Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 1251   209  ITP tcl-ooxml  1069951  Read and Write Office Open XML "XLSX" since Excel 2007  0  Massimo Manghi
 1252   381  ITP laz-perf  1055504  LAZperf is an alternative LAZ (Compressed LAS pointclouds) …  0  Richard Duivenvoorde
 1253   355  ITP wfx  1057366  A lightweight, general-purpose workflow executor  0  Nobuhiro Iwamatsu
 1254   345  ITP pickle-secure  1057361  wrapper around pickle that creates encrypted pickles  0  Martin
 1255   358  ITP jaq  1057177  A jq clone focussed on correctness, speed, and simplicity  0  ChangZhuo Chen (陳昌倬)
 1256   362  ITP elpa-denote  1056950  simple note-taking tool for Emacs  0  Dhavan Vaidya
 1257   370  ITP dhtd  1056211  standalone DHT for mainline BitTorrent  0  Moritz Warning
 1258   352  ITP anyrun  1057118  A wayland native, highly customizable runner.  0  Maytham Alsudany
 1259   363  ITP avis-imgv  1056319  Fast and Configurable Rust Image Viewer  0
 1260   368  ITP gaphas  1056300  a diagramming widget library for python  0  Alexandre Esse
 1261   383  ITP golang-golang-x-telemetry  1055441  Go Telemetry services and libraries  0  Anthony Fok
 1262   379  ITP monaspace  1055677  An innovative superfamily of fonts for code  0  Mo Zhou
 1263   347  ITP wasix-libc  1056052  wasix libc implementation for WebAssembly  0  Fukui Daichi
 1264   340  ITP libaaf  1058940  library for Advanced Authoring Format (AAF) file reading  0  IOhannes m zmoelnig
 1265   339  ITP ruby-vite-rails  1058943  Vite.js in Rails, bringing joy to people's JavaScript exper…  0  Ananthu C V
 1266   276  ITP sddm-conf  1058712  Graphical editor for SDDM  0  Aaron Rainbolt
 1267   117  ITP python-wled  1077387  Library to control and monitor WLED devices  0  Edward Betts
 1268   110  ITP eufylife-ble-client  1077972  EufyLife BLE Client  0  Seongwoo Hong
 1269   118  ITP rust-trawldb  1077305  CLI for managing trawl configuration resources  0  Soumya Ranjan Patnaik
 1270   85  ITP aemu  1064255  This is an utility library for common functions used in the…  0  Bo YU
 1271   278  ITP rocm-tensile  1064257  ROCm tool for generating and benchmarking assembly kernels  0  Cordell Bloor
 1272   117  ITP prayer-times-calculator-offline  1077341  Library for calculating Islamic prayer times offline  0  Edward Betts
 1273   116  ITP golang-github-tomasen-fcgi-client  1077533  go fastcgi client with fcgi params support  0  Nicolas Peugnet
 1274   107  ITP pbs-installer  1078192  An installer for @indygreg's python-build-standalone  0  eevelweezel
 1275   81  ITP golang-opentelemetry-collector  1080354  OpenTelemetry Collector (library)  0  Guillem Jover
 1276   142  ITP mangl  1070171  An enhanced man page viewer  0  James Montgomery
 1277   205  ITP gnome-shell-extension-happy-appy-hotk…  1070189  Hotkey application focus / launcher for GNOME Shell  0  David Edmondson
 1278   106  ITP goalzero  1078250  Library for interacting with Goal Zero Yeti devices via RES…  0  Edward Betts
 1279   76  ITP emacs-oauth2  1080374  OAuth 2.0 Authorization Protocol for Emacs  0  Xiyue Deng
 1280   106  ITP hassil  1078257  Home Assistant Intent Language parser  0  Edward Betts
 1281   222  ITP vale  1066893  A markup-aware linter for prose built with speed and extens…  0  Maytham Alsudany
 1282   79  ITP q6voiced  1080483  userspace daemon for the QDSP6 voice call audio driver  0  erebion
 1283   68  ITP golang-github-dominikh-go-js-dom  1081903  provides Go bindings for the JavaScript DOM APIs  0  Francisco Vilmar Cardoso Ruvi…
 1284   66  ITP uwsgi-plugin-lua  1081966  Lua WSAPI plugin for uWSGI (Lua 5.1)  0  nobody
 1285   201  ITP apt-transport-oci  1069330  OCI transport plugin for apt-get  0  Jianfeng Liu
 1286   201  ITP sleepuntil  1070487  sleeps until a specified datetime  0  nobody
 1287   100  ITP gpgmngr  1078337  gpg assistant for the linux terminal  0  Manuel Guerra
 1288   197  ITP smatch  1070846  a static analysis tool for C  0  Ricardo B. Marliere
 1289   74  ITP uwsgi-plugin-java  1078547  java plugins for uWSGI  0  Alexandre Rossi
 1290   297  ITP q2-vsearch  1061998  QIIME 2 plugin for clustering and dereplicating with vsearch  0  Andreas Tille
 1291   297  ITP mistserver  1061999  Streaming media toolkit  0  Alex Henrie
 1292   327  ITP ssh3  1059618  faster and rich secure shell using HTTP/3  0  Simon Josefsson
 1293   241  ITP sentry-native  1059632  Sentry SDK for C, C++ and native applications  0  Roman Ondráček
 1294   102  ITP guile-commonmark  1078554  module to parse CommonMark documents, a fully specified Mar…  0  Francesco P. Lovergine
 1295   275  ITP golang-github-txthinking-runnergroup  1064432  RunnerGroup library for Golang.  0  Danial Behzadi
 1296   274  ITP rust-self-encryption  1064483  self-encrypting files  0  Jonas Smedegaard
 1297   130  ITP azirevpn-cli  1076415  AzireVPN CLI client for generating WireGuard configs  0  Daniel Gröber
 1298   67  ITP python-onvif-zeep-async  1081946  Async Python client for interacting with ONVIF-compliant ca…  0  Edward Betts
 1299   129  ITP partman-dps  1076455  apply Discoverable Partitions Specification labels to GPT d…  0  Luca Boccassi
 1300   129  ITP rust-iced  1076462  Elm-inspired cross-platform GUI library for Rust  0  Blair Noctis

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!