Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 1501   61  ITP aquamarine  1082574  Light-weight rendering library for Linux  0  Alan M Varghese
 1502   58  ITP phrog  1082766  Mobile device greeter  0  Arnaud Ferraris
 1503   56  ITP mauiman  1082837  Maui manager library with server and public library API  0  Yifei Zhan
 1504   56  ITP mauikit  1082836  Templated convergent controls and multi-platform utilities …  0  Yifei Zhan
 1505   35  ITP signxml  1082948  Python library for the W3C XSML signature standard  0  Ying-Chun Liu (PaulLiu)
 1506   53  ITP vimium  1082150  keyboard-based navigation and control  0  Andreas Altergott
 1507   52  ITP papilo  1083119  Parallel Presolve for Integer and Linear Optimization  0  Timo Röhling
 1508   50  ITP tcb  1083207  the alternative to /etc/shadow  0  Simon Josefsson
 1509   58  ITP rust-libphosh  1082767  Rust bindings for libphosh  0  Arnaud Ferraris
 1510   56  ITP ssh-tpm-agent  1082814  ssh-agent for TPMs  0  Simon Josefsson
 1511   56  ITP python-arcam-fmj  1082894  speaking to Arcam receivers  0  Thomas Goirand
 1512   55  ITP hexagonrpc  1082914  userspace daemon to communicate with QDSP over FastRPC  0  Alexandre Viard
 1513   54  ITP openleadr-python  1082982  Python 3 module for OpenADR systems  0  Ying-Chun Liu (PaulLiu)
 1514   51  ITP gnome-decoder  1083132  QR code scanner and generator for the GNOME Desktop  0  Arnaud Ferraris
 1515   51  ITP con-duct  1083168  lightweight wrapper to collect execution data for a command  0  Yaroslav Halchenko
 1516   50  ITP intel-qpl  1083229  Intel Query Processing Library (Intel QPL)  0  Miguel Bernal Marin
 1517   44  ITP buffybox  1083296  Suite of graphical applications for the terminal  0  Jarrah Gosbell
 1518   47  ITP python-pymysensors  1084182  API for talking to a MySensors gateway  0  Thomas Goirand
 1519   44  ITP bedstead  1084211  monospaced fonts inspired by SAA5050 character generator  0  Ben Harris
 1520   43  ITP golang-github-olareg-olareg  1084507  Minimal container registry  0  Felix Moessbauer
 1521   43  ITP golang-github-regclient-regclient  1084521  Docker and OCI Registry Client in Go and tooling using thos…  0  Felix Moessbauer
 1522   46  ITP gurk  1084525  Signal messenger CLI client  0  Matthias Geiger
 1523   46  ITP uni-algo  1084537  Unicode Algorithms Implementation for C/C++  0  Yanhao
 1524   46  ITP python-zombie-telnetlib  1084736  copy of telnetlib that was removed from Python standard lib…  0  Alexandre Detiste
 1525   46  ITP python-pytest-vcr  1084745  plugin for managing vcrpy cassettes  0  Ananthu C V
 1526   45  ITP cambalache  1084792  user interface maker for gtk4  0  Jonathan Carter
 1527   43  ITP cupsv3  1084902  Common UNIX Printing System(tm) - PPD/driver support, web i…  0  Thorsten Alteholz
 1528   42  ITP python-minio  1084942  Library for accessing Minio object storage services  0  Edward Betts
 1529   43  ITP python-pushover-complete  1084892  Library for complete interaction with the Pushover API  0  Edward Betts
 1530   39  ITP rnote  1085077  Sketch and take handwritten notes  0  Yifei Zhan
 1531   42  ITP python-pyinstaller  1084906  bundle a Python application and all its dependencies into a…  0  Soren Stoutner
 1532   42  ITP lomiri-keyboard  1084933  Lomiri on-screen keyboard  0  Mike Gabriel
 1533   42  ITP python-opower  1084967  Python library to get usage/cost from utilities  0  Sourav Bhattacharya
 1534   40  ITP pyvicare  1085025  Library for accessing Viessmann heating devices through the…  0  Edward Betts
 1535   40  ITP python-xkbcommon  1085076  Python bindings for libxkbcommon using cffi  0  Daniel Echeverri
 1536   39  ITP python-asyncmy  1085081  Fast asyncio MySQL/MariaDB driver  0  Carsten Schoenert
 1537   39  ITP python-datadog  1085095  Datadog Python library  0  Ananthu C V
 1538   39  ITP  1085099  Shizen-sho puzzle game for GNUstep  0  Debian GNUstep maintainers
 1539   38  ITP go-nmap  1085127  Nmap XML parsing library for Go (library)  0  Marcos Rodrigues de Carvalho …
 1540   37  ITP keepass2-plugin-keepassrpc  928777  The KeePassRPC plugin that needs to be installed inside Kee…  0  Fab Stz
 1541   35  ITP einops  1085388  Flexible and powerful tensor operations for readable and re…  0  Mo Zhou
 1542   35  ITP evalidate  1085206  Validation and secure evaluation of untrusted Python expres…  0  Colin Watson
 1543   36  ITP libmeshb  1085266  A library to handle the *.meshb file format  0  Dima Kogan
 1544   36  ITP sphinxcontrib-globalsubs  1085268  sphinx extension to support global substitutions  0  Luca Boccassi
 1545   36  ITP ruby-with-advisory-lock  1085285  Advisory locking (mutexes) for ActiveRecord when used with …  0  Soren Stoutner
 1546   36  ITP python-pyinstaller-hooks-contrib  1085286  Community hooks for PyInstaller  0  Soren Stoutner
 1547   35  ITP ciborium  1085380  Lomiri external storage devices manager  0  Mike Gabriel
 1548   34  ITP tinycbor  1085433  Concise Binary Object Representation (CBOR) Library  0
 1549   34  ITP reflect-cpp  1085435  C++20 library for fast serialization, deserialization and v…  0
 1550   34  ITP wasistlos  1085480  Unofficial WhatsApp desktop application  0  Francisco Vilmar Cardoso Ruvi…

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!