Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 101   3,789  O osspsa  741474  Abstraction library for the Unix socket API  12  nobody
 102   3,779  O partimage-doc  610031  documentation for partimage  106  nobody
 103   3,770  RFH libteam  743212  library for controlling team network device  109,969  nobody
 104   3,764  RFH nilfs-tools  723599  Continuous Snapshotting Log-structured Filesystem  1,428  nobody
 105   3,753  O getstream  744999  DVB streaming application  59  nobody
 106   3,746  O obexftp  745788  file transfer utility for devices that use the OBEX protocol  1,774  nobody
 107   3,743  O png2html  746047  transforms a PNG image to a web page  50  nobody
 108   3,739  O obexfs  745789  mount filesystem of ObexFTP capable devices  197  nobody
 109   3,727  O trueprint  747965  pretty printing of source code  42  nobody
 110   3,725  O tmexpand  748276  text-macro processing script to create HTML and SGML docume…  7  nobody
 111   3,714  RFA snmptt  749419  SNMP trap handler for use with snmptrapd  244  nobody
 112   3,676  O altermime  753566  utility used to alter mime-encoded mailpacks  1,837  nobody
 113   3,665  RFP yasr-js  753349  Javascript library for visualization of SPARQL results  0  nobody
 114   3,665  RFP node-jscoverage  747751  JavaScript coverage tool  0  nobody
 115   3,665  RFP node-reduce-component  750204  array reduce component - Node.js module  0  nobody
 116   3,660  RFP kfilebox  715527  Unofficial KDE Dropbox client developed in QT. KFilebox (pr…  0  nobody
 117   3,656  RFP trac-simplemultiproject  755813  manage multiple user projects with one Trac instance  0  nobody
 118   3,654  RFP screencloud  755406  easy to use screenshot tool  1  nobody
 119   3,653  RFP bgs  745451  back ground setter  0  nobody
 120   3,653  O libapache2-mod-auth-plain  756106  Module for Apache2 which provides plaintext authentication  103  nobody
 121   3,653  O libhbaapi  753104  SNIA HBAAPI library  9  nobody
 122   3,653  O libhbalinux  753105  Library for retrieving FCOE adapter information  11  nobody
 123   3,653  RFP fsniper  694936  daemon to run scripts based on changes in files monitored b…  0  nobody
 124   3,653  RFP cows-and-bulls  682398  Words-based version of the cows and bulls game  0  nobody
 125   3,653  RFP nafe  485455  toolset for editing psf format consolefonts  0  nobody
 126   3,653  RFP lzma-sdk-4j  694456  LZMA SDK for Java  0  nobody
 127   3,653  RFP wsgiproxy  691518  HTTP proxying tools for WSGI apps  0  nobody
 128   3,653  RFP mp3cat  696690  reads, writes, splits and combines MP3 files  1  nobody
 129   3,653  RFP toped  692561  Toped is a cross-platform IC layout editor  0  nobody
 130   3,653  RFP libgetoptionkit-php  696183  Commandline options parser for PHP 5.3.  0  nobody
 131   3,653  RFP python-kmod  696403  Python bindings for kmod/libkmod  0  nobody
 132   3,653  RFP libcouchbase  691903  Couchbase protocol library  0  nobody
 133   3,651  RFP esteidpkcs11loader  702166  Loads pkcs#11 module for web authentication with smart cards  8  nobody
 134   3,651  RFP scilab-financial  700390  Library of financial computations functions based on Scilab  0  nobody
 135   3,651  RFP sqlworkbenchj  706068  A free, DBMS-independent, cross-platform SQL tool  0  nobody
 136   3,651  RFP libcatalyst-controller-soap-perl  702584  Catalyst SOAP Controller  0  nobody
 137   3,651  RFP fabtools  702298  tools for writing awesome Fabric files  0  nobody
 138   3,651  RFP openecard  702028  lightweight eID client, integrates major international stan…  0  nobody
 139   3,651  RFP libjs-jumflot  704674  plugins for the flot plotting library  0  nobody
 140   3,651  RFP haskell-process  701661  Process libraries in Haskell  0  nobody
 141   3,651  RFP ad2openldap  698825  Replication tool to populate OpenLDAP with objects from AD  0  nobody
 142   3,651  RFP python-timbl  705129  Python bindings for the Tilburg Memory Based Learner (Timbl)  0  nobody
 143   3,651  RFP esteidcerts  702164  Estonian ID card root, intermediate and OCSP certificates  1  nobody
 144   3,651  RFP heybuddy  660125  light microblogging client  0  nobody
 145   3,651  RFP richbool  703981  An advanced portable C++ library of over 80 boolean-like ma…  0  nobody
 146   3,651  RFP pifacedigitalio  704548  control a Pi-Face interface on your Raspberry Pi  0  nobody
 147   3,651  RFP open-numismat  702351  application for coin lovers, numismatists or amateurs looki…  3  nobody
 148   3,651  RFP dparser  668556  a scannerless GLR parser generator  0  nobody
 149   3,651  RFP ruby-debug  624278  Faster implementation of the standard debug.rb  0  nobody
 150   3,651  RFP metaphoneptbr  679013  metaphone implementation for brazilian portuguese  0  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!