Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 501   252  O mazeofgalious  661454  The Maze of Galious  175  nobody
 502   252  RFP amphp-socket  1012253  Async socket connection / server tools for Amp  0  nobody
 503   252  RFP amphp-sync  1012259  Mutex, Semaphore, and other synchronization tools for Amp  0  nobody
 504   252  RFP amphp-serialization  1012249  Serialization tools for IPC and data storage  0  nobody
 505   252  RFP gstreamer-sharp-1.0  742729  new revamped GStreamer CLI bindings that target gstreamer-1…  0  nobody
 506   252  RFP bindinator  1050576  generates C# binding projects from gir files  0  nobody
 507   253  O impose+  1050471  Postscript utilities for two-up printing, bbox, etc.  159  nobody
 508   253  O code2html  1050465  Syntax highlighter  81  nobody
 509   254  O dt-utils  1050494  Device tree and barebox related tools  18  nobody
 510   254  RFP picosnitch  1050463  monitor network traffic per executable  2  nobody
 511   255  O cvsutils  1043088  CVS utilities for use in working directories  161  nobody
 512   255  RFP lablgtk3-extras  966595  modules for OCaml/LablGtk3 apps  0  nobody
 513   255  RFA qelectrotech  929592  Electric schematic editor  2,201  nobody
 514   256  O xmotd  1050255  message of the day browser for X  31  nobody
 515   256  O qtop  1050254  windowed version of the console top command  77  nobody
 516   256  O python-spoon  1050252  Simple to use pre-forking server interface  3  nobody
 517   256  O python-braintree  1050250  Braintree Python library  18  nobody
 518   256  O pyrandom2  1050249  backport of Python 2.7's random module  325  nobody
 519   256  O fonts-stix  1050247  Scientific and Technical Information eXchange fonts  11,165  nobody
 520   256  O python-ajpy  1050246  Python module to craft AJP requests  379  nobody
 521   256  O zemberek  1050235  Spell checker library for Turkic languages  38  nobody
 522   256  O zemberek-server  1050234  Turkish spellcheck server  1  nobody
 523   256  O zpspell  1050233  Command line interface for zemberek-server  1  nobody
 524   257  O flickcurl  1050174  utilities to call the Flickr API from command line  608  nobody
 525   257  RFP honk  1050222  Honk is an ActivityPub server with minimal setup requiremen…  0  nobody
 526   258  O bookworm  1050153  Simple, focused eBook Reader  417  nobody
 527   258  RFP python-certbot-dns-freenom  1013165  Freenom DNS01 plugin for certbot  0  nobody
 528   262  O dmitry  1049949  Deepmagic Information Gathering Tool  438  nobody
 529   262  O awardeco  1049930  Decompress flashfiles equipped with an AWARD BIOS  15  nobody
 530   262  O linklint  1049928  A fast link checker and website maintenance tool  189  nobody
 531   262  O mathtex  1049921  Generate image from LaTeX command  47  nobody
 532   262  O  1049913  Australian English Thesaurus for  199  nobody
 533   262  O parchive  1049911  Use PAR files to reconstruct missing parts of multi-part ar…  159  nobody
 534   262  O dicelab  1049904  tool to compute the statistical distribution of dice rolls  17  nobody
 535   262  O xless  1049880  file browsing tool for the X Window System  81  nobody
 536   262  O xmlrpc-epi  1049879  XML-RPC request library  5,941  nobody
 537   263  O xvier  1049878  a "Four in a row" game  99  nobody
 538   263  O pct-scanner-scripts  1049877  scan and create merged DjVu and PDF  62  nobody
 539   263  O 4g8  1049875  Packet Capture and Interception for Switched Networks  42  nobody
 540   264  O udo  831579  universal document - text processing utility  64  nobody
 541   264  O clearsilver  849019  fast, powerful, and language-neutral HTML template system  21  nobody
 542   264  O acetoneiso  1049354  mount and manage CD and DVD images  321  nobody
 543   265  RFP sanmill  1049337  A mill/morris game  0  nobody
 544   265  RFP openfwwf  513974  Open Firmware for Broadcom b43 wlan devices  3  nobody
 545   265  RFP firetable  686790  An iptables firewall management script, written in PHP  0  nobody
 546   265  O loadwatch  1047904  Run a program using only idle cycles  22  nobody
 547   265  RFP php-maximebf-debugbar  1005283  debug bar in the browser with information from php  0  nobody
 548   265  RFP php-amphp-dns  1011332  provides asynchronous DNS resolution for PHP based on Amp  0  nobody
 549   265  RFP php-svg-sanitize  1005330  SVG sanitizer for PHP  0  nobody
 550   265  RFP php-alek13-slack  1004918  PHP package for Slack  0  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!