Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 5351   301  RFP zap  1041390  ZAP is Zigbee Cluster Library configuration tool and genera…  4  nobody
 5352   2,208  RFP zaproxy  897142  Testing tool for finding vulnerabilities in web applications  19  nobody
 5353   2,495  RFP zathura-mupdf  731447  mupdf backend for zathura  0  nobody
 5354   2,515  RFP zbase32  818987  Human-oriented encoding for binary data  0  nobody
 5355   2,602  RFP zcash  842388  an implementation of the "Zerocash" protocol  36  nobody
 5356   88  ITP zellij  1064050  a terminal workspace with batteries included  4  Arturo Borrero Gonzalez
 5357   454  RFP zenoss  361253  infrastructure monitoring and management system  0  nobody
 5358   1,460  RFP zeronet  850474  Decentralized websites using Bitcoin crypto and BitTorrent …  0  nobody
 5359   995  RFP zerotier-one  886569  ZeroTier network virtualization service  1,398  nobody
 5360   1,460  RFP zesarux  749573  ZX Spectrum emulator  0  nobody
 5361   3,061  RFP zetacoin  773295  P2P network based digital currency with fast confirmations  0  nobody
 5362   2,026  ITP zeyple  902309  Automatically encrypt outgoing emails  0  Zebulon McCorkle
 5363   1,271  ITP zfs-linux-git  891890  zfsonlinux packaging tracking git master  0
 5364   116  ITP zig  995670  General-purpose programming language and toolchain for main…  17  Nick Hastings
 5365   1,305  ITP zig-game  972399  A fast paced, retro style, 2D vector arcade game with 50 le…  0  Ben Campbell
 5366   1,038  ITP zipkin  990941  Distributed tracing system  0  Jelmer Vernooij
 5367   2,460  RFP zjump  807868  Jump to frequent directories matching regex  0  nobody
 5368   12  ITP zlib-ng  1002056  optimized zlib compression library  0  Guillem Jover
 5369   520  ITP zola  976052  static site generator  40  Jonas Smedegaard
 5370   2,787  RFP zorba  795775  NoSQL Query Processing  0  nobody
 5371   3,346  RFP zotero-dataserver  709925  dataserver for the zotero client  0  nobody
 5372   603  ITP zpaqfranz  1019139  Swiss army knife for backup and disaster recovery  1  Franco Corbelli
 5373   1,926  RFP zpui  871830  ZeroPhone UI framework  0  nobody
 5374   2,798  RFP zramswap-enabler  648249  Start/Stop swapping to zram  0  nobody
 5375   1,314  ITP zsh-completions  849878  Additional completion  19  Georgy Komarov
 5376   915  ITP zsh-histdb  998883  scalable command history with git versioning and sync acros…  0  Daniel Gröber
 5377   1,558  RFP zsh-history-substring-search  950906  ZSH port of Fish history search (up arrow)  2  nobody
 5378   2,714  RFP zuki-themes  834278  Zuki themes for GNOME, Xfce, and more  1  nobody
 5379   2,435  RFP zulip-server  800052  group chat for teams  0  nobody
 5380   2,289  RFP zuul  705844  zuul - a project gating system  0  nobody
 5381   1,460  RFP zyn-fusion  916217  new user interface for ZynAddSubFX  1  nobody
 5382   2,616  RFP zz-bulletin  793173  Open source, Elegant, Powerful Forums.  0  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!