Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs 
 351   2,281  ITP node-callsites  890695  Get callsites from the V8 stack trace API  0 
 352   2,281  ITP node-textextensions  890707  Array of text file extensions  0 
 353   2,086  ITP mmm  907705  minimalistic media manager  0 
 354   1,317  ITP zsh-completions  849878  Additional completion  19 
 355   1,573  ITP opendronemap  891583  A toolkit for processing aerial drone imagery  0 
 356   1,525  ITP devpi-client  896096  PyPI server and packaging/testing/release tool - Command-li…  0 
 357   1,902  ITP loomio-installer  894722  install loomio collaborative  0 
 358   1,997  ITP libopencm3  691349  firmware library for ARM Cortex-M3 and  0 
 359   2,112  ITP node-agentkeepalive  890692  http.Agent for having keepalive mode in http requests  0 
 360   2,117  ITP conbuilder  892612  container-based package builder for  0 
 361   990  ITP libhsts  893162  library for checking HSTS preload list  0 
 362   2,232  ITP golang-github-linuxdeepin-go-gir-gene…  895231  Go bindings of GObject/Gtk libraries  0 
 363   755  ITP aiohttp-swagger  892495  Swagger API Documentation builder for aiohttp server  0 
 364   755  ITP swagger-ui  895422  Collection of assets to dynamically generate documentation  0 
 365   928  ITP bsearch  894614  A simple utility for searching a sorted file for lines that…  0 
 366   1,888  ITP node-npm-packlist  895202  Get a list of the files to add from a folder into an npm pa…  0 
 367   1,525  ITP devpi-web  896097  PyPI server and packaging/testing/release tool - Web and se…  0 
 368   2,069  ITP deeponiond  899363  DeepOniond is a daemon package DeepOnion Blockchain.  0 
 369   2,174  ITP node-svgpath  900770  Low level transforms on svg path element  0 
 370   2,178  ITP ruby-fileutils  900515  Ruby gem providing a namespace for several file utility met…  0 
 371   2,173  ITP rake-ant  900842  Ant tasks and integration for Rake under JRuby  0 
 372   1,966  ITP cubeviz  898346  Data analysis package for data cubes  0 
 373   2,219  ITP ruby-goldiloader  896469  Automatically eager loads Rails associations as association…  0 
 374   2,089  ITP node-file-cache-simple  896936  simple file key/value cache for Node.js  0 
 375   941  ITP barebox  900958  bootloader and its host tools  0 
 376   2,208  ITP uniform  897433  system-wide unified form  0 
 377   2,236  ITP deepin-system-monitor  870447  a more user-friendly system monitor.  8 
 378   2,221  ITP servo-hdctools  896111  Chrome OS Hardware Debug & Control Tools  0 
 379   1,464  ITP grub-loopback-iso  693774  Boot a compatible loopback ISO from GRUB 2  0 
 380   2,171  ITP node-microbuffer  901055  Light implementation of binary buffer  0 
 381   2,155  ITP kadnode  900583  decentralized DynDNS alternative  0 
 382   1,045  ITP dde-session-ui  871973  dde-session-ui module for Deepin  9 
 383   2,207  ITP amos  897441  modular whole genome assembler  0 
 384   2,031  ITP libmpsse  869389  SPI/I2C control via FTDI chips  4 
 385   636  ITP pw-dashohoxha  903814  A simple command-line password manager  0 
 386   2,157  ITP node-exeunt  902070  exiting a node.js process *and flushing stdout and stderr*  0 
 387   2,157  ITP node-koa-bodyparser  902075  Body parser for koa  0 
 388   2,157  ITP node-crypt3  902065  Binding of crypt(3) for Node.js  0 
 389   2,375  ITP node-replacestream  881623  Node.js search and replace stream  1 
 390   1,932  ITP node-p-try  901531  Starts a promise chain  0 
 391   2,157  ITP node-promised-ldap  902095  Promise wrapper over node-ldapjs  0 
 392   2,157  ITP node-resolve-path  902092  Resolve a relative path against a root path with validation  0 
 393   2,157  ITP node-only  902091  Function to return whitelisted properties of an object  0 
 394   987  ITP node-destroy  901973  Node.js stream destruction utility, with quirk handling  0 
 395   2,157  ITP node-http-assert  902066  Assert with status codes  0 
 396   2,157  ITP node-pedding  902082  Just pedding for callback.  0 
 397   369  ITP tvb-framework  901868  The complete framework for running The Virtual brain  0 
 398   116  ITP sigal  879239  Simple Static Gallery Generator  2 
 399   2,157  ITP node-is-type-of  902074  Complete type checking for Node.js  0 
 400   386  ITP muacrypt  914807  Autocrypt encryption for mail agents  0 

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!