Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 1401   121  ITP komac  1076858  The Community Manifest Creator for WinGet  0  solomoncyj
 1402   121  ITP fivem-api  1076937  Library for querying server info from FiveM, a multiplayer …  0  Edward Betts
 1403   59  ITP golang-github-azure-azure-sdk-for-go-…  1059083  Microsoft Azure SDK for Go (track2)  0  Maytham Alsudany
 1404   121  ITP python-adax  1076977  library to communicate with Adax heaters  0  Thomas Goirand
 1405   121  ITP python-xbox-webapi  1076981  A library to authenticate with Windows Live/Xbox Live and u…  0  Tianyu Chen
 1406   121  ITP upcloud-api  1076984  OOP-based API client for UpCloud API  0  Edward Betts
 1407   115  ITP golang-github-bep-imagemeta  1077638  Go library for reading EXIF, IPTC and XMP image metadata  0  Anthony Fok
 1408   121  ITP ha-philipsjs  1076989  Python library to integrate Philips TVs with jointSPACE API  0  Edward Betts
 1409   114  ITP oralb-ble  1077648  Bluetooth library for Oral-B devices  0  Edward Betts
 1410   114  ITP aiowatttime  1077659  Asyncio-based library for obtaining real-time emissions dat…  0  Edward Betts
 1411   121  ITP streamlabswater  1077002  Streamlabs Water Monitor Python Library for Python 3  0  Seongwoo Hong
 1412   121  ITP elvia  1077001  With the Elvia API you can access information about your ow…  0  Seongwoo Hong
 1413   120  ITP python-pywebpush  1077029  Webpush Data encryption library for Python  0  Tianyu Chen
 1414   120  ITP elmax-api  1077033  Asynchronous Python API client for Elmax Cloud services  0  Edward Betts
 1415   152  ITP rabbitcommon/2.2.6-1  1074161  Rabbit common library using Qt  0  nobody
 1416   152  ITP rabbitcommon  1074162  Rabbit common library using Qt  0  nobody
 1417   120  ITP python-aiohttp-fast-zlib  1077043  Accelerates aiohttp by replacing zlib with faster alternati…  0  Josh Santos
 1418   151  ITP serialportassistant/0.5.26-1  1074160  Serial Port Assistant  0  nobody
 1419   279  ITP  1064176  Scalable Vector Search in Postgres  0  Yuandong Xie
 1420   106  ITP eodag  1064200  Earth Observation Data Access Gateway  0  Antonio Valentino
 1421   58  ITP opentelemetry  1074242  C++ OpenTelemetry client  0  Santiago Ruano Rincón
 1422   301  ITP ansi-color  592135  create ANSI escape codes to color  0  nobody
 1423   287  ITP ford  1063532  Fortran Documentation tool  0  Alastair McKinstry
 1424   268  ITP hexwalk  1063579  hex editor/viewer/analyzer  0  carmix
 1425   83  ITP py17track  1080195  Library for tracking packages with  0  Edward Betts
 1426   284  ITP pywebpush  1063813  Webpush Data publication library  0  Martin
 1427   284  ITP encrypted-content-encoding  1063814  Encrypted Content-Encoding for HTTP  0  Martin
 1428   284  ITP vapid  1063815  Simple VAPID header generation library  0  Martin
 1429   148  ITP fibocom-pc-services  1074405  Services to support WWAN modules manufactured by Fibocom Wi…  0  Kai-Chuan Hsieh
 1430   120  ITP golang-github-knadh-go-pop3  1077088  simple Go POP3 client library  0  Carlos Henrique Lima Melara
 1431   120  ITP pyturbojpeg  1077086  Python wrapper of libjpeg-turbo for JPEG image decoding and…  0  Edward Betts
 1432   120  ITP python-deluge-client  1077148  Lightweight pure-Python RPC client for Deluge  0  Edward Betts
 1433   120  ITP microbeespy  1077158  Official microBees Python Library  0  Seongwoo Hong
 1434   143  ITP emacs-dape  1074569  Debug Adapter Protocol for Emacs  0  Xiyue Deng
 1435   234  ITP golang-modernc-lexer  1065559  provides generating actionless scanners at run time  0  tous
 1436   261  ITP golang-modernc-db  1065557  implements some data structures found in database implement…  0  tous
 1437   261  ITP golang-github-upper-db  1065555  Data access layer for PostgreSQL, CockroachDB, MySQL, SQLit…  0  tous
 1438   261  ITP golex  1065558  a lex/flex like utility  0  tous
 1439   261  ITP golang-modernc-lex  1065560  provides support for a *nix (f)lex like tool on .l sources  0  tous
 1440   119  ITP python-env-canada  1077168  Access weather and environmental data from Environment Cana…  0  Edward Betts
 1441   119  ITP python-axis  1077176  Python library for communicating with Axis Communications d…  0  Edward Betts
 1442   234  ITP golang-modernc-file  1065568  write ahead log in Go  0  tous
 1443   81  ITP caio  1080257  Python bindings for Linux AIO API  0  Yuri Konotopov
 1444   76  ITP aiolimiter  1080255  Python3 asyncio rate limiter, a leaky bucket implementation  0  Yuri Konotopov
 1445   248  ITP ansible-creator  1067194  fastest way to generate all your ansible content  0  Guilherme de Paula Xavier Seg…
 1446   82  ITP aiofile  1080258  Real asynchronous file operations for Python with asyncio s…  0  Yuri Konotopov
 1447   244  ITP subtile-ocr  1014093  subtitle converter from DVD VOB to SRT  0  Jonas Smedegaard
 1448   140  ITP psrecord  1075810  A small utility that records the CPU and memory activity of…  0  Alexandru Mihail
 1449   229  ITP linksem  1067819  Semantic model for aspects of ELF static linking and DWARF …  0  Bo YU
 1450   237  ITP libsmb2  1068113  SMB2/3 client library  0  Joe Mondloch

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!