Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 51   835  ITP tvheadend  1004786  TV streaming server and recorder  312  Henry-Nicolas Tourneur
 52   833  RFP duplicati  969188  user-friendly remote, encrypted, incremental backups; capab…  306  nobody
 53   1,188  RFP jitsi-meet  760485  WebRTC video conferencing application  299  nobody
 54   360  RFP freeswitch  389591  Modular Media Switching Software Library and Soft-Switch Ap…  290  nobody
 55   1,144  RFP metasploit-framework  323420  Framework platform to find,  289  nobody
 56   1,719  RFP megacmd  939318  a command line client for  264  nobody
 57   130  RFP carla  798490  audio plugin host supporting LADSPA, DSSI,LV2, VST2/3 and A…  254  nobody
 58   1,086  RFP ganttproject  436792  Gantt chart based project  253  nobody
 59   900  RFP openhab  1000817  Vendor and technology agnostic home automation software  242  nobody
 60   943  ITP fs-uae-launcher  996769  Launcher and configuration program for FS-UAE  237  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
 61   1,303  ITP urbackup-server  905234  easy to setup backup system (server)  234  Roberto Lumbreras
 62   836  ITP cassandra  585905  highly scalable distributed datastore  233
 63   3,197  RFP projectlibre  548399  Project management solution  206  nobody
 64   3,276  RFP virtualgl  673426  Toolkit for displaying OpenGL applications to thin clients  203  nobody
 65   216  RFP graphmonkey  311951  a GTK#-based graphic calculator  202  nobody
 66   3,455  RFP dive  726779  A tool to start processes employing some advanced Linux fea…  201  nobody
 67   1,462  RFP gzdoom  609352  Enhanced Doom engine  200  nobody
 68   1,111  RFP browsh  903961  Fully interactive, realtime, and modern text-based browser  195  nobody
 69   1,111  RFP infamous-plugins  987979  Infamous Plugins is a collection of open-source LV2 plugins  192  nobody
 70   1,226  ITP woeusb  869875  Bootable USB Storage Creator for Windows Installer/PE  189  林博仁
 71   2,460  RFP pfring  793098  PF_RING is a high-speed packet capture, filtering and analy…  188  nobody
 72   328  ITP ulauncher  949358  Universal launcher  184
 73   1,348  ITP python-calmjs.types  969892  types for the calmjs framework  179  Thomas Goirand
 74   942  ITP conda  926416  OS-agnostic, system-level binary package manager and ecosys…  176  Andreas Tille
 75   2,244  ITP xserver-xorg-video-fbturbo  760025  X.Org X server -- fbturbo display driver  176  Dominik George
 76   164  RFP bottom  1057332  system monitoring widgets  174  nobody
 77   183  ITP atuin  1036165  Rich shell history using a SQLite database with optional en…  166  Blair Noctis
 78   2,568  RFP heroku  862012  Client library and CLI to deploy apps on Heroku  164  nobody
 79   495  ITP cvmfs  1016722  The CernVM File System  162  Yachen Wang
 80   971  RFP google-drive-ocamlfuse  784986  FUSE filesystem over Google Drive  161  nobody
 81   514  RFP du-dust  1016605  tool to get an instant overview of which directories are us…  159  nobody
 82   371  RFP wezterm  993625  A GPU-accelerated cross-platform terminal emulator in rust  157  nobody
 83   3,064  RFP aften  681730  ATSC A/52 (AC3 audio) encoder  156  nobody
 84   543  ITP fiat  1024551  Fortran IFS and Arpege Toolkit  155  Alastair McKinstry
 85   391  ITP session-manager-plugin  1034749  This plugin helps you to use the AWS Command Line Interface…  151  Damian Szuberski
 86   1,347  RFP new-session-manager  965068  Assists music production by grouping standalone programs in…  147  nobody
 87   1,224  RFP cri-o  979702  Lightweight container runtime for Kubernetes  143  nobody
 88   247  ITP mint-themes  842335  A collection of Mint themes  142
 89   2,171  RFP bluegriffon  637454  Next Generation WYSIWYG HTML editor based on Gecko  141  nobody
 90   604  RFP osquery  803502  operating system instrumentation framework  140  nobody
 91   605  RFP jpilot  1020381  GUI app to view & edit your old Palm device's data  140  nobody
 92   573  ITP mint-x-icons  1022236  Mint-X icon theme  139  Fabio Fantoni
 93   326  RFP minio  859207  Cloud storage server compatible with Amazon S3  137  nobody
 94   746  ITP makedeb  998039  A simplicity-focused packaging tool for Debian archives  136  Leo Puvilland
 95   154  ITP bazel  979846  Tool to automate software builds and tests  133  Olek Wojnar
 96   596  RFP deadbeef  576975  Ultimate Music Player  132  nobody
 97   316  ITP prismlauncher  861615  FOSS Minecraft launcher supporting multiple instances and a…  128  Ben Westover
 98   1,976  RFP oomox  865621  Graphical application for generating different  127  nobody
 99   1,227  ITP sfizz  977993  SFZ parser and synth c++ library  121  Olivier Humbert
 100   1,256  ITP bluej  585696  integrated Java environment  121

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!