Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 301   2,177  ITP node-global-dirs  880061  Uses the same resolution logic as npm and yarn  0  Vysakh Dileep
 302   2,179  ITP node-any-observable  877138  Support any Observable library and polyfill  0  Pirate Praveen
 303   949  ITP chmdeco  415700  Compiled HTML Help (CHM) decompiler  0  Paul Wise
 304   1,378  ITP webext-librejs  659348  browser plugin to block non-free JS  0  John Scott
 305   2,177  ITP node-write-file-stdout  881237  Write to a file, falling back to stdout  0  Pirate Praveen
 306   2,178  ITP node-log-symbols  881238  Colored symbols for various log levels. Example: ✔︎ Success  0  Pirate Praveen
 307   1,694  ITP libweasel-driver-selenium2-perl  877752  Weasel driver wrapping Selenium::Remote::Driver  0  Robert James Clay
 308   2,328  ITP node-vue-template-es2015-compiler  879625  Post compiler for Vue template render functions to support …  0  Pirate Praveen
 309   2,357  ITP pyspeckit  881699  toolkit for fitting and manipulating spectroscopic data in …  0  Vincent Prat
 310   2,352  ITP elpa-alert  882111  Growl-style notification system for Emacs  0  James Richardson
 311   2,179  ITP node-object.pick  882619  Returns a filtered copy of an object  0  Julien Puydt
 312   2,363  ITP coreos-dex  879562  OpenID Connect Identity (OIDC) and OAuth 2.0 Provider with …  0  Michael Stapelberg
 313   2,050  ITP brahma  881517  Tower of Brahma (Tower of Hanoi) game for console  0  Nandakumar Edamana
 314   2,135  ITP kgraphviewer  675033  KGraphViewer is a GraphViz dot graph viewer for KDE 5  0  Simon Quigley
 315   2,366  ITP node-bin-version  880932  Get the version of a binary in semver format  0  Ross Gammon
 316   1,856  ITP yamljs.js  882090  JavaScript YAML 1.2 Parser & Encoder  0  Andreas Moog
 317   2,286  ITP node-react-dev-utils  886215  Webpack utilities used by Create React App  0  Pirate Praveen
 318   2,296  ITP node-rmrf  887006  no-BS synchronous rm -rf for node.js.  0  Stuart Reinhild
 319   2,296  ITP node-npm-registry-client  887121  It handles all the caching and HTTP calls.  0  Manas kashyap
 320   900  ITP pycam  600779  CAM program & Python library for generating toolpaths  6
 321   131  ITP ruby-vite-ruby  1059047  Vite.js in Ruby, bringing joy to people's JavaScript experi…  0  Ananthu C V
 322   2,263  ITP frontaccounting  884952  web-based double entry accounting and ERP program  0  Janusz Dobrowolski
 323   235  ITP node-normalize-url  886873  Normalize a URL - Node.js module  0  Paolo Greppi
 324   2,178  ITP node-es-to-primitive  887133  ECMAScript “ToPrimitive” algorithm. Provides ES5 and ES6 ve…  0  Pirate Praveen
 325   2,326  ITP dokuwiki-plugin-graphviz  884494  Create directed and non-directed graph images  0  Maarten Horden
 326   2,306  ITP filter-other-days  886310  filter logfiles for today's date in an Artificial Ignorance…  0  AJ Jordan
 327   1,186  ITP node-gulp-header  884832  Gulp extension for adding  0  Jirawat I.
 328   2,179  ITP node-is-installed-globally  883165  Check if your nodejs package was installed globally  0  Pirate Praveen
 329   2,323  ITP pypostal  884732  Python bindings to libpostal for fast international addres…  0  Andrew Shadura
 330   2,301  ITP python-openapi-codec  886789  An OpenAPI codec for Core API  0  =?utf-8?q?Pierre-Elliott_B=C3…
 331   2,179  ITP node-dotenv  883250  Loads environment variables from .env file  0  Pirate Praveen
 332   1,694  ITP node-babel-plugin-transform-inline-im…  886844  Babel plugin that lazily transforms ES2015 modules to Commo…  0  Paolo Greppi
 333   2,312  ITP node-sleep-promise  885718  Resolves a promise after a specified delay  0  Sruthi Chandran
 334   2,334  ITP python-icinga2api  883776  Python library for the Icinga 2 RESTful API  0  Tobias von der Krone
 335   1,286  ITP retroshare  659069  Friend-to-friend network client for secure messaging and fi…  8  Cyril Soler
 336   1,243  ITP motor  358614  ncurses based IDE  2  Witherking25
 337   2,125  ITP curses-apt-key  675187  Text-mode key manager for apt-key  6  Axel Beckert
 338   2,282  ITP libretime  888687  online platform for hosting your own radio station  0  Kyle Robbertze
 339   2,261  ITP node-fill-keys  890682  FILL KEYS in a destination that are defined on the source  0  PAVITHRA
 340   2,273  ITP ldmud  889784  LPC mud driver (non-free)  0  Richard James Salts
 341   2,063  ITP dream  691685  A Software Digital Radio Mondiale (DRM) receiver  1  GMiller
 342   1,482  ITP galaxy-lib  890061  Subset of Galaxy core code base designed to be used  0  Debian Med team
 343   2,273  ITP editorconfig-gedit  889696  EditorConfig support for GEdit  0  Ben Finney
 344   2,287  ITP jasp  887598  Offers standard analysis procedures in both their classical…  0  Joris Goosen
 345   2,291  ITP node-postcss-zindex  887705  Reduce z-index values with PostCSS  0  Pirate Praveen
 346   546  ITP xfce4-calculator-plugin  850459  calculator plugin for the Xfce4 panel  4  Akbarkhon Variskhanov
 347   2,267  ITP jnacl  890222  Pure Java implementation of the NaCl: Networking and Crypto…  0  tony mancill
 348   2,050  ITP minieap  888474  Extensible 802.1x client  0  GengYu Rao
 349   2,253  ITP irda-dkms  891502  IrDA subsystem and device drivers  0  Christopher Schramm
 350   2,262  ITP node-figures  890687  Returns the input with replaced fallback unicode symbols on…  1  Vysakh Dileep

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!