Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 901   676  RFP minepeon  767545  web interface for managing cryptocoin mining with CGminer o…  0  nobody
 902   3,283  RFP pyrecord  770094  Pythonic record types  0  nobody
 903   3,283  RFP adderall  755887  a miniKanren implementation in Hy  0  nobody
 904   3,283  RFP txjsonrpc  764560  Library for creating Twisted JSON-RPC servers and clients  0  nobody
 905   3,283  RFP aspell-dsb  763554  Lower Sorbian dictionary for GNU Aspell  0  nobody
 906   2,023  RFP webext-tosdr  770124  toolbar icon to inform about your rights  0  nobody
 907   2,972  RFP fail2go  764634  Go library for communication with fail2ban via its server s…  0  nobody
 908   2,951  RFP libusergrid-client-perl  767657  A client for Apache Usergrid  0  nobody
 909   3,379  RFP nufft  768936  Library implementing the Non-Uniform Fast  0  nobody
 910   3,283  RFP unqlite  766730  Self-contained transactional NoSQL database engine.  0  nobody
 911   3,283  RFP lazr.authentication  756758  library providing middleware basic and OAuth authentication  0  nobody
 912   3,283  RFP python-ooxml  769431  Python library for parsing .docx files  0  nobody
 913   2,944  RFP caliper  770244  framework for writing, running and viewing Java microbenchm…  0  nobody
 914   3,283  RFP og-rek  764565  Go library for encoding and decoding pickles  0  nobody
 915   3,283  RFP stats  703614  simple filter to gather numbers in repeated text  0  nobody
 916   3,588  RFP streql  764443  Constant-time string comparison  0  nobody
 917   2,498  RFP tilemill  644767  map design studio  0  nobody
 918   3,379  RFP ympd  767134  Standalone MPD web GUI  0  nobody
 919   253  RFP xserver-xorg-video-psb  533450  Xorg Graphics driver for Intel Poulsbo chipset (GMA 500)  0  nobody
 920   3,525  RFP honeytrap  440226  low-interaction network honeypot  0  nobody
 921   3,343  RFP foswiki-caslogincontrib  495428  CAS LoginManager for Foswiki  0  nobody
 922   3,283  RFP gur  771986  (GNU Usage Recorder); A script written in bash to record co…  0  nobody
 923   3,053  RFP whycanticonnect  765538  tcp/ip connection diagnostic tool  0  nobody
 924   3,283  RFP gnucheese  771853  Modern chess engine based on GNU Chess 5.07.  0  nobody
 925   3,283  RFP python-shinkenplugins  764870  Shinken plugins wrapper  0  nobody
 926   3,413  RFP vim-easymotion  769061  simple and efficient motions in vim  0  nobody
 927   3,283  RFP fonts-raleway  754784  elegant sans-serif typeface designed in a single thin weight  0  nobody
 928   1,932  RFP hekate  764519  Protein crosslink analysis by mass spectrometry  0  nobody
 929   3,404  RFP dropwizard  768103  A Java library for building production-ready RESTful web se…  0  nobody
 930   3,283  RFP hsenv  769000  Haskell virtual environment tool  0  nobody
 931   3,283  RFP puppet-module-domcleal-augeasproviders  771816  Alternative Augeas-based providers for Puppet  0  nobody
 932   3,013  RFP ssllabs-scan  767461  client for the SSL Labs APIs  0  nobody
 933   3,283  RFP re6stnet  755034  Resilient, scalable, IPv6 network application  0  nobody
 934   3,051  RFP orocos-rtt  782210  Orocos Real-Time Toolkit  0  nobody
 935   3,283  RFP ckylark  773453  phrase structure parser based on PCFG-LA  0  nobody
 936   3,588  RFP bitcoin-explorer  779071  Bitcoin Command Line Tool  0  nobody
 937   3,326  RFP qtweetlib  700028  qtweetlib is a QT library for talking to twitter  0  nobody
 938   2,144  RFP linsim  775464  Amateur Radio Digital Mode Evaluation Tool  0  nobody
 939   3,054  RFP sortjar  759822  remove nondeterministic aspects of jar files  0  nobody
 940   2,596  RFP libjitsi  757768  advanced Java media library  0  nobody
 941   3,283  RFP erbot  706703  A bot that can currently talk to you through InternetRelayC…  0  nobody
 942   2,514  RFP fllog  774923  Amateur Radio Logbook Server  0  nobody
 943   2,823  RFP tcp-over-dns  647505  TCP tunnel through the standard DNS protocol  0  nobody
 944   1,567  RFP palemoon-browser  780379  Open Source, Firefox-based web browser  0  nobody
 945   3,053  RFP libcoro-mock-java  776016  Mock library for compiling JVM coroutine-utilizing code on …  0  nobody
 946   2,441  RFP xul-ext-mail-redirect  772674  Redirect mail to other recipients  0  nobody
 947   3,283  RFP libpdl-graphics-plplot-perl  763203  PDL::Graphics::PLplot - Object-oriented interface from perl…  0  nobody
 948   389  RFP bokeh  756017  interactive visualization for web browsers  0  nobody
 949   3,051  RFP orocos-ocl  782623  Orocos Component Library  0  nobody
 950   3,800  RFP openecard  702028  lightweight eID client, integrates major international stan…  0  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!