Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 851   2,975  RFP nightingale  712631  audio player and web browser based on the Songbird  0  nobody
 852   3,145  RFP convergence  640786  An agile, distributed, and secure strategy for replacing Ce…  0  nobody
 853   3,567  RFP zotero-dataserver  709925  dataserver for the zotero client  0  nobody
 854   3,800  RFP require-kernel.js  710057  Reference implementation of a CommonJS module loader for a …  0  nobody
 855   2,161  RFP meandmyshadow  658699  A puzzle / platform game  0  nobody
 856   3,762  RFP flex-sdk  592007  Framework for building and maintaining expressive web appli…  0  nobody
 857   3,316  RFP freedict-eng-ara  505511  Dict package for English-Arabic Freedict dictionary  0  nobody
 858   2,886  RFP python-pygsear  711814  a Pygame Framework with Examples  0  nobody
 859   815  RFP responders  767241  set of responders modules to dry up your Rails 3.2+ app  0  nobody
 860   3,283  RFP neurosynth  710302  Large-scale synthesis of functional neuroimaging data  0  nobody
 861   2,888  RFP utmp  709229  simple utility to manage utmp-records for shell and/or term…  0  nobody
 862   3,202  RFP python-flask-admin  765509  admin interface extension for Flask  0  nobody
 863   3,800  RFP maple-package  710349  utility for creating Maple Debian packages  0  nobody
 864   1,139  RFP clewn  517912  gdb support for the vim editor: breakpoints, watch  0  nobody
 865   3,054  RFP easydoneit  766344  command line task manager  0  nobody
 866   3,696  RFP relaunch-notifier  767716  Notification system for running applications that need to b…  0  nobody
 867   2,427  RFP gmqcc  712125  Improved QuakeC compiler  0  nobody
 868   3,013  RFP python-sphynxcontrib-emacs  766733  sphinx extension to help document emacs lisp projects  0  nobody
 869   2,250  RFP python-pyuserinput  766361  A module for cross-platform control of the mouse and keyboa…  0  nobody
 870   3,800  RFP sqlworkbenchj  706068  A free, DBMS-independent, cross-platform SQL tool  0  nobody
 871   2,820  RFP toprammer  640240  Command-line and GUI software for the TOP2049 universal pro…  0  nobody
 872   3,724  RFP debsources  764940  index and publish Debian source code on the Web  0  nobody
 873   1,682  RFP freeroi  764728  a tool for defining region of interest in fMRI analysis  0  nobody
 874   3,659  RFP gpcslots2  770311  text console casino for *nix  0  nobody
 875   3,283  RFP adderall  755887  a miniKanren implementation in Hy  0  nobody
 876   2,592  RFP arasan  771057  xboard-compatible chess engine  0  nobody
 877   2,935  RFP libarray-heap-perl  771415  perl module implementing heaps/priority queues  0  nobody
 878   3,283  RFP symlookup  770731  Utility for object symbol search in installed libraries  0  nobody
 879   3,283  RFP puppet-module-jakeb-system  771819  Manage Linux system resources and services from hiera confi…  0  nobody
 880   3,283  RFP aspell-dsb  763554  Lower Sorbian dictionary for GNU Aspell  0  nobody
 881   2,794  RFP puppet-module-saz-timezone  771818  Manage timezone settings via Puppet  0  nobody
 882   3,283  RFP puppetlabs-vcsrepo  769062  Puppet module to deploy content from a version control syst…  0  nobody
 883   1,968  RFP black-hole-solver  765336  Solver (C API + CLI program) for "Black Hole" Solitaire and…  0  nobody
 884   3,283  RFP lazr.authentication  756758  library providing middleware basic and OAuth authentication  0  nobody
 885   3,283  RFP fonts-orbitron  766211  geometric sans-serif typeface intended for display purposes  0  nobody
 886   3,283  RFP fail2rest  764309  REST server for fail2ban  0  nobody
 887   3,283  RFP stats  703614  simple filter to gather numbers in repeated text  0  nobody
 888   1,682  RFP gowhois  764648  A simple WHOIS library for Go  0  nobody
 889   3,674  RFP python-nfc  771593  Python module to read/write NFC tags or communicate with an…  0  nobody
 890   1,585  RFP radamsa  771175  test case generator for robustness testing (fuzzer)  0  nobody
 891   3,283  RFP c-script  765396  c++ script language  0  nobody
 892   2,944  RFP flot-plugin-collection  770272  collection of miscellaneous flot plugins  0  nobody
 893   3,710  RFP clj-postal  766906  internet email library for Clojure  0  nobody
 894   3,710  RFP http-kit  766894  minimalist, efficient, Ring-compatible HTTP client/server f…  0  nobody
 895   2,498  RFP tilemill  644767  map design studio  0  nobody
 896   1,932  RFP libjs-iframeresizer  768400  Javascript library that enables the automatic resizing of i…  0  nobody
 897   253  RFP xserver-xorg-video-psb  533450  Xorg Graphics driver for Intel Poulsbo chipset (GMA 500)  0  nobody
 898   2,944  RFP flot-plugin-byte  770271  plugin for Flot plotting library to display byte values on …  0  nobody
 899   3,525  RFP honeytrap  440226  low-interaction network honeypot  0  nobody
 900   3,343  RFP foswiki-caslogincontrib  495428  CAS LoginManager for Foswiki  0  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!