Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 5301   1,363  ITP xplayer-pl-parser  968861  xplayer playlist parser  0  Joshua Peisach
 5302   777  ITP xpra-html5  1008226  HTML5 client for Xpra  107  Thomas Koch
 5303   2,642  RFP xprofile  685454  a profile manager for different driver configurations  0  nobody
 5304   1,964  RFP xrandr-invert-colors  917775  xrandr-invert-colors  0  nobody
 5305   616  ITP xreader  958981  A generic document reader  35  Hugo Ziviani
 5306   2,243  ITP xserver-xorg-video-fbturbo  760025  X.Org X server -- fbturbo display driver  176  Dominik George
 5307   33  RFP xserver-xorg-video-psb  533450  Xorg Graphics driver for Intel Poulsbo chipset (GMA 500)  0  nobody
 5308   2,102  ITP xserver-xorg-video-sunffb  906056  X.Org X server -- Sun FFB display driver  2  Gregor Riepl
 5309   105  ITP xsf-xmpp-xeps  1062463  XMPP Extension Protocols (XEPs)  0  Martin
 5310   367  ITP xsocs  949590  Automatic analysis of 5D sets of data  1  Alexandre Marie
 5311   84  RFP xsqlite  1064466  forensic analysis of SQLite database files  0  nobody
 5312   1,275  RFP xsuspender  975103  Automatically suspend inactive X11 applications.  4  nobody
 5313   636  RFP xsv  1017687  fast CSV command line toolkit  2  nobody
 5314   2,281  RFP xtuple-web  742996  web and mobile access to PostBooks  0  nobody
 5315   2,862  RFP xubuntu-artwork  831421  Xubuntu themes and artwork  1  nobody
 5316   2,081  ITP xul-ext-cardbook  881379  Thunderbird address book based  0  Minkush Jain
 5317   2,663  RFP xul-ext-dnssec  672845  DNSSEC validator  0  nobody
 5318   2,221  RFP xul-ext-mail-redirect  772674  Redirect mail to other recipients  0  nobody
 5319   2,578  RFP xul-ext-pencil  628285  GUI prototyping and diagram tool  0  nobody
 5320   2,671  RFP xul-ext-quicklocaleswitcher  852179  browser plugin to switch language (for UI, spell checker, w…  0  nobody
 5321   2,701  RFP xul-ext-sqlite-manager  617762  manage SQLite databases  0  nobody
 5322   2,275  RFP xviewer  830615  GTK Image viewer program for the XApps project  29  nobody
 5323   2,408  RFP xviewer-plugins  830625  Set of plugins for xviewer.  28  nobody
 5324   3,063  RFP yaafe  741854  audio features extraction library  0  nobody
 5325   1,052  RFP yabridge  990448  A modern and transparent way to use Windows VST2 and VST3 p…  0  nobody
 5326   421  RFP yabsm  1033296  a btrfs snapshot manager and backup system  0  nobody
 5327   3,370  RFP yacreader  755731  Yet another comic reader  43  nobody
 5328   1,414  RFP yacy  452422  distributed web crawler and search engine  8  nobody
 5329   3,102  RFP yaf  794350  a network packet flowmeter tool with ipfix support  0  nobody
 5330   2,199  RFP yakyak  831765  Desktop client for Google Hangouts  19  nobody
 5331   1,874  ITP yamljs.js  882090  JavaScript YAML 1.2 Parser & Encoder  0  Andreas Moog
 5332   1,915  ITP yarock  920688  A music player in c++/Qt designed to provide a clean, simpl…  2
 5333   3,594  RFP yasr-js  753349  Javascript library for visualization of SPARQL results  0  nobody
 5334   280  ITP yass  1043399  Yet Another Shadow Socket is client-server model based and …  1  Chilledheart
 5335   1,462  RFP yawls  792858  Adjust the brightness level of your display by using the in…  0  nobody
 5336   2,324  RFP yaze  877235  Yet Another Z80 Emulator  0  nobody
 5337   1,615  RFP yeroth-erp-alert-3-0  946360  alert system for yeroth-erp  0  nobody
 5338   3,580  RFP yetris  706077  customizable Tetris(tm) on the console  0  nobody
 5339   2,066  RFP yices2  864786  satisfiability modulo theory solver by SRI  2  nobody
 5340   443  RFP yii  597899  Yii is a high-performance PHP framework best for developing…  0  nobody
 5341   3,063  RFP yle-dl  746645  downloader of media files from YLE  1  nobody
 5342   3,159  RFP ympd  767134  Standalone MPD web GUI  0  nobody
 5343   3,580  RFP yoda  707034  Yet more Objects for Data Analysis  0  nobody
 5344   2,413  RFP yofrankie  497859  Yo Frankie is a project by the blender foundation to create…  1  nobody
 5345   2,125  RFP you-get/0.4.1025  891074  command-line utility to download media contents (videos, au…  0  nobody
 5346   3,454  RFP youtube-cli  724801  command-line client for YouTube'  0  nobody
 5347   2,621  RFP youtube-upload  695567  upload videos to YouTube from the command-line  0  nobody
 5348   1,071  ITP yugabyte-db  989673  The high-performance distributed SQL database for global, i…  0  Mikhail Bautin
 5349   3  ITP yyjson  972804  A high performance JSON library written in ANSI C.  0
 5350   967  ITP zabbix-api  923870  implementation of the Zabbix API in Python  0  Bas Zoetekouw

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!