Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 1201   478  ITP golang-github-mastercactapus-proxypro…  1042946  Client & server PROXY protocol support in Go.  0  Peymaneh
 1202   37  ITP rust-gitoxide  1043208  Pure Rust implementation of Git  0
 1203   464  ITP python-django-dynamic-fixtures  1049916  Django app to install dynamic fixtures  0  Michael Fladischer
 1204   289  ITP tundra-nat64  1041858  A minimal, user-space, stateless NAT64, CLAT and SIIT imple…  0  nobody
 1205   464  ITP composable-kernel  1049961  library for writing performance critical kernels for ML wor…  0  Christian Kastner
 1206   489  ITP keepassxc-proxy-client  1041718  Library to access a running KeepassXC instance  0  Antonio Russo
 1207   434  ITP ruby-net-protocol  1052016  abstract interface for net-* client  0  Ravish B C
 1208   435  ITP kiwi-keg  1051942  Create KIWI image descriptions based on snippets  0  Isaac True
 1209   444  ITP rust-xtr  1051318  Gettext helper for Rust crates  0  Fabian Grünbichler
 1210   449  ITP u-root-cpu  1050971  cpu command in Go, inspired by the Plan 9 cpu command  0  Raul Cheleguini
 1211   410  ITP ublksrv  1051678  Daemon and library for user-space block devices  0  rcheleguini
 1212   450  ITP turbine-java  1050889  A header compiler for Java  0  Olek Wojnar
 1213   431  ITP sby  1052194  SymbiYosys -- formal hardware verification frontend for yos…  0  Daniel Gröber
 1214   431  ITP golang-github-yuin-goldmark-highlight…  1052175  A Syntax highlighting extension for the goldmark markdown p…  0  Peymaneh
 1215   439  ITP kylin-virtual-keyboard  1051676  Kylin Virtual Keyboard  0  pengfeiguo
 1216   430  ITP v-i  1050969  An alternative Debian installer using vmdb2 and ansible  0  Christopher Obbard
 1217   443  ITP kylin-nm-plugin  1051404  Gui Applet tool for display and edit network simply.  0  liudun
 1218   285  ITP esbuild-sass-plugin  1051470  Plugin for esbuild to handle Sass & SCSS files  0  Kalyani Kenekar
 1219   431  ITP semver  1052215  Semantic Versioning for modern C++  0  Chen Linxuan
 1220   438  ITP python-kr8s  1051784  A batteries-included Python client library for Kubernetes t…  0  Guilherme de Paula Xavier Seg…
 1221   80  ITP ukui-kwin  1050847  UKUI window manager  0  Mouse Zhang
 1222   432  ITP frappe-bench  1052117  CLI to manage Multi-tenant deployments for Frappe apps  0  Arun Mathai
 1223   432  ITP check-build  1052135  Check whether some example programs can be compiled and bui…  0  Peter Pentchev
 1224   416  ITP python-control  1052421  feedback control systems library  0  Kurva Prashanth
 1225   424  ITP golang-github-bazelbuild-bazelisk  1052673  A user-friendly launcher for Bazel.  0  Arthur Diniz
 1226   430  ITP rust-analyzer  1052319  LSP server for Rust  0  Jelmer Vernooij
 1227   441  ITP golang-github-jesseduffield-generics  1051540  Extensions on Go generics packages  0  Jongmin Kim
 1228   387  ITP arpwitch  1055133  A modern arpwatch replacement with JSON formatted outputs a…  0  Aquila Macedo Costa
 1229   414  ITP golang-github-ozeidan-fuzzy-patricia  1053518  A generic patricia trie (also called radix tree) implemente…  0  Ananthu C V
 1230   388  ITP geopm-service  1055130  Global Extensible Open Power Manager Service  0  Brad Geltz
 1231   376  ITP prometheus-ganeti-exporter  1054138  None  0
 1232   362  ITP golang-github-containers-libhvee  1053875  Special purposed library for Windows HyperV control  0
 1233   402  ITP node-prosemirror-tables  1054136  enhances table support  0  Ananthu C V
 1234   407  ITP node-tiptap-core  1053858  headless rich text editor  0  Ananthu C V
 1235   420  ITP needrestart-gui  1053215  web interface for needrestart  0  Thomas Goirand
 1236   262  ITP adminerevo  1055329  Web-based database administration tool  0  Alexandre Rossi
 1237   397  ITP jruby-jzlib  1054361  None  0  Jérôme Charaoui
 1238   363  ITP libnginx-mod-vts  1055012  Nginx virtual host traffic status module  0  Gregor Jasny
 1239   415  ITP python-hdbscan  1053490  Clustering based on density with variable density clusters  0  Edward Betts
 1240   392  ITP legba  1054871  A fast multi protocol credential bruteforcer/sprayer/enumer…  0  Samuel Henrique
 1241   403  ITP sdview  1054001  terminal document viewer for POD and other syntaxes  0  Ole Peder Brandtzæg
 1242   362  ITP bidscoin  1054133  a toolkit to convert raw neuroimaging data according to the…  0
 1243   233  ITP tcnopen  1053497  TCNOpen Library for IEC61375 standardised communication  0  Marc Leeman
 1244   404  ITP bluer  1054023  Official BlueZ Bindings for Rust  0  Nobuhiro Iwamatsu
 1245   415  ITP amqp-cpp  1053498  CPP RabbitMQ communication library  0  Marc Leeman
 1246   416  ITP vaticinator  1053415  Python 'fortune' implementation/library  0  Matt Barry
 1247   352  ITP fonts-albert-sans  1053399  Modern geometric sans-serif font  0  Gioele Barabucci
 1248   358  ITP elpa-lin  1056951  Lin is a stylistic enhancement for Emacs’ built-in hl-line-…  0  Dhavan Vaidya
 1249   383  ITP python-pyrate-limiter  1055428  The request rate limiter using Leaky-bucket algorithm  0  Safir Secerovic
 1250   360  ITP goauthing  1057029  CLI authentication utility for srun4000 systems  0  Shengqi Chen

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!