Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 1   1,549  O ruli  873550  Library for easily querying DNS SRV records - development f…  134  nobody
 2   2,561  O convlit  869299  convert Microsoft Reader .LIT files to HTML  503  nobody
 3   2,496  O rhash-bindings  876751  LibRHash hash sums calculation library  0  nobody
 4   2,561  O xgammon  869298  Implementation of backgammon under X  138  nobody
 5   1,286  O pidgin-privacy-please  833979  plugin for enhanced privacy in pidgin  183  nobody
 6   311  O wondershaper  848571  Easy to use traffic shaping script  414  nobody
 7   2,603  O tercpp  864587  Translation Error Rate scoring tool - development files  13  nobody
 8   683  O java2html  741278  Highlight Java and C++ sources for WWW presentation  57  nobody
 9   3,549  O mpdtoys  768518  small command line tools and toys for MPD  62  nobody
 10   3,315  O visual-regexp  790479  Interactively debug regular expressions  100  nobody
 11   2,929  O gnomad2  826094  Manage a Creative Labs Nomad Jukebox  31  nobody
 12   2,370  O guilt  834848  quilt for git; similar to Mercurial queues  40  nobody
 13   2,630  O hearse  862642  exchange Nethack bones files with other players  75  nobody
 14   2,774  O poc-streamer  849053  MP3/Ogg multicast/HTTP streamer and MP3 cutting tool  74  nobody
 15   3,203  O docbook-xsl-saxon  802373  Java extensions for use with DocBook XML stylesheets (Saxon)  109  nobody
 16   5,379  O xchain  554285  A strategy game for 2-4 players  80  nobody
 17   527  O libapache2-mod-authz-unixgroup  673654  access control based on unix group membership for Apache  144  nobody
 18   4,115  O spamprobe  705824  Bayesian spam filter  577  nobody
 19   3,820  O swish++  738474  Simple Document Indexing System for Humans: C++ version  662  nobody
 20   3,619  O jgraph  759731  Jim Plank's program for producing PostScript graphs  136  nobody
 21   1,968  O docbook5-xml  802377  standard XML documentation system for software and systems  453  nobody
 22   3,355  O guessnet  786398  Guess which LAN a network device is connected to  66  nobody
 23   2,975  O libiec61883  826285  partial implementation of IEC 61883  128,030  nobody
 24   2,995  O cpu  818629  console based LDAP user management tool  75  nobody
 25   2,930  O rdiff-backup-fs  831722  Fuse filesystem for accessing rdiff-backup archives  164  nobody
 26   2,893  O scid-spell-data  835313  contains spelling corrections for scid chess databases  33  nobody
 27   2,789  O search-ccsb  847244  BibTeX search tool  30  nobody
 28   771  O fspy  866825  filesystem activity monitoring tool  32  nobody
 29   2,789  O search-citeseer  847243  BibTeX search tool  34  nobody
 30   602  O prototypejs  863697  JavaScript Framework for dynamic web applications  3,374  nobody
 31   1,572  O django-notification  737293  user notification management for Django  11  nobody
 32   1,590  O mrtg-ping-probe  561919  Ping probe for MRTG 2.x  62  nobody
 33   4,774  O pidgin-audacious  632411  pidgin integration with Audacious  74  nobody
 34   4,906  O awffull  581365  web server log analysis program  343  nobody
 35   4,449  O leds-alix  673960  Source for the LEDs driver of PCEngines ALIX 2/3 boards  9  nobody
 36   4,742  O autoclass  636406  automatic classification or clustering  107  nobody
 37   2,787  O pwauth  673652  authenticator for mod_authnz_external and the Apache HTTP D…  400  nobody
 38   47  O idesk  694605  Program to show icons on the desktop  117  nobody
 39   3,816  O signify  738884  Automatic, semi-random ".signature" rotator/generator  57  nobody
 40   2,875  O tvtime  728576  television display application  172  nobody
 41   3,112  O liwc  768832  Tools for manipulating C source code  54  nobody
 42   3,631  O xbuffy  757599  monitor mailboxes and/or newsgroups  555  nobody
 43   3,116  O gfxboot  756089  tool to test and create graphical boot logos  186  nobody
 44   2,227  O topgit  777667  a Git patch queue manager  34  nobody
 45   2,459  O cronolog  782432  Logfile rotator for web servers  176  nobody
 46   2,566  O docbook-defguide  802364  DocBook: The Definitive Guide  266  nobody
 47   2,995  O libdv  814889  software library for DV format digital video  121,840  nobody
 48   2,931  O apt-xapian-index  813201  maintenance and search tools for a Xapian index of Debian p…  5,882  nobody
 49   2,930  O gpsman  831683  GPS data graphical manager  269  nobody
 50   2,603  O picprog  864585  Microchip PIC serial programmer software  39  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!