Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 701   871  RFP adagios  744818  Adagios is an alternative web configuration (and status) in…  1  nobody
 702   3,050  RFP nodogsplash  782736  manages public internet access  1  nobody
 703   1,054  RFP verynice  746255  nice(1)-like utility to throttle long running processes  1  nobody
 704   3,572  RFP envoy  758651  A ssh/gpg-agent wrapper leveraging cgroups and systemd/sock…  1  nobody
 705   347  RFP gephi  650636  The Open Graph Viz Platform  1  nobody
 706   3,771  RFP wallch  751914  A powerful cross-desktop wallpaper changer  1  nobody
 707   2,867  RFP pootle  657499  Web-based translation and translation management  1  nobody
 708   1,498  RFP tmsu  753653  command-line file tagging tooI and tag-based virtual filesy…  1  nobody
 709   3,001  RFP lessfs  570439  A high performance inline data  1  nobody
 710   3,282  RFP lightmdeditor  769317  An editor for markdown files  1  nobody
 711   3,799  RFP fcgi-daemon  650198  Perl-aware FastCGI daemon  1  nobody
 712   1,856  RFP darkhttpd  775096  A small and secure static webserver  1  nobody
 713   675  RFP beaver  728999  lightweight log shipper to logstash  1  nobody
 714   3,802  RFP screencloud  755406  easy to use screenshot tool  1  nobody
 715   3,142  RFP cyberduck  758066  Libre FTP, SFTP, WebDAV, S3 & OpenStack Swift browser  1  nobody
 716   3,053  RFP folly  734188  library of C++11 components designed with practicality and …  1  nobody
 717   2,829  RFP keepass2-plugin-application-indicator  734906  Provides an application indicator tray icon for KeePass.  1  nobody
 718   2,142  RFP android  459219  Android SDK (mobile phone platform)  1  nobody
 719   3,282  RFP github-backup-utils  766586  Backup and recovery utilities for GitHub Enterprise  1  nobody
 720   3,282  RFP libgit-cpan-patch-perl  733922  Git commands for CPAN distributions  1  nobody
 721   3,282  RFP yle-dl  746645  downloader of media files from YLE  1  nobody
 722   3,049  RFP pkg-create-dbgsym  749094  automatically build debug symbol ddeb packages  1  nobody
 723   783  RFP mogan  1011149  structured editor for science and technology  1  nobody
 724   202  RFP memray  1009970  Python memory profiler  1  nobody
 725   3,282  RFP libbackpan-index-perl  734201  Perl interface to the BackPAN index  1  nobody
 726   2,795  RFP goldbug  728669  secure fully decentralized instant messaging, chat and emai…  1  nobody
 727   3,282  RFP thinkpad-scripts  731035  Rotation scripts for ThinkPad  1  nobody
 728   3,799  RFP replicatorg  613210  Simple 3D printing program  1  nobody
 729   3,326  RFP ldview  715280  OpenGL based viewer and renderer for LEGO LDraw 3D models  1  nobody
 730   3,049  RFP python-rauth  745424  library for OAuth consumers  1  nobody
 731   2,891  RFP ndt  728809  A network diagnostic tool.  1  nobody
 732   1,710  RFP blat  740601  BLAST-Like Alignment Tool  1  nobody
 733   391  RFP wp-cli  1015300  command-line interface for WordPress  1  nobody
 734   3,789  RFP async-core  718238  Async library for OCaml asynchronous programming (core)  0  nobody
 735   2,136  RFP fedora-liveusb-creator  718301  Cross-platform tool for installing live operating systems o…  0  nobody
 736   587  RFP python-affinity  717384  control process CPU affinity  0  nobody
 737   3,789  RFP clojurehelper  718775  Helper scripts for packaging Clojure programs  0  nobody
 738   3,799  RFP yoda  707034  Yet more Objects for Data Analysis  0  nobody
 739   3,049  RFP morelia  633411  client-facing scripting language for Behaviour-Driven Devel…  0  nobody
 740   3,789  RFP ruby-sys-admin  718607  Unified, cross platform replacement for the Ruby "etc" libr…  0  nobody
 741   3,673  RFP percona-playback  718227  A tool for replaying captured database server load  0  nobody
 742   2,857  RFP dbvisualizer  678190  multi-database management tool  0  nobody
 743   2,827  RFP kzorp  713052  KZorp is kernel space helper for application level gateways…  0  nobody
 744   3,282  RFP finalterm  714028  Modern terminal emulator  0  nobody
 745   3,053  RFP libphidget21  670984  Phidgets runtime library  0  nobody
 746   2,798  RFP xul-ext-pencil  628285  GUI prototyping and diagram tool  0  nobody
 747   2,971  RFP cookieculler  569957  browser extension to manage cookies  0  nobody
 748   3,799  RFP gnome-shell-extension-icon-hider  712478  GNOME Shell's status area icons manager  0  nobody
 749   3,799  RFP edeploy  717664  new way to provision/update systems  0  nobody
 750   3,799  RFP django-colorful  715006  database and form RGB color fields for Django  0  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!