Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

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ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #  Project  ##  Description
 1  fontdiff  906099  tool for finding visual differences between two font versio…
 2  fontedit  962120  edit fonts as byte arrays for use in embedded systems
 3  fonts-ambrosia  918821  An old Art Nouveau font
 4  fonts-autonym  729859  A font that can render all language autonyms
 5  fonts-churchslavonic  844985  This package provides OpenType and TrueType fonts for Churc…
 6  fonts-fira  724629  sans-serif font family released with FirefoxOS
 7  fonts-genericons  844624  vector icons embedded in a webfont
 8  fonts-labiryntowy-0.4  749787  Font looking like a maze
 9  fonts-mntch-script  966809  Open-source font for barcodes on Linux
 10  fonts-neucha  1009729  A sans serif font available on Google Fonts
 11  fonts-new-athena-unicode  723009  Multilingual font distributed by the American Philological …
 12  fonts-old-hungarian  908817  Font for Old Hungarian (Rovásírás)
 13  fonts-overpass  1028019  Font family inspired by Highway Gothic
 14  fonts-parmaite  780681  Tengwar TrueType font
 15  fonts-pompiere  803690  a playful script font
 16  fonts-recursive  944202  Recursive Mono & Sans variable font family
 17  fonts-sahl-naskh  739504  a fork of Droid Arabic Naskh font
 18  fonts-selawik  858758  font family metrics-compatible with Microsoft Segoe UI
 19  fonts-sil-douloscipher  801778  Cipher Music Notation font
 20  fonts-sil-unicodebmpfallback  801777  debugging font for Unicode Basic Multilingual Plane
 21  fonts-sono  977271  soft monospace variable font
 22  fonts-source-code-pro  736681  set of fonts designed to work well in GUI
 23  fonts-source-han-sans  755382  A sans-serif Pan-CJK font family that is offered in seven w…
 24  fonts-source-serif-pro  750450  set of serif OpenType fonts designed to complement Source S…
 25  fonts-tuladhajejeg  780482  Javanese smart Unicode fonts
 26  fonts-weather-icons  1065402  font with 222 weather themed icons
 27  font-ttf-scripts-perl  614917  TTF font support scripts for Perl
 28  monobit  1062438  tools for working with monochrome bitmap fonts
 29  nafe  485455  toolset for editing psf format consolefonts
 30  psftools  874548  PSF font tools
 31  pyftgl  701966  python bindings for the ftgl opengl font rendering library
 32  robofab  806512  library with objects deal with data associated with fonts a…
 33  siji  894413  iconic bitmap font to use on status bars
 34  smith  860155  fonts and keyboards build and test framework
 35  ssfn  964424  Scalable Screen Font, a bitmap and vector font renderer
 36  ttf2woff  830797  Converter from TrueType and OpenType fonts to the WOFF form…
 37  twemoji-color-font  831512  Twitter Color Emoji SVGinOT Font
 38  twemoji-mozilla  881475  Twitter Emoji font in

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!