Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs 
 301   2,198  ITP node-nanomatch  882655  Glob matcher for node.js  0 
 302   2,399  ITP myetherwallet  879245  client-side tool for the Ethereum network  0 
 303   969  ITP chmdeco  415700  Compiled HTML Help (CHM) decompiler  0 
 304   214  ITP node-prettier  879665  Prettier is an opinionated code formatter  0 
 305   1,714  ITP libpherkin-extension-weasel-perl  877796  Pherkin extension for web-testing  0 
 306   2,083  ITP xul-ext-cardbook  881379  Thunderbird address book based  0 
 307   2,372  ITP elpa-mu4e-alert  882084  Desktop notifications and modeline display for mu4e.  0 
 308   2,197  ITP node-gather-stream  881244  Gather a stream, callback with buffer (or error) when done  0 
 309   2,154  ITP kgraphviewer  675033  KGraphViewer is a GraphViz dot graph viewer for KDE 5  0 
 310   2,347  ITP node-vue-template-es2015-compiler  879625  Post compiler for Vue template render functions to support …  0 
 311   2,198  ITP node-reduce-css-calc  881165  Reduce CSS calc() function to the maximum  0 
 312   2,385  ITP raindrop  880916  Vertical-scrolling rhythm game (VSRG) engine that supports …  0 
 313   2,198  ITP node-object.pick  882619  Returns a filtered copy of an object  0 
 314   919  ITP pycam  600779  CAM program & Python library for generating toolpaths  6 
 315   2,069  ITP brahma  881517  Tower of Brahma (Tower of Hanoi) game for console  0 
 316   2,379  ITP nekojishi  881466  Interactive visual novel with furries and Taiwanese cultures  0 
 317   1,876  ITP yamljs.js  882090  JavaScript YAML 1.2 Parser & Encoder  0 
 318   458  ITP node-aws-sdk  887374  the official AWS SDK for JavaScript, available for browsers…  0 
 319   150  ITP ruby-vite-ruby  1059047  Vite.js in Ruby, bringing joy to people's JavaScript experi…  0 
 320   2,112  ITP node-humanize-ms  884297  transform humanize time to ms  0 
 321   2,316  ITP node-npm-registry-client  887121  It handles all the caching and HTTP calls.  0 
 322   2,352  ITP journalwatch  883887  Simple log monitoring utility for the systemd journal  0 
 323   2,325  ITP node-react-error-overlay  886234  overlay for displaying stack frames  0 
 324   254  ITP node-normalize-url  886873  Normalize a URL - Node.js module  0 
 325   2,327  ITP workalendar  886223  Worldwide holidays and working days helper and toolkit  0 
 326   2,345  ITP dokuwiki-plugin-graphviz  884494  Create directed and non-directed graph images  0 
 327   2,229  ITP node-raphael  885874  JavaScript library to work with vector graphics  0 
 328   1,305  ITP retroshare  659069  Friend-to-friend network client for secure messaging and fi…  8 
 329   1,205  ITP node-gulp-header  884832  Gulp extension for adding  0 
 330   2,144  ITP curses-apt-key  675187  Text-mode key manager for apt-key  6 
 331   2,342  ITP pypostal  884732  Python bindings to libpostal for fast international addres…  0 
 332   2,320  ITP python-openapi-codec  886789  An OpenAPI codec for Core API  0 
 333   254  ITP node-responselike  887165  Response-like object for mocking a Node.js HTTP response st…  0 
 334   2,083  ITP dream  691685  A Software Digital Radio Mondiale (DRM) receiver  1 
 335   1,262  ITP motor  358614  ncurses based IDE  2 
 336   2,354  ITP python-icinga2api  883776  Python library for the Icinga 2 RESTful API  0 
 337   2,330  ITP node-init-package-json  885924  A node module to get your node module started.  0 
 338   2,198  ITP node-eve-raphael  885716  Simple custom events  0 
 339   2,301  ITP libretime  888687  online platform for hosting your own radio station  0 
 340   2,312  ITP pico2wave  887527  command line text-to-speech converter  0 
 341   2,280  ITP node-fill-keys  890682  FILL KEYS in a destination that are defined on the source  0 
 342   2,292  ITP ldmud  889784  LPC mud driver (non-free)  0 
 343   2,311  ITP node-postcss-unique-selectors  887698  Ensure CSS selectors are unique  0 
 344   1,573  ITP webodm  890611  Application for drone image processing  0 
 345   2,307  ITP jasp  887598  Offers standard analysis procedures in both their classical…  0 
 346   2,289  ITP node-node-fetch-npm  888475  A light-weight module that brings window.fetch to Node.js  0 
 347   2,280  ITP node-js-string-escape  890684  Escape strings for use as JavaScript string literals  0 
 348   2,302  ITP randrctl  888622  Profile based screen manager for X  0 
 349   2,069  ITP minieap  888474  Extensible 802.1x client  0 
 350   1,950  ITP bitfield-decoder  911575  a tool for decoding register values  0 

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!