  Maarten Horden
 1677   1,394  ITP node-gulp-header  884832  Gulp extension for adding  0  Jirawat I.
 1678   2,387  ITP node-is-installed-globally  883165  Check if your nodejs package was installed globally  0  Pirate Praveen
 1679   2,521  ITP node-meant  885604  Similar to 'Did you mean', returns probable correction  0  Sruthi Chandran
 1680   2,531  ITP pypostal  884732  Python bindings to libpostal for fast international addres…  0  Andrew Shadura
 1681   2,508  ITP python-openapi-codec  886789  An OpenAPI codec for Core API  0  =?utf-8?q?Pierre-Elliott_B=C3…
 1682   2,542  ITP openbmp  883771  BGP Monitoring Protocol (BMP) collector  0  Vincent Bernat
 1683   443  ITP node-responselike  887165  Response-like object for mocking a Node.js HTTP response st…  0  Kannan V M
 1684   2,387  ITP node-dotenv  883250  Loads environment variables from .env file  0  Pirate Praveen
 1685   1,902  ITP node-babel-plugin-transform-inline-im…  886844  Babel plugin that lazily transforms ES2015 modules to Commo…  0  Paolo Greppi
 1686   2,278  ITP drupal-init-tools  884765  helper commands to create and install new Drupal projects  0  Antonio Ospite
 1687   2,520  ITP node-sleep-promise  885718  Resolves a promise after a specified delay  0  Sruthi Chandran
 1688   2,542  ITP python-icinga2api  883776  Python library for the Icinga 2 RESTful API  0  Tobias von der Krone
 1689   2,508  ITP python-hal-codec  886788  A HAL codec for Core API  0  =?utf-8?q?Pierre-Elliott_B=C3…
 1690   2,518  ITP node-init-package-json  885924  A node module to get your node module started.  0  Manas kashyap
 1691   2,386  ITP node-eve-raphael  885716  Simple custom events  0  Pirate Praveen
 1692   2,387  ITP node-update-notifier  883172  Update notifications for your nodejs CLI app  0  Pirate Praveen
 1693   2,507  ITP node-query-string  886869  Parse and stringify URL query strings - Node.js module  0  Paolo Greppi
 1694   2,490  ITP libretime  888687  online platform for hosting your own radio station  0  Kyle Robbertze
 1695   2,501  ITP pico2wave  887527  command line text-to-speech converter  0  Paolo Greppi
 1696   2,478  ITP node-hullabaloo-config-manager  889972  Manages complex Babel config chains  0  Pirate Praveen
 1697   2,469  ITP node-fill-keys  890682  FILL KEYS in a destination that are defined on the source  0  PAVITHRA
 1698   2,480  ITP ldmud  889784  LPC mud driver (non-free)  0  Richard James Salts
 1699   2,109  ITP libjbibtex-java  888087  Java BibTeX and LaTeX parser and formatter library  0
 1700   1,690  ITP galaxy-lib  890061  Subset of Galaxy core code base designed to be used  0  Debian Med team

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!