Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 1351   87  ITP python-farama-notifications  1079769  Notifications for all Farama Foundation maintained libraries  0  Dong Xu
 1352   172  ITP debpic  1072313  Build Debian packages in a docker container  0  Aidan Gallagher
 1353   320  ITP sirit  1060170  library for runtime SPIR-V assembly  0  David James
 1354   295  ITP fin-stat  1059593  add the new package fin-stat  0  nobody
 1355   73  ITP rust-mail-send  1081349  e-mail delivery library  0  Jonas Smedegaard
 1356   298  ITP dds-ktx  1060208  header-only library for reading KTX format textures  0  David James
 1357   294  ITP mailctl  1062765  IMAP/SMTP clients with the capabilities of renewal and auth…  0  ChangZhuo Chen (陳昌倬)
 1358   319  ITP qhotkey  1060241  global hotkey library for desktop qt-applications  0  Carlos Henrique Lima Melara
 1359   319  ITP python-django-ansible-base  1060265  Reusable base for Ansible applications using Django  0  Jérémy Lal
 1360   319  ITP laniakea  1060284  Repository management suite for Debian-based OSes  0  Matthias Klumpp
 1361   272  ITP golang-github-go-quicktest-qt  1063929  Quick helpers for testing Go applications using generics.  0  Loren M. Lang
 1362   36  ITP python-nh3  1083060  Bindings to the ammonia HTML sanitization library  0  Carsten Schoenert
 1363   73  ITP python-aioslimproto  1081355  talk to Logitech Squeezebox players directly (without Logit…  0  Thomas Goirand
 1364   87  ITP python-aioswitcher  1079822  Switcher Python Integration  0  Thomas Goirand
 1365   318  ITP node-yarn-plugin-apt  1060312  Yarn plugin to resolve dependencies from packages installed…  0  Robinson Uchechukwu
 1366   277  ITP ukui-search  1062977  User-wide desktop search of ukui  0  xibowen
 1367   315  ITP network-event-broker  1060439  run scripts on systemd network events  0  Tobias Schaffner
 1368   272  ITP pwru  1063031  eBPF-based Linux kernel networking debugger  0  Loren M. Lang
 1369   74  ITP python-samsungtvws  1081262  Samsung Smart TV WS API wrapper  0  Thomas Goirand
 1370   72  ITP gtk-session-lock  1072558  Wayland screen locker library using ext-session-lock-v1  0  Maytham Alsudany
 1371   73  ITP uwsgi-plugin-ruby  1079857  Ruby plugins for uWSGI  0  Alexandre Rossi
 1372   72  ITP kleidiai  1081414  open-source library that provides optimized micro-kernels f…  0  Shengqi Chen
 1373   126  ITP golang-github-minio-selfupdate  1076595  Build self-updating Go programs  0  Mathias Gibbens
 1374   169  ITP tinysparql  1072712  rename of tracker  0
 1375   169  ITP localsearch  1072711  rename of tracker-miners  0
 1376   313  ITP pulsar-edit  1060778  A Community-led Hyper-Hackable Text Editor (formerly Atom)  0  Otto Kekäläinen
 1377   313  ITP golang-github-qur-ar  1060813  Golang ar archive file library  0  Simon Josefsson
 1378   166  ITP qt6-quickeffectmaker  1072900  Qt 6 Quick Effect Maker  0  Aaron Rainbolt
 1379   162  ITP emacs-lsp-docker  1073121  LSP Docker integration for lsp-mode  0  Xiyue Deng
 1380   124  ITP shotman  1076668  The uncompromising screenshot GUI for Wayland compositors  0  Blair Noctis
 1381   161  ITP ruby-jekyll-qr  1073211  Jekyll plugin to embed QR codes with Liquid tags  0  Sebastian Crane
 1382   116  ITP python-click-configfile  1077561  Provides configuration file support for Click-based command…  0  Josh Santos
 1383   281  ITP oaknut  1061078  Aarch64 (arm64) code emitter  0  David James
 1384   263  ITP libnpupnp  1065478  UPnP library, based on Pupnp code, extensively rewritten  0  Jean-Francois Dockes
 1385   263  ITP libupnpp  1065475  Application-oriented C++ layer over the libnpupnp base UPnP…  0  Jean-Francois Dockes
 1386   123  ITP aioaseko  1076710  Async Python package for the Aseko Pool Live API  0  Edward Betts
 1387   309  ITP ocaml-posix  956479  OCaml bindings to the various POSIX APIs  0  Kyle Robbertze
 1388   71  ITP terminaltexteffects  1081611  terminal visual effects engine, application  0  Alex Myczko
 1389   115  ITP pyopenuv  1077598  Library to access UV and ozone data from OpenUV  0  Edward Betts
 1390   70  ITP zlog  1081635  A reliable, high-performance, thread safe, flexsible, clear…  0  Bo YU
 1391   75  ITP puppetlabs-bolt  1077614  infrastructure orchestration  0  nobody
 1392   115  ITP google-cloud-cpp  1077623  C++ Client Libraries for Google Cloud Platform  0  Darren Bolduc
 1393   113  ITP homematicip  1077778  A library for interfacing with the Homematic IP cloud API  0  Edward Betts
 1394   123  ITP pytablewriter  1076770  Library to write tables in multiple formats with custom sty…  0  Edward Betts
 1395   299  ITP notes-tree/1.2-1  1061226  a note taking app, which organizes notes in a hierarchical …  0  ds
 1396   112  ITP epion  1077796  Python library to access Epion sensor data  0  Seongwoo Hong
 1397   212  ITP wireviz  1069719  easily document cables and wiring harnesses  0  nobody
 1398   122  ITP keepassxc-mail  1076811  KeepassXC plugin for Mozilla Thunderbird  0  nobody
 1399   122  ITP qbittorrent-api  1076850  Python client implementation for qBittorrent web api  0  Kartik Kulkarni
 1400   122  ITP python-juliandate  1076854  Simple conversions between Julian Dates and Julian/Gregoria…  0  EnkelenaH

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!